I don't know where ? ?
Sheesh even state parks are over 40 a night now... do the math on that one.
With other expenses I would make it at best... IF nothing gives.
And THEN what ?
If something "major" happens... then what... no cushion.
I really am I guy that would "throw the chips to the wind and let them fall as they may"... but crap I am getting older... NOT richer... and nothing is guaranteed.... job... or opportunity to "go for"... etc etc etc
I mean I am a believer in "when one door closes another one opens"... but SHEESH... heh
I think it was between the selling of the business 2006 and 2010 we were scattered even more than we are today.
We looked at a Real Ship in Jupiter Fl-sea trials/surveys all complete-too big -no place to haul out on this side of Lake Ontario.
Then we went down the road of a Class A-used-beautiful rig-$250K-ok - think/think rent per night-do we/are we Kmart/WalMart parking lot types-nope?
Plan C bought a trawler-restored-parked it-bought a cottage-built a home-no room-scary children of neighbour - bought this place-lost $$$ a huge on the last place 37 months to sell-holding 2 homes at the same time.
One sitting empty-no interest in leasing/renting to have some idiot mess up the paint-I can't imagine them not paying the rent-I'd be in crowbar hotel-not a good scene I know myself-hate leachers.
Now it's a renovation of this place-been doing it now forever it seems, too many irons in the fire running non stop trying to putting out the fires.
When I said that to a friend he just tossed it back over the net and replied:
"I think you just run around starting them"
That hit home-I start too many not realizing I'm not getting any younger-fiercely independent - only been responsible to the reflection in the mirror through out life.
So it's a hard go to channel the thoughts and energy of us types.
I sometimes think of the 9-5'ers, house, 2 children, dog/cat, wife in the apron, white picket fence, cookie cutter lifestyles, leave it to beaver households in life?
Nope never went down that road-too scary of comfort for me-no adventure-rust out for too many of them.
But what if we could just go down to the local market and buy time-not going to happen-but we can make time-if we really try-not going to happen.
Ah we are going to do this or that this season-then the next one rolls around-then the next one rolls around after that it seems.....
I wish I had more time, I'd store the Deus in the water tight enclosure in the Delta 15.5' kayak and paddle the waterways of the system detecting the far out places. Oh well snap! Back to the reality of this mornings chores!