THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

There's an interesting way of looking at things Rusty in the way nature controls everything. When the balance gets thrown out of control-it's because the predator species isn't around to keep the other in check. So you take out the possums because they eat up the corn in deer season. Though the possum is highly regarded as a great creature in so many ways.

Their appetite for slugs, snails, toads and even snakes helps to keep most gardens pest-free. ... Thankfully, opossums act like vacuum cleaners, killing almost 95 per cent of the ticks that try to feed on them. A single opossum could eliminate as many as 4,000 ticks in a week!

Now if you have tick problem in your area this might make you re-think why there are so many possums in the area-just doing the job of keeping it all in balance.

Here's something I didn't even know:

Here's a tip: Opossums and possums are different animals. Opossums live in North America, while possums live in Australia and other countries. Both animals are marsupials, but possums are more closely related to kangaroos.

Kinda like rednecks are kin to Rook.:laughing7:

As far as taxes go. I’ll be short. We haven’t seen anything yet.

They even tax you to "help the poor", thereby stealing away your chance to be charitable.

If I give a hungry dude a sandwich, then that dude is greatful for the sandwich. If you hold a gun to my head and force me to give a sandwich to a hungry dude, then that dude forgets he is hungry and is greatful for the gun.

They even tax you to "help the poor", thereby stealing away your chance to be charitable.

If I give a hungry dude a sandwich, then that dude is greatful for the sandwich. If you hold a gun to my head and force me to give a sandwich to a hungry dude, then that dude forgets he is hungry and is greatful for the gun.

That’s just one cog in the wheel. Other problems are that we are taxed to help other causes out of country. And it seems some of that money is misappropriated to the wrong cause. Some will even be returned to the personal cause in offshore bank accounts.

I’m not too political but there are other threads that post about this subject.

OK guys here's a heads up (thats if the time comes) will save you a thousand dollars...Bookmark this stuff... IT WORKS ! I've never used any additive in my vehicles ever, but.
A few days ago the rear main seal on my 2002 Silverado 4x4 started leaking.Too big a job for me to tackle so I called my shop.They said it would be 14 days before they could look at it.
On line I found this and added it to the oil,drove it 75 miles, and 2 days later NOT ONE single drop of oil on the ground.:)!:occasion14::thumbsup:
Wow ! Check out what it is, how it works...Amazing !:)
>> .....$8.00 compared to $1k

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THat is good stuff. I’ve used it before in my tractor. And just a little dab will do ya.:icon_thumright:

THat is good stuff. I’ve used it before in my tractor. And just a little dab will do ya.:icon_thumright:

Amazing stuff,looks & feels just like synthetic oil :occasion14:

Ok the dishwasher is done. We shall see tonight if I am handy or not. LOL.

I am thankful that none of our vehicles are leaking oil. I draw the line at vehicles.

Next up. Replace the DVD player.


Good luck trying to not be a sheep. We all pay taxes, follow laws that we may or not agree with, wear seat belts,

Pay our property taxes if we own homes if we don't want to lose them, pay alimony if we get divorced, stop at red lights or get fined and the list goes on and on. So globalist take over or not pray tell how do you avoid all of those strictures us sheep are stuck with.

Please fill us in on the secret.

I am a law abiding citizen. What they are trying to do is unlawful. We have a thing called the Constitution.

Thank goodness George Washington didn't "cooperate".

People need to wake up. It happened in Venezuela, it can happen here.

