THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Beautiful day today, things melting, chickens got a whole bunch of sun. Made a big pile of wood chips where the sun was streaming through the doorway.
2 roosters were in full mode having a great bath on one side, and the a line of hens on the otherside of the portion.
Well Bubbles new pen area doesn't really get any direct sun.
Going back a forth, hen doing the same I said well why not have her then.
I open his door he came out, she's on the otherwside of the opened gate. Well up walks Pips and Bubbles just went to town on her in a split second. She made a bit of a fuss, and this other hen came tearing over and nailed that rooster in the back of head so hard that he flew up, and by the time he landed the hens had all turned, he didn't know what hit him.:laughing7:
Funniest things one sees at times.

Morning TreasureNet Crew.

Hello and good morning everyone.

Did you get your 8 reale rusty ?? Cat wait to see it !!

Morning there folks

My video is starting to get some started to climb in views last week when it had 120 we are at 1500 in just a few days. Huh....never can figure out what makes something take off like that ??

I'm in the moving process too. I'll be trying to get my drivers license this week, and the same day, try to get hired as a security guard in W.Va. Today I packed up all of my WWII collection. Damn, am I deppressed about it. Next go the bottles, then the arrowheads, relics and coins. All a little bit at a time, preparing for when I do get out of here.

Morning Rusty

Just a query: Is this a temp. move or a permanent one-just that the part of "preparing for when I do get out of here" had me wonderinng.
It was often heard when one wanted to venture out in the world and start living by their own means.
Hope you'll have no issues in securing the final license-in it's self was a feeling of securing a ticket to go anywhere.

Good morning pirates and piratesses!

Busy morning, but I didn’t want to miss roll call.


GMorn, it’s rainy this morn. Several days in store the forecast says, I’m not joking, Denver is saying 40, not 4 or 14 inches of snow. ColoradoSprings said 5 feet? It’s the most I ever recall heard.
Really cool video Bart. How deep is water there? Guessing shallow-er because push pole platform over outboard.
When I was in high school we had a fun class called “drivers education” We had a school car that we got to drive when our turn and there was a 60’s era trailer house thing that had a movie screen and 8-10 car “stations” to practice driving. It was a riot. Also part of this class was....get ready.... Gun safety. Hunters education class. When the teacher and 3 were out driveing, our superintendent of schools took over we went and shot trap. Practice sighting in a scope. Cleaning your gun, Clean a harvest bird, deer, skin and flesh a raccoon and coyote. Trap a muskrat, trap a bobcat. It was a different world but way better, IMHO.
Have great day

WD 20 days yet?

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Just wondering if you've heard from Dave recently he's been awol for a few days.

I noticed that also ?? Perhaps some work/job related.....maybe he had an interview to travel to.

Good morning pirates and piratesses!

Busy morning, but I didn’t want to miss roll call.


And....what of knaves like me, milady?

Just busy I guess, no time for the RCT it seems like.

Just got the call....commercial shark fishing is starting and I can go whenever I like !! Wooo hooo my true calling in life...hand to fin combat with the big sharks all day !! Aaarrrgh

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