That decision, realization, (I can’t think of the right word) I do respect. I never really gave much thought to having kids. It just happened. And an intense, wild ride it is. It doesn’t stop when they turn 18. We don’t always play like we are on the same team. Grandkids are a blessing beyond measure. Makes it all worth it. All in all it was the path for us.
Well I started on the dishwasher last night. I found a penny. Might use it to test the Ugly Box. LOL
Morning WD
In the world today it must be a whole handful for some, the ever changing tech, the influences that tug the young ones even further astray.
Many times the comment from the folks that truly enjoy the grandkids is sort of all the same, enjoy them immensely,(Spoil them silly) and then send back to the parents.
Now I'mjust because I'm usually out of the loop and
on what that is exactly. But can I give you one for your thoughts on the subject that you testing with?
Have you peeps seen/heard about the chariot found at Pompeii?