THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Good morning fellas.

Morning Rusty.

Morning Bart

I forgot-spaced-to comment on the slab pics you posted up with the chalk lines. Real beautiful looking wood you're into there.

We are trying to remake another set of french doors-well my buddy is and I got the slabs of cherry last fall to replace the other set we had gotten made.
The bloody styles warped after hanging the doors to a point of crazy as the first ones were out of pine.
So out of all these cherry slabs the styles were cut-started to go down hill-then they straightened up-then last week 3 out 4 are gone past the point of no return. WOOD!
So I dug out 8 pieces of 10yr - 5-6 quarter to laminate together and he'll try again.

Reading up on that chariot recovery and it was a result of catching the two thieving dilbert's digging tunnels under their houses. Great recovery.

Morning Bill.

Dang straight! And when the occasion arises, I spoil other people’s pets, too!

Oh it's the best time to do that one.:hello2:

I had a contract with a plating company that did silver plating on award cups.
So I had this big urn (The type they fill with champagne at the podium) filled with wrapped hard candies or the different selections at Easter, Halloween, Xmas. Customers could take one to 10 no problem.
The best was when the Dad would bring the little rug rats to run around wild in my scrap yard.
Please take care of he kids! FRIG! "Oh he's alright" "Oh don't worry" :BangHead:

Oh I was just evil (in a get even way) I'd just get the special reserves out and start loading those kids up on candy treats-here have another, and another, oh here put 10 in your pocket little guys.
This kept them glued to the counter out of the way of forklifts-flying scrap, keeping them safe.

I knew this man had an hr+ drive back home or more-big old Toronto traffic was going to suck-but my evil plan was set-the kids sugar would be just a spiking-bouncing off the roof of the truck.

You know something-the results were amazing-the next trip in-no kids-just curt friendly :laughing7: ing A-hole.

Sometimes actions speak louder than words

Rusty, Bill :hello:
Rusty that pic of the flooding isn't good times, a lot of rain. I'm not sure if it frozen soils down your way at all, or even soggy saturation earth can be a huge problem when a rain occurs.

Now you posted up the trapping totals earlier and commented that one was to be mounted-just wondering what do you do with the others?

Morning there WD, pepper, bart, Rusty and bill.

Rusty, Bill :hello:
Rusty that pic of the flooding isn't good times, a lot of rain. I'm not sure if it frozen soils down your way at all, or even soggy saturation earth can be a huge problem when a rain occurs.

Now you posted up the trapping totals earlier and commented that one was to be mounted-just wondering what do you do with the others?

Skin the raccoons, or give them to a friend who does. Possums either get dumped miles away (alive) or are shot on site. Our turkey populations are being wrecked by possums raccoons, bobcats and coyotes. The possums and raccoons eat the eggs, and bobcats and coyotes eat the young poults. The possums are also a nuisance because they try and dig through our corn supply during deer season, and the raccoons are notorious for destroying garbage bags, and getting into stuff and messing it up.


Good luck trying to not be a sheep. We all pay taxes, follow laws that we may or not agree with, wear seat belts,

Pay our property taxes if we own homes if we don't want to lose them, pay alimony if we get divorced, stop at red lights or get fined and the list goes on and on. So globalist take over or not pray tell how do you avoid all of those strictures us sheep are stuck with.

Please fill us in on the secret.

Apologies to Boatlode for my interupting but I feel compelled to respond.

How much of what we call civilization is cooperation and how much is coercion?

You see when I choose to stop at a stoplight, that is called cooperation. Coercion is when you hold a gun (or a cop holding a gun) to somebody's head. The key to a succesful civilization is to have as much cooperation with as little coercion as possible. Ideally there should be no coercion whatsover, even the control freaks know this. That's how come they want to squelch independent thought by silencing free speech through coercion...

As far as taxes go. I’ll be short. We haven’t seen anything yet.

Skin the raccoons, or give them to a friend who does. Possums either get dumped miles away (alive) or are shot on site. Our turkey populations are being wrecked by possums raccoons, bobcats and coyotes. The possums and raccoons eat the eggs, and bobcats and coyotes eat the young poults. The possums are also a nuisance because they try and dig through our corn supply during deer season, and the raccoons are notorious for destroying garbage bags, and getting into stuff and messing it up.

There's an interesting way of looking at things Rusty in the way nature controls everything. When the balance gets thrown out of control-it's because the predator species isn't around to keep the other in check. So you take out the possums because they eat up the corn in deer season. Though the possum is highly regarded as a great creature in so many ways.

Their appetite for slugs, snails, toads and even snakes helps to keep most gardens pest-free. ... Thankfully, opossums act like vacuum cleaners, killing almost 95 per cent of the ticks that try to feed on them. A single opossum could eliminate as many as 4,000 ticks in a week!

Now if you have tick problem in your area this might make you re-think why there are so many possums in the area-just doing the job of keeping it all in balance.

Here's something I didn't even know:

Here's a tip: Opossums and possums are different animals. Opossums live in North America, while possums live in Australia and other countries. Both animals are marsupials, but possums are more closely related to kangaroos.

Oh it's the best time to do that one.:hello2:

I had a contract with a plating company that did silver plating on award cups.
So I had this big urn (The type they fill with champagne at the podium) filled with wrapped hard candies or the different selections at Easter, Halloween, Xmas. Customers could take one to 10 no problem.
The best was when the Dad would bring the little rug rats to run around wild in my scrap yard.
Please take care of he kids! FRIG! "Oh he's alright" "Oh don't worry" :BangHead:

Oh I was just evil (in a get even way) I'd just get the special reserves out and start loading those kids up on candy treats-here have another, and another, oh here put 10 in your pocket little guys.
This kept them glued to the counter out of the way of forklifts-flying scrap, keeping them safe.

I knew this man had an hr+ drive back home or more-big old Toronto traffic was going to suck-but my evil plan was set-the kids sugar would be just a spiking-bouncing off the roof of the truck.

You know something-the results were amazing-the next trip in-no kids-just curt friendly :laughing7: ing A-hole.

Sometimes actions speak louder than words

When the first grandson came about, that's when I stopped working on Fridays and started watching him. He would throw such bloody fits when his dad came to pick him up. He had other behavioral problems, but leaving us was the worst. Finally, my daughter figured out that he needed to be fed organic foods and especially NO CHOCOLATE! We took him to the lake one weekend. He was almost 2 yrs old. We stopped at a golf cart place. On the way out, Mr WD put a quarter in the M & M machine. We got loaded up in the truck and he is about to give the kid m & m's. I stopped him. He said I was being ridiculous and what could a couple M & M's do? I told him that I was not going to deal with the kid, it was all on him. I kid you not, within seconds, seconds after eating an M & M, the kid became a screaming banshee. I just looked at MR WD, shook my head and said, "I told you so. He's all yours."

So, yep, I bet that guy just loved you for charging up his kids! :laughing9:

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