THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

I will add... everyone thinks we should do estate sales... because of knowledge in antiques etc.

SO... if we were to do it...

we would be competing with 100 other ones... AND now we just shifted over workload.

I go to Flea MArkets to "dump"... not to make money.

There was a time though... we traveled market circuits.

BUT... cant do that anymore...wanna know why ? ? ? ? ?

BECAUSE THERE ARE NONE around here anymore.

And the ones that are there are over an hours drive away... and filled with cheap arse *******s all looking to beat ya up on the price.

WHICH is already priced at "f---king way below BOTTOM value".

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Very nice job Jim, I wonder why it was so hard to find an installer who would work on your shower, lack of experience possibly? Anyway, it looks like you did an amazing job.

Now if it doesn’t leak and the door doesn’t get stuck with you in the shower while the misses is out for a walk with Max, then you’ve done well. :laughing7:

Good morning Rook :wave:

Thanks Dave

The things is the installers are usually the sellers, and they would loose that end of the deal because I have the unit. Then there's the guarantee of the work "No we don't install used" period. But it's new I tell them and it's a whole line of issues.
Now looking in the window I can see what they've been spouting. Missing parts-the line of door system is no longer made by the biggest maker. Missing a few parts-who knew thee display wasn't all put together right.
Then the manufacturer sent a bunch of parts it was a square assembly and I have round. (Got a few pounds of aluminum extrusion scrap now) So it's another phone call to QC, to beg for a part. Just 2 seals are needed now to complete the process.

So just by chance a company did say they would of done the install-they would of started-missing parts-leave-me has to pay.
Get parts they return-wrong part-they leave-I pay.
4 hr travel time @ installer rate x 2 men down drain and shower wouldn't be finished....
Imagine the happy mood I would be in.:laughing7:

With the roller door assembly it opens with the pinkie finger-no chance of getting stuck in there.

On top of all that babble... I will just say this.

I have been TRYING to get a biz rolling...



I am invested so deep that I cant back out... and so slow I cant go forward with it.

You wanna talk about "rock and a hard place".

Holy F---.


I feel MUCH better now.


Where that Rum.......... :)


One day im gonna abduct you and bring you to the keys to shallow water hunt inside the "sueco de arizon".....after we find a cobb or 2 were gonna go have some rums to celebrate at one of the local tiki establishments !! Sounds like you need a vacation like that cap.

My grandmother rest her soul said to me one morning talking about these subjects and me being deflated over it... she says... "you need to join something"... "it will do you good".

So I did.


And here I have been ever since.


Thanks Dave

The things is the installers are usually the sellers, and they would loose that end of the deal because I have the unit. Then there's the guarantee of the work "No we don't install used" period. But it's new I tell them and it's a whole line of issues.
Now looking in the window I can see what they've been spouting. Missing parts-the line of door system is no longer made by the biggest maker. Missing a few parts-who knew thee display wasn't all put together right.
Then the manufacturer sent a bunch of parts it was a square assembly and I have round. (Got a few pounds of aluminum extrusion scrap now) So it's another phone call to QC, to beg for a part. Just 2 seals are needed now to complete the process.

So just by chance a company did say they would of done the install-they would of started-missing parts-leave-me has to pay.
Get parts they return-wrong part-they leave-I pay.
4 hr travel time @ installer rate x 2 men down drain and shower wouldn't be finished....
Imagine the happy mood I would be in.:laughing7:

With the roller door assembly it opens with the pinkie finger-no chance of getting stuck in there.

I understand now Jim.. "Missing parts-the line of door system is no longer made by the biggest maker. Missing a few parts-who knew thee display wasn't all put together right."

Hopefully, you'll get the seals you need to complete the job. Have you at least been able to use the shower or is it not usable until you get the seals? :icon_scratch:

Good morning Bill and Bart. :coffee2:


I will add... everyone thinks we should do estate sales... because of knowledge in antiques etc.

SO... if we were to do it...

we would be competing with 100 other ones... AND now we just shifted over workload.

I go to Flea MArkets to "dump"... not to make money.

There was a time though... we traveled market circuits.

BUT... cant do that anymore...wanna know why ? ? ? ? ?

BECAUSE THERE ARE NONE around here anymore.

And the ones that are there are over an hours drive away... and filled with cheap arse *******s all looking to beat ya up on the price.

Oh I think the flea markets are a place for the junk items (retail crap) to be sold off.
Back in 1993 I signed a lease in a huge market, bought jewelry showcases out of a high end auction, counter, and filled it-then found out they didn't have a security system in place good enough for my wares.

So it was a take out of all the best jewelry every night (2 complete set ups per weekend.) I started figure it out and by mothers day of 1994 I calculated that I was making a $150 a day-my scrapping business was doing $800 a day.
Sold the displays-put the jewelry in a long term storage vault with a good friend-it still sits there today.

I took some pride in the booth-" Response from crowd walking by-oh don't go in there it looks too high end for us dear" :BangHead:

Oh the days of getting up at 3 am car/van already stuffed like a sardine can-off to the market-set up-then cherry pick the pickers-sell take down go home count the $$$-hit repeat for the next morning-loved that way.
Sadly those are just memories and it's hard to pay the bills on just a memory-selling one's experience? Hell who wants to be a teacher.


Time to chill out with a tune here you go....


One day im gonna abduct you and bring you to the keys to shallow water hunt inside the "sueco de arizon".....after we find a cobb or 2 were gonna go have some rums to celebrate at one of the local tiki establishments !! Sounds like you need a vacation like that cap.

Good morning Bart.

I have to be honest my brother from another mother.

And I mean this...

There is not ONE DAY... NOt one...

That I do not think of you there. heh

I cannot count how many times the thought of packing up and going for it in the Keys.

