One more tale and I'll shut up for awhile...
"Boomer" turns up around the end of WW2.
Like others , his perspective of the world and life quite different than prior.
On federal land was a shanty far enough off the road to escape notice.
When I was a kid there was no viable trail already , second growth of trees having volunteered to hide the past over time.
A tiny structure , but enough to be out of the weather. Packing crates from the distant rail depot suspected as lumber material. (A relationship may follow...)
The walls were newspaper covered. Flour paste maybe? Kept the wind out though , and were fun to read.
Bread for pennies a loaf ect..
No door , it and windows had probably been salvaged.
Dad hinted it might have been Boomers place at one time. Then recounted a little about him.
Boomers car could at one time back when , often be found parked at the V.F.W. (Veterans of Foreign Wars).
Door opened and a pan of water near it to allow his dog freedom and some degree of comfort.
Boomer stepped on toes. By selling fish.
Fish picked up at the depot after arriving by train.
With little in overhead (no storefront , middlemen ,utilities ect.) he had fish at a price point that affected competing vendors/storeowner(s).
When threatened about it , Boomer didn't back down or cease his enterprise.
Threats grew to "we'll blow up your shack". Thus his being called "Boomer" ever after. There may be a tie to the land rush Oklahoma boomers , or more likely the definition of a transient worker , that inspired local folks to pick up on the nickname , but "Boom" meant dynamite to those threatening him.
What he did then , was build a new shack. This one was constructed of steel sheeting. Less chance of fire hazard with those threats still valid I believe was the reason.
I had an idea at one time where that steel shack was , but I've lost it to time.
Boomers post war tale is recovery enough I guess.
But did he have any surplus money , or anything to squirrel around those shacks?
It's different when an account lacks family or friends towards the end of a seniors doins. Or someone introverted who unexpectedly never returns "home" for varied reasons.
The rush to dispense/settle estates can overrun what had been goin on on a site.
Folks get forgetful.
Some don't give a rip about after they're gone , but tried to put something aside (close and tangible) to keep on as long as they could.
There comes a day when it don't matter anymore anyways. If something was left. That's just how it is/was. Better to have it and not need it.
We go back far enough and distrust of banks had good reason. IF a bank is/was convenient to get to and from.
Generations following picked up on part of that.
No , we don't expect banks to fail ,or lock up during a brief disruption. But it has happened.
That mattered to some folks back when.
And some today keep a stash on hand , just in case of other reasons.
I keep an eye/ear out for those kind of folks. Those isolated or not too friendly with family and or society.
So who,why,how,when, and where?