The feature video now playing at the RTC.....


oodGa orningMa, I don’t think you were talking igPa atinLa. I will not be getting a shot unless it a double in a dirty glass. It rural here. Only paved street is Main, 2 blocks. Flag pole right in the middle. There were 7 people in my high school graduation class. Closest stop light is 35 miles. It is a different world here and changing to but more at out pace it seems.
The only thing I’m scared of is human baby’s. They need there moms at that age. When they hit kiddygarton is when the fun starts for me. I absolutely love it when I’m at bus picking up my crew and the other 6-8 kids run by my pickup to give me a buster before getting in there car to go home. In trouble with mom, come to me, want to get in trouble with mom? Go with me. Need an excuse, say you were with me. If I’m not having fun, I do something different tomorrow and every body seems to know that.
Bill you put up a lot of good stuff. My mom has some bread starter in fridge and feeds it and makes bread o lot. Use to be all we got. sauerkraut too. Bread butter pickles, double up the onions and half as many cucumbers for me. Corned beef is a favorite, I recall you post something.

gopher trapping season here, rusty can you catch a gopher yet? More part time jobs that you can be your own boss at..
My cannon goes baboooom, good day all.

There's an interesting way of looking at things Rusty in the way nature controls everything. When the balance gets thrown out of control-it's because the predator species isn't around to keep the other in check. So you take out the possums because they eat up the corn in deer season. Though the possum is highly regarded as a great creature in so many ways.

Their appetite for slugs, snails, toads and even snakes helps to keep most gardens pest-free. ... Thankfully, opossums act like vacuum cleaners, killing almost 95 per cent of the ticks that try to feed on them. A single opossum could eliminate as many as 4,000 ticks in a week!

Now if you have tick problem in your area this might make you re-think why there are so many possums in the area-just doing the job of keeping it all in balance.

Here's something I didn't even know:

Here's a tip: Opossums and possums are different animals. Opossums live in North America, while possums live in Australia and other countries. Both animals are marsupials, but possums are more closely related to kangaroos.

Mornin all!
Possums are my idea of surviving dinosaurs. Interesting at that.
No umbilical cords among marsupials. Possums/Roos.
Embryotic sac suspended , till they develop enough to crawl out. Just one of thier unique events/features.
I trapped for money. Not like the competition during the fur trade , but a working knowledge of the art anyways.
An interest in living history and participation in events meant holding back some furs and hides ,feathers ect..
Till the kids allergy got too bad anyways...

Fur prices crashed in the early eighties. Economy was part of that. But the usual biggest price effect is based on the consumption end. Desire for fur in other countries in particular.

Across the road from where I used to live were fallow fields. Lots of briers were the predominant feature.
Pheasants used those fields.
A neighborhood Irish setter used to join me on walks to where I'd sneak a smoke and it was common for it to flush a couple-few birds.
The hens nested in those briers. There were cool season grasses ect , so density was there and it worked out fairly well with dozens of pheasants at times when young were mobile not uncommon to see.

With the crash in fur prices , folks backed off trapping.
Coons,fox,possums ,skunks, populations all jumped.
Pheasant numbers crashed.
Time and again on "our" walks a pile of feathers and broken egg shells told of a nest raided after a hen was killed.
Pheasants are imports. Understood. But regardless , today between clean farming practices ,reduced cover, and heavy predation , a pheasant sighting is rare.
The predators did not roll over and die when the bird population fell off. The simply adapted to other prey.

I left fox be. There was plenty of competition for them and the sets were more fussy. What was surprising at times was the catch rate in some areas.
One father son team took 30 (?) in an area I'd have expected a few.

My hunting property is wonderfully diverse.
There is conflict between fox and coyote. With the fox on the losing end. But there's still usually a fox around.
I manage (if you can call my habitat work managing) for deer first. Other critters benefit , but I don't welcome coyote. Due to competition for deer.
So , I let a trapper in for a couple weeks most years.
No coyote taken this year. Though coyote exist. Adaptably , as ever.

One hen turkey a couple years ago was sneaking around like she had a nest. The only turkey I've seen on site.
She disappeared after. Just no chance for a ground nester. Only by nesting hens in great numbers can the odds of hatching for a few exist.
Not unlike the flock by the house here that slowly faded away.
Fox , bobcat, and who knows what else knew where they roosted a couple houses down. Even after they were gone , the site remained a passing through route for a while for predators.
A natural balance of sorts. Like often around here it resulted in moving on to better odds in hunting elsewhere.
The problem (from a human perspective anyways) is there are predators beyond. And conflict/competition for resources.
Territorial conditions during denning time ect. too.

