Oh it's the best time to do that one.
I had a contract with a plating company that did silver plating on award cups.
So I had this big urn (The type they fill with champagne at the podium) filled with wrapped hard candies or the different selections at Easter, Halloween, Xmas. Customers could take one to 10 no problem.
The best was when the Dad would bring the little rug rats to run around wild in my scrap yard.
Please take care of he kids! FRIG! "Oh he's alright" "Oh don't worry"
Oh I was just evil (in a get even way) I'd just get the special reserves out and start loading those kids up on candy treats-here have another, and another, oh here put 10 in your pocket little guys.
This kept them glued to the counter out of the way of forklifts-flying scrap, keeping them safe.
I knew this man had an hr+ drive back home or more-big old Toronto traffic was going to suck-but my evil plan was set-the kids sugar would be just a spiking-bouncing off the roof of the truck.
You know something-the results were amazing-the next trip in-no kids-just curt friendly

ing A-hole.
Sometimes actions speak louder than words