THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7


Give a shot at making some of your own stuff. You'd be surprised what can be done with a bit of effort and how good it is.

Old dogs? New tricks?
I dunno.....:dontknow:

Well guys i know i have been half here...


I will take the other half now.

G night my fellow T-nettians.

Off like a land speed record on a motorcycle... on a frozen lake.


C u n am.

Roger, we found out we had maple trees and tapped them for the first time 2 years ago. Then on Memorial Day 2 years ago, the tornadoes took every one out! Very depressed about it. Sugar maples are a little rare in these parts. I was told. It is the best ever. BuckIdgr made walnut syrup and another kind of tree. I can’t remember. Maybe just walnut. Any way, it produced less, and wasn’t quite as good, but still pretty doggone good! We haven’t scouted around because of all the damage. Not sure what we will be able to tap, if any. Maybe next year. I’m glad you got some. That syrup is way better than the stores. IMO.

We have bobcats. One was spotted in the big creek just south of town. Which is the same big creek that I look for goodies. Mr WD thought he seen one a year or so ago. I was in denial. These town folk were saying they seen them here 20 years ago , so they have been around. They’re just elusive. Well I hope I get to shoot one with the camera, but I will be carrying my bear spray just in case.

Painkiller by Judas Priest has literally been called the definition of Heavy Metal. The main riff is very well done, and is an instant classic for many metalheads.

Yes! I like the older albums...British steel, Ram it down, screaming for Vengeance.. I have just over 5000 albums (CD's and Itunes) but still find unheard of, little known bands. 1979-1984 I attended ALOT of concerts... Saxon, Priest, Crue, the cars Van Halen. SRV twice!!!!! AC/DC. Heart BOC, Dio, Ozzy...
I miss the 80's music.
No slipknot for me.

Any of you guys have maple trees ?..... Last Nov. I decided to tap one of ours in the back yard for maple syrup . My First time at this I only tapped 1 tree (18" Dia. 5 ft. above ground) As per Utube :)
A couple weeks ago I checked it out and had 2.5 quarts clear syrup in the container.
Brought it inside,filtered it, and boiled (reduced it) down to 40 to 1 ratio.( took about 3 hrs.)
Amazing ! This tastes as good if not better than store bought :)
So 2.5 qts. raw syrup only netted a few ozs....But Boy IT IS GOOD :)

IF you have trees. try it next year...I will !:)

Sap wasn't really running today as the night temps were 7C so the pressure was down. Yesterday I got 2 gallons out of 1 tap. The chickens have a tap on a small tree, provides a little treat if they care to sip.

We have between 325-350 sugar maples on the property. So no end to the sap and tapping if I want.
3 yrs ago I got 368 gallons of sap on the Easter Sunday. The temps were below zero then popped to 23C in the afternoon.
I had the 7ft evaporator going for 3 days basically and I got around 125 litres of syrup that year. 6 weeks of 10-12 hr days-oh retirement is fun.

Got my chicken door in today, the insulated one on the inside wall. I was looking for a deal on a ton of organic layer feed and the one mill just brings it in as the only have the one mill.
So back up to another mill to buy 2 1000lb totes. It'll save me $375 dollars so I'm happy with that.
I ordered 10 Turkey chicks today, they said $37.50 for 2 chicks. Buy 10 for $85.00 so the price point is get me 10! :laughing7: -so I'll be clicking the camera shutter on April 21st. More feed please!
So they will be a quick grower 14 weeks they'll be between 22-25 lbs for the hens, the Toms will be 27-30 lbs. We were not able to buy an organic turkey last xmas so this year I'll have some.

Exciting day for the Mrs and me for wildlife, 2 deer in our field-they high tailed back into the trees. The Blue Heron landed on the dock to say I'm back, then it got spooked and the two Otters popped up out of an air vent in the ice by the dock. they had a quick bit to eat, play, and the way they went. Darn Grackles are feeding at the feeder already.

Great day overall

Beautiful ! BUT, you gotta stop looking....and start Hunting :)

Sure... But then I need a salt water detector and unlike Florida, our winter storms can move a lot of sand. I have seen 5 feet deep sand banks moved in one storm. I guess on the plus side that could also uncover treasure! So I better stick to what I know... Gold prospecting!

Roger, we found out we had maple trees and tapped them for the first time 2 years ago. Then on Memorial Day 2 years ago, the tornadoes took every one out! Very depressed about it. Sugar maples are a little rare in these parts. I was told. It is the best ever. BuckIdgr made walnut syrup and another kind of tree. I can’t remember. Maybe just walnut. Any way, it produced less, and wasn’t quite as good, but still pretty doggone good! We haven’t scouted around because of all the damage. Not sure what we will be able to tap, if any. Maybe next year. I’m glad you got some. That syrup is way better than the stores. IMO.

Maple Syrup=$20 Qrt
Birch = $50-60
Walnut = $90-110 It what high end chefs want to use in the recipes.

Well explains why your humor is only "half" wit!

1/4 wit would be worse.....


If I'm going to wear a mask... It's going to be a bit strange!

IMG_7853 (2).webp

Stay safe Rook, hope they pass without any harm or damage. I'm kind of glad we have our cold/safe room 11x13 ft 6" solid walls above the ground only a foot or so showing, 5" pan on top. 6 ft of it is below grade. Steel door inside the house. Stocked with lots of food, one never knows when one will come along.

We have bobcats. One was spotted in the big creek just south of town. Which is the same big creek that I look for goodies. Mr WD thought he seen one a year or so ago. I was in denial. These town folk were saying they seen them here 20 years ago , so they have been around. They’re just elusive. Well I hope I get to shoot one with the camera, but I will be carrying my bear spray just in case.

Wait till you hear one screaming bloody murder!
Why they do I'm not aware of. Other than to make my hair stand on end.
Around forty years ago on the old farm I rented I heard the most awful screaming out back.
Thought I had someone's cat in a trap or something. Though it sounded too loud to be a cat....
Went out with a flashlight and a baseball bat to check my traps and.....Nothing.
By then I was almost convinced something horrible had happened in the woods. And walked quietly and gingerly back towards the lights of home with my head on a swivel, just waiting for an attack. L.o.l..

Roger, we found out we had maple trees and tapped them for the first time 2 years ago. Then on Memorial Day 2 years ago, the tornadoes took every one out! Very depressed about it. Sugar maples are a little rare in these parts. I was told. It is the best ever. BuckIdgr made walnut syrup and another kind of tree. I can’t remember. Maybe just walnut. Any way, it produced less, and wasn’t quite as good, but still pretty doggone good! We haven’t scouted around because of all the damage. Not sure what we will be able to tap, if any. Maybe next year. I’m glad you got some. That syrup is way better than the stores. IMO.
Sugar maples galore in NE Ohio... one city in Geauga even has a festival for it! I usually tap a few trees but I rarely boil it down, it's a lot of work and I'd rather just drink it!

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