THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

It comes with experience, focus, machine certainly helps, and drive.
One can go fishing and never get one using the same bait/lure as the next person-it all comes down to the way its done -with a tad bit of luck.
Now I have read/heard a lot about the red clays of hunts down your way, yes a PP, and a good machine takes out a lot of time wasted digging out a signal.
I thing that helps me is a real strong magnet. I lost one that I had made up, and now have a different version.
The hand digger Leache version is the flat magnets attached to the hilt then wrapped in electoral tape. Reason for wrapping is to wipe off the iron fillings that come out of the dirt-fine sharp-sliver like.
The first one was a small vitamin container-epoxied the magnets and a wand all together and rubbed it in and around the iron infested dirt and the retrieval of the good target was better.
The linked in PP that run like a detector were great, discrimination mode cut out a lot of needless time.

I'll think about it......

Now there's a pic or two that can go together.

Sunsets and this buds for you. ( And I don't mean that pi$$ they call beer either)

I would spend a terrible amount of time trying to find little pieces of can, or small nails. It was annoying as hell, because Virginia, and most of where I live, is nothing but clay.

Also, with my clad curse, I have a problem seeing them. ALL clad becomes earth coloured! Blend right together! :BangHead:

Also, with my clad curse, I have a problem seeing them. ALL clad becomes earth coloured! Blend right together! :BangHead:

RU needing a new set of eye equipment?

I guess I haven't missed anything? [emoji38]

Besides all the randomness... silliness... and what some of are having for meals... and most importantly... internet Rum.

Your correct. :P


Whats up digs.

Did I hear Rum?

Oh, hey diggummup! Welcome to the ship.

I would spend a terrible amount of time trying to find little pieces of can, or small nails. It was annoying as hell, because Virginia, and most of where I live, is nothing but clay.

Mornin al.

A friend watched me fussing trying to find something I was not finding.
Handed me a pinpointer about as big as a brick with an antenna looking thing on it and told me how to use it.
After a couple recoveries , I didn't want to give it back....

Shoe eyelets. Single pieces of birdshot , have had me scratching my head a little. Tiny stuff is hard to locate without a handheld . A time killer for sure.
Then there is checking around before getting up and swinging the detector over the spot again.
Not checking it with the handheld after a recovery ups the odds of another hit with the detector after getting up from the recovery.
Even though checking it with the pinpointer again reduces the odds of another target that was near the first. (Of course...)

What day, time and channel is that Oak Island show on? I think I want to watch it.

Also any other treasure shows on tv. I read about them here but can't find them.

Hi MsBeeps!

GMorn, 70 above is easy to get use to. I’ll try a couple more pics over at pic spot. turbines again and a spool quail pen.

Just a tiny amount of slush on top of the truck.
Southern side of roof only has a couple feet of an inch-ish thick ice/snow layer left.
Comfortable in a sweatshirt outside.
52 degrees F. ! Heatwave!

RU needing a new set of eye equipment? so much. Just would be easier to see if a few more pieces of silver would show. :dontknow: so much. Just would be easier to see if a few more pieces of silver would show. :dontknow:

Was going to ask about the silver and gold looking items-far and in between I know. Gold wash, rolled gold, been years since I dug a solid piece-6 yrs ago in England was my last time if I recall.

53 tractor (6volt) started up nice without charging the battery. After setting for 4 or more months.
Played in the mud and moved about half the width of the biggest snowbank I created shoveling onto a flower bed...
Headed back out for more fun.
Snow well over my shoe where the tractor was parked. Shoulda wore a boot.
The other Cub has a magneto , so I won't have to charge it's battery to start it if it's reluctant.
(Saves running an extension cord through the snow about thirty yards...)

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