THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Happy anniversary-Happy anniversary-Happy anniversary-to me.
14 yrs since I officially was able to hang the scrappers hat up on the peg and walk out the door of having to do the do.

Retirement-what a life-just gives one the opportunities of doing the "Honey overdue lists"

Now WD you said the invention of eraser boards were better than sliced bread.

Now my Mrs would :headbang: be doing the same-and it become the "NEW IMPROVED LIST"

Well I might be the paper on the wall certificate educated kind of guy-but it didn't take me long to figure out this little observation.

I finished a task-erase-another would appear in the spot-what! :icon_scratch:

Solution-Do task-never erase-nothing gets added-busted......:laughing7:

Political and money.

There were millions to be made on products in direct competition with hemp... once hemp was outlawed... those millions turned into billions.


I forgot to add...its really that simple...

If there was an "angle" on cotton... AKA..."painting the picture about it with dirt"... lets say people were eating it... curing ailments with it... making similar stuff... and especially to get high and open their minds...

The hemp people... Timber people... Alcohol people... Pharmaceutical people... anyone who made an alternative cotton product... and the control freaks... would have done the same to cotton.

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Good morning, ARC, Bart, Bill, fat, pepperj.... and everyone else who logs on or is lurking.

Son just called and wants me to take him to the river. Says to bring my camera because there is an eagle there.

ARC: very talented young lady. :thumbsup:

Bart: what if they are filming an episode of Naked and Afraid on that uninhabited cay/rock? LOL wouldn't that be something?

Boatlode: The Curse of Oak Island airs on the History channel on Tuesdays at 9:00 pm. You can also watch past episodes on and Netflix.

Alright, you all have a wonderful day!


And she is a cutie as well.

Gee she kind of puts old Butch and the Sundance bicycle gig to shame.

Amazing talent-thighs that could crush walnuts......

Amazing talent-thighs that could crush walnuts......

That picture in my mind wasn't so cute... Something about those 2 words used in conjunction that throw me... "crushing nuts"...

Arrrrr... rrrrr... rrrrrrgggg.




Good Morning Bill, Rook, Bart, Fat :hello:

Certainly is the best news seeing the weather report coming in now.
Daylight saving time this weekend also.
More animals out and about.

Small suggestion? If you have any tendencies toward dyslexia. I would change the order of the names you greet. In case you ever transpose letters? ;)

Small suggestion? If you have any tendencies toward dyslexia. I would change the order of the names you greet. In case you ever transpose letters? ;)

Gee another rule?
In order of coming in maybe.
Oh well old dog new tricks- you can start....

Political and money.

There were millions to be made on products in direct competition with hemp... once hemp was outlawed... those millions turned into billions.


Yeah, but think back to 1941. Hemp can be grown real fast though, and cheap too. Much easier to work with than plastics. So we will continue to use hemp for cordage. At least until World War II is over.

Besides, by then we will probably have synthetic drugs to replace hemp. :dontknow:

Good morning everyone.

Yesterday I scheduled my drivers test for Friday. It should be a piece of cake, but I'll keep my mouth shut, fingers crossed and say some prayers that nothing stupid happens.

I also have been looking on for some jobs in the area. So far I'm not too enthusiastic about the choices. Burger flipping, and dental assistant work. I refuse to do any kind of dental office work, and I really don't like the sound of working at McDonalds for five months. The security job I wanted is shot, because I need a high school diploma, and I have three or four months of school left. The only one I might take up is an assistant to a UPS driver, or truck loader. Anything but Wendys, McDonalds or Burger King.

Gee another rule?
In order of coming in maybe.
Oh well old dog new tricks- you can start....

I was just thinking about transposing "F"s with "B"S. :dontknow:




You were just ahead of your time effectively beach combing and metal detecting are both just a form of recycling or as they like to call it these day repurposing.

Heck even the permaculture crowd are doing a form of it by recycling kitchen scrap and animal droppings into compost to put back on the gardens.

All the teak I used in my deck repair this week I beach combed and sold 15 years ago.....I had to go down key and buy some of my treasure teak back from the person I sold it to.....beachcombing got me into recycling wood.....more treasure !!

Good morning everyone.

Yesterday I scheduled my drivers test for Friday. It should be a piece of cake, but I'll keep my mouth shut, fingers crossed and say some prayers that nothing stupid happens.

I also have been looking on for some jobs in the area. So far I'm not too enthusiastic about the choices. Burger flipping, and dental assistant work. I refuse to do any kind of dental office work, and I really don't like the sound of working at McDonalds for five months. The security job I wanted is shot, because I need a high school diploma, and I have three or four months of school left. The only one I might take up is an assistant to a UPS driver, or truck loader. Anything but Wendys, McDonalds or Burger King.

When I was old enough to work for a "real" company vs farm labor I started by flipping burgers.
Entry level work. Once secured , look for an upgrade or just another job with better pay/benefits.
I then became a dishwasher. at a high end outfit. Then cooked for it. Then a county job. Then chased money as a factory rat.

Something about having a job makes getting hired for another one easier. Maybe it's by being proven accountable. Willing to work , showing up on time ect..

You can avoid flipping burgers.
Should you find yourself doing so anyways , keep your head down and study the management. Not the who's because there can be some real weenies. But the hows.
Leaving as a manager or assistant would not be so bad.