I almost bought an RV spot back during the "death rattle recession era" for 50k in Marathon.

I would LOVE.... and often think about...

Seklling house... selling off everything... EXCEPT my dive boat and all my rlated crap... and RV.





Ahhhh the thought.

OR ...


But man o man... I would be stressed.

I lost my family... my shirt.... and everything "future" related trying to keep it... AND then some back in recession days.... 2008 and on + cost me everything.

Nveer have really bounced back mentally and definitely financially etc.

One day im gonna abduct you and bring you to the keys to shallow water hunt inside the "sueco de arizon".....after we find a cobb or 2 were gonna go have some rums to celebrate at one of the local tiki establishments !! Sounds like you need a vacation like that cap.

This sounds like a great offer to me ARC, there’s nothing like a day spent searching for Spanish treasure to put a smile on your face. :laughing7:

My BIGGEST FEAR... of going to keys is "no matter where ya go there ta are" syndrome.... meaning...

I get there... after selling off everything...

And nothing "gives"...

And there I am ...


I mean sheesh... that scares the s--- outta me.

Not for me though... the hought of me letting my girl and dogs down scares me.

Sheesh I can live on a dock... OR someones boat I can work on... but I cannot put them in that boat.

I’ve had those thoughts myself about the RV. Even checked out my favorite State park to reside. $300 bucks a month. They mow your yard, pick up your trash, furnish water, electricity etc. My favorite bream lake 50 yards away. Only bummer is no detecting :BangHead:. Could come home on weekends and have the bride cook my groceries for the next week or two. Funny thing, she’s for it.:laughing7:

Gmorn all, lots of topics. I use to plan my whole life around picking up arrowheads. Than my dad got sick so I changed up a little and didn’t venture as far and week long trips floating one of the many local waterways. My sister adopted a baby, my best girls daughters started having baby’s. Than my sister adopted another one. Than she decided to go back to college, on line and 90 miles one way. Her husband s also a good friend of mine and is electrician and busy.On Monday’s and Wednesday, go 30 miles to dance and than gymnastics, on Tue/Thur pic up my kids at bus 25 miles away, this crew goes 4days a week so on fridays, I’ll have 1 at least all day, there all between 11 and 4 years old now. We still day trip and wear life jackets and take turn driving and shooting the 22 and anything else they want to do. I have Lot of slot car track and an N scale train and Hoover boards, we don’t always tell moms and granny and Nana what we’re doing, like driving and shooting and floating river but I promise it the most fun I’ve ever had.

I’ve had those thoughts myself about the RV. Even checked out my favorite State park to reside. $300 bucks a month. They mow your yard, pick up your trash, furnish water, electricity etc. My favorite bream lake 50 yards away. Only bummer is no detecting :BangHead:. Could come home on weekends and have the bride cook my groceries for the next week or two. Funny thing, she’s for it.:laughing7:

I don't know where ? ?

Sheesh even state parks are over 40 a night now... do the math on that one.

With other expenses I would make it at best... IF nothing gives.

And THEN what ?

If something "major" happens... then what... no cushion.

I really am I guy that would "throw the chips to the wind and let them fall as they may"... but crap I am getting older... NOT richer... and nothing is guaranteed.... job... or opportunity to "go for"... etc etc etc

I mean I am a believer in "when one door closes another one opens"... but SHEESH... heh :)

I understand now Jim.. "Missing parts-the line of door system is no longer made by the biggest maker. Missing a few parts-who knew thee display wasn't all put together right."

Hopefully, you'll get the seals you need to complete the job. Have you at least been able to use the shower or is it not usable until you get the seals? :icon_scratch:

Good morning Bill and Bart. :coffee2:

Just got it in yesterday Dave. I still need the 2 fixed frame seals and to silicon all the frame joints in, seal the tile, install the shower tree, taps, diverter.

Then we'll be able to have a shower-been a few years-no problem with social distancing here buddy. :laughing7:


I need coffee... NOW... And BAD.

Arrrrg.... especially after all that reminiscing. :/


I’ve had those thoughts myself about the RV. Even checked out my favorite State park to reside. $300 bucks a month. They mow your yard, pick up your trash, furnish water, electricity etc. My favorite bream lake 50 yards away. Only bummer is no detecting :BangHead:. Could come home on weekends and have the bride cook my groceries for the next week or two. Funny thing, she’s for it.:laughing7:
ARC, it's not always about trying to fix something that you see as being broken, it's about starting over and creating something better.
Change is going to be hard, but that doesn't mean it isn't going to be worth it. :thumbsup:

Oh I think the flea markets are a place for the junk items (retail crap) to be sold off.
Back in 1993 I signed a lease in a huge market, bought jewelry showcases out of a high end auction, counter, and filled it-then found out they didn't have a security system in place good enough for my wares.

So it was a take out of all the best jewelry every night (2 complete set ups per weekend.) I started figure it out and by mothers day of 1994 I calculated that I was making a $150 a day-my scrapping business was doing $800 a day.
Sold the displays-put the jewelry in a long term storage vault with a good friend-it still sits there today.

I took some pride in the booth-" Response from crowd walking by-oh don't go in there it looks too high end for us dear" :BangHead:

Oh the days of getting up at 3 am car/van already stuffed like a sardine can-off to the market-set up-then cherry pick the pickers-sell take down go home count the $$$-hit repeat for the next morning-loved that way.
Sadly those are just memories and it's hard to pay the bills on just a memory-selling one's experience? Hell who wants to be a teacher.

THE ONLY... way to make anything disappear at a flea market these days...

Is to just thow it ona tarp on the ground or playwood table... no diplay cases... and "wing it" at nothing over 20... and more around 10... and even more at 5... and the MOST at $1.

That's reality here.

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