Mornin all.
Still melting snow here.
It has cooled down so it's slowing.
Roughly half the ground is exposed here in the oaks.
Out in the open it's really scarce snow.
A few small flocks of Canadian geese been heading North. Down the road as in most springs they are setting up in a marshy pasture. Multiples yesterday starting to pair off.
Pretty soon they'll be claiming muskrat houses to nest on.
Maybe about the time spring peepers start trilling...Depending on the weather , a couple more weeks?
Melt is happening still, we had a low of 9C or 48F so it reduced the levels. Still white, ATV's are still bring the ice fishers out on the bay near the other end so it's still pretty of melt/thawing to happen yet.
Though the circles under the trees are widening and the temps are lovely. Max was laying in the sun and was very content soaking up the rays of sunshine.
Chicken seem to enjoy it more also, out and about, though the outside area is still fully covered in a blanket of snow-gate still needs to melt a good 6 inches before I could open it.
Went to start the then I remembered the pull start, forgot the first one in the spring one should be careful-full on rip out of the finger burn from the recoil.
It started right up on the second pull, which made life good. Went for a sloppy run to charge the battery up.
Chickens started to really lay in the boxes-then this morning it was where every they were at the moment the urge hit. Must be Easter egg hunting tricks to see if I can find them. Seriously on the top of the feed bag-really-under the layer box-beside the water dish-lazy, and right in front of the door-what's with that-you want an omelette?
Installing the new toilet in my bathroom today-should be an interesting project......time will tell with the first flush if all goes according to plan........Just water....not that brave.