Gotta get your foot in the door someplace.
I didn't inquire but at a restaurant a while back a posting said free college for employees. I would have been interested if starting out.
Even flipping burgers is related to food and beverage management. Which if you are proven and good , can lead to great work and travel.
Heck , there's a guy that has a career based on wine. I believe he was from restaurant management or back ground.
He travels. And is not hurting for money from what I can tell.

Delivery is claimed to be hot as I mentioned a while back. The way the postal system is fumbling the ball , that void needs filled.
U.P.S. and others are trying to cover that , but I'm not going to claim it is going that well.
Could a new company start up? Maybe. If I notice one I'll watch...The existing ones are likely to continue to need help.
Good driving records , drug free. Conscientious about the work. Ect. type help wanted.

One friend some time back left an auto dealer where he handled service coming in ect. and did a great job.
Got into an outfit that does custom counter tops. 4-6 men carrying a stone slab to install in the kind of high end homes that'll make you scream...
And the money is serious. New hires struggled to carry stone. Which he found amusing as it took him a while to get used to it too.
I didn't ask what new hires made. But willing to bet it was decent!
Plus learning the niche business with high end clientele.

He told of being in a building after arriving and noting multiple fireplaces and nice furnishings.
He asked to use the bathroom and the owner pointed and told him go in the house.
(My friend thought he was already in the house , but was in the garage...)

Well ever since I was a kid its been washing up on my beaches. Started smoking weed real wasn't uncommon for there to be 50 pounds hidden in the mangroves at any given time or key. As a teen we made a healthy living finding the lost bales in the mangroves. Thats what actually got me out exploring the remote keys,cays,islands,and rocks. Along the way and on that mission we discovered bottles,ambergris,and spanish treasure. We were and to a degree still are the "mangrove mafia". A loosely connected group of professional beachcombers ranging from the keys to the bahamas. We keep in touch and informed about what is being found and where. No doubt beachcombing goes back to the core of island life and has supplemented my income significantly over the points in the past it was almost a full time job, and I would often spend months in the bahamas chasing ambergris and beachcombing....its a way of life very few know. No forum on beachcombing....what a shame !! We would be talking about container spills, knurdles, fishing floats, sea beans, ambergris etc. etc...weed was always a large part of being a professional level can see how a metal detector was a natural progression in a beachcombing lifestyle. Just saw one of the mangrove mafia joined T-net last month...another had core pirate !! Any way looks like I'll be over on a killer fishing/ambergris mission hopefully next month !! Long Island, san sal, samana, conception, and harbor island !! Wooo hooo long live the mangrove mafia....getting treasure !!

Just to hint how far beachcombing is , our Canadian fishing used to be around Memorial Day. (That is quite a distance from your tropic stomping grounds.)
Ice out in the area was about a week prior.

One year there was small chunk ice in the large lake tied in with the area we "worked".
A local guy was out in his small boat "looking".
He had that morning recovered a worked plank (plank is my description) with lots of age on it that had been designed/fashioned as others to put under the ice through a cut hole to hold a net. Knew the value already too....

That area could be termed remote. But the history was there. So were other relics...
Humans and water. Long a correlation.
The bigger the water it seems sometimes , the more flotsam and jetsam. And more!

There's nothing better than driving around the backroads going to pick up an order.
Get there and they say "What order"
Seems that an old needs to refer back to the new brains.
Err,ah,uh,um, I drive a hour to hear what?
Oh well it's a 30% discount for your troubles and we're so sorry for the inconvenience.
Will frozen work?
Oh please load it up.
It's all good now.

Yeah, but think back to 1941. Hemp can be grown real fast though, and cheap too. Much easier to work with than plastics. So we will continue to use hemp for cordage. At least until World War II is over.

Besides, by then we will probably have synthetic drugs to replace hemp. :dontknow:

Um... Hemp became illegal in 1937 under the "Marihuana Tax Act"... which lumped smokable marijuana and non-smokable *well you can smoke it* hemp into the same heap.

And as far as "synthetic Marijuana" goes...

They have been there and done that long ago and that too was banned.

It was packaged and sold legally for years... until people started having adverse effects from the concoctions... it was sold through loopholes as "potpourri"... "incense" etc.

And had "not for human consumption" on packages etc.

I think this helped them want to re-evaluate SAFE REAL marijuana laws.

The Hurst pulp and paper company.. A thick newspaper use to be the www. before the World Wide Web.
When Jeff from PA post some old gold hid story, the one to lower left is “milk cow, tripped and fell” , Jesse James was seen, the oak Joke, or just all kinds of different stories.....
Printed on paper...

Do you know the difference between toilet paper and your I pad?....old joke I going to refresh somehow....

..because you can’t get an iPad at walmart¿ ....until the toilet paper has ran out...

Teacher: “If I gave you 2 cats and another 2 cats and another 2, how many would you have?”
Johnny: “Seven.”
Teacher: “No, listen carefully… If I gave you two cats, and another two cats and another two, how many would you have?”
Johnny: “Seven.”
Teacher: “Let me put it to you differently. If I gave you two apples, and another two apples and another two, how many would you have?”
Johnny: “Six.”
Teacher: “Good. Now if I gave you two cats, and another two cats and another two, how many would you have?”
Johnny: “Seven!”
Teacher: “Johnny, where in the heck do you get seven from?!”
Johnny: “Because I’ve already got a cat!”

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