Because trapping has not keep numbers down , it's similar to having houseguests added to consuming a homes existing groceries stock. No new groceries added.
Coyotes , adaptable as ever , will reduce pup production numbers when prey is scarce.
And persecution of coyotes and the resulting effect is an interesting study.
Reduce thier numbers appreciably , and they react by boosting pup production. Reversing the desired effect. (If reducing coyote was the desired effect.)
Poisoned , run with dogs, shot from aircraft, trapped , Coyote continues to survive and expand thier range. Thanks to humans who paved the way by reducing or eliminating wolves.
Then comes the overlap of coyote and wolf , which is similar to fox and coyote. But in the case of hello wolf territory , it's coyotes turn to lose.
But he's still coyote. And not going to disappear entirely just yet.
Eastern U.S.A.. Coyote is a study. He's not the western coyote anymore. And being canine , can and has crossed with other canine. Which is odd because they as a loose rule would rather kill each other. But , he's coyote. And adapting as ever.
Only now , better suited to play chess with humans. Often winning..

oodGa orningMa, I don’t think you were talking igPa atinLa. I will not be getting a shot unless it a double in a dirty glass. It rural here. Only paved street is Main, 2 blocks. Flag pole right in the middle. There were 7 people in my high school graduation class. Closest stop light is 35 miles. It is a different world here and changing to but more at out pace it seems.
The only thing I’m scared of is human baby’s. They need there moms at that age. When they hit kiddygarton is when the fun starts for me. I absolutely love it when I’m at bus picking up my crew and the other 6-8 kids run by my pickup to give me a buster before getting in there car to go home. In trouble with mom, come to me, want to get in trouble with mom? Go with me. Need an excuse, say you were with me. If I’m not having fun, I do something different tomorrow and every body seems to know that.
Bill you put up a lot of good stuff. My mom has some bread starter in fridge and feeds it and makes bread o lot. Use to be all we got. sauerkraut too. Bread butter pickles, double up the onions and half as many cucumbers for me. Corned beef is a favorite, I recall you post something.

gopher trapping season here, rusty can you catch a gopher yet? More part time jobs that you can be your own boss at..
My cannon goes baboooom, good day all.

Fat you ever fit for those gophers, prairie dog critters?

When they stuck us in the middle of nowhere because the lord of the towns didn't want the rough neck train gang messing with the locals.
We get bored looking at nothing and being young we went looking for something.
No water to fish in, but we had some fun fishing for those critters, loop a long leader around the hole and snap it was like a good 2 lb pull on the end of the casting rod.

I have. Use phostoxin not spell correct, on prairie dogs, a pill that lets of poison gas, it's activated by soil moisture. I wrap in news paper and than give a little splash of water when in the hole.
I’ve heard some stories about back in the day, Ndakota had a bounty on them. You would catch and than harvest an ear to turn in for a nickel, That’s back in the dollar a day, pay, so catching $20 worth a week was big money

Edit...China and Russia still like furs, more politics

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The feature video now playing at the RTC.....

Go ahead and make jokes. I don't want to see the USA end up like Canada. Or worse.

Once upon a time on the other side of the Equator from us, there was a medium sized country called Venzuela. This country on the South American continent has the richest oil reserves in its area.... they nationalized the oil companies to split up the loot in manner they determined to be "fair". One year later the Venezuelans were living off eating zoo animal's food and later the zoo animals themselves.

Now, who wants a second helping of giraffe?

Once upon a time on the other side of the Equator from us, there was a medium sized country called Venzuela. This country on the South American continent has the richest oil reserves in its area.... they nationalized the oil companies to split up the loot in manner they determined to be "fair". One year later the Venezuelans were living off eating zoo animal's food and later the zoo animals themselves.

Now, who wants a second helping of giraffe?

Save the neck for me Clark..

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