THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

..... I think it’s funny thing when people get a fancy R.V. with all the extras so they can camp in a lot with 400 others. I also know its a different world. Find a windmill, a cottonwood tree, go off grid for a week. I see all these weekenders from Denver. There houses are so close you couldn’t drive between them. They all get off work on Friday get in camper and come here and park even closer? They don’t even know there neighbors names? I don’t get it.

I see guys sit a market... and I ask... so "you doing anything today".? ?

SOME say... not really... some say oh yeah I did well... others say... I did 40 bucks... and the spot cost them 10... the gas cost them 5 and food another 5.

woo... hoo.

So... "throw the chips"... can really SUCK... with those odds. heh

All the good markets have all died here.,,, being sold off for the land so they can do what ? ? ?

BUILD MORE CONDOS... or shopping plaza's...

Also... the old generations of collectors are dying off... and the new generations could care frigging less mostly.

The collect video games and cheap crap.

Not a cool handmade great awesome really cool rare or any other type of antique.

Now... I am believer in things "come around full circle"...


I have been waiting for that to happen for 10 years, heh

..... I think it’s funny thing when people get a fancy R.V. with all the extras so they can camp in a lot with 400 others. I also know its a different world. Find a windmill, a cottonwood tree, go off grid for a week. I see all these weekenders from Denver. There houses are so close you couldn’t drive between them. They all get off work on Friday get in camper and come here and park even closer? They don’t even know there neighbors names? I don’t get it.

Yeah... and RV's are like boats... they always "need something".

And the prices they ar charging now for a spot... you can almost ... repeat almost... get a hotel room for the night.

AT a crappy hotel that is.

Its crazy here.

Money moneymoney... money.

Everyone and their frigging brother is moving here...

Yesterday... I met AT LEAST 20 people... ALL FROM Wisconsin... Ohio,,, New York...LOusiana... Illinois... and I know I am forgetting some.

THE LONGEST any of them have been here was ONE couple... WITH PARENTS.... 4 years.

Our population is bursting at the seams.

Average 1 bed 1 bath plce here... 1275... NO utilities.

Your power bill... in summer... in a bad insulated home home here,.. lol

Trash is over 20 a month... HOA...CABLE over 100... and that is just "have to's".

Then lawn service... or cut yourself or be fined... and sheesh I could do this for another five minutes.

You come to Florida... from a State making 35 + an hour...

You be lucky to get 15.

I see it all the time... people come here with dreams of kicking back on the beach... palm trees and pina colada's with little paper umbrellas... taking it easy.

Oh sheesh... man o man... I see em...

The last time they saw the beach was when they moved here. heh

Because they are what I call..."treading water".

And then... many of them... move back home.

And they are replaced with the new ones.

I was looking at like 24’ RV’s. My bride said make it a 12’ cause I ain’t going.8-)

Yup....and every piece of property that's not built on is owned by the state and guarded by over paid storm troopers that will fine you for farting upwind of there precious hard wood hammock (vacant lot). Who is the department of environmental protection ?? Its not the EPA/environmental protection agency....either way your not allowed to go anywhere down here. Its a rat race for sure !!

Andyou cannot just "we'll park in wal mart parking lot with RV".

Good luck with that.



I don't know where ? ?

Sheesh even state parks are over 40 a night now... do the math on that one.

With other expenses I would make it at best... IF nothing gives.

And THEN what ?

If something "major" happens... then what... no cushion.

I really am I guy that would "throw the chips to the wind and let them fall as they may"... but crap I am getting older... NOT richer... and nothing is guaranteed.... job... or opportunity to "go for"... etc etc etc

I mean I am a believer in "when one door closes another one opens"... but SHEESH... heh :)

I think it was between the selling of the business 2006 and 2010 we were scattered even more than we are today.
We looked at a Real Ship in Jupiter Fl-sea trials/surveys all complete-too big -no place to haul out on this side of Lake Ontario.

Then we went down the road of a Class A-used-beautiful rig-$250K-ok - think/think rent per night-do we/are we Kmart/WalMart parking lot types-nope?

Plan C bought a trawler-restored-parked it-bought a cottage-built a home-no room-scary children of neighbour - bought this place-lost $$$ a huge on the last place 37 months to sell-holding 2 homes at the same time.
One sitting empty-no interest in leasing/renting to have some idiot mess up the paint-I can't imagine them not paying the rent-I'd be in crowbar hotel-not a good scene I know myself-hate leachers.

Now it's a renovation of this place-been doing it now forever it seems, too many irons in the fire running non stop trying to putting out the fires.
When I said that to a friend he just tossed it back over the net and replied:
"I think you just run around starting them"
That hit home-I start too many not realizing I'm not getting any younger-fiercely independent - only been responsible to the reflection in the mirror through out life.
So it's a hard go to channel the thoughts and energy of us types.
I sometimes think of the 9-5'ers, house, 2 children, dog/cat, wife in the apron, white picket fence, cookie cutter lifestyles, leave it to beaver households in life?

Nope never went down that road-too scary of comfort for me-no adventure-rust out for too many of them.

But what if we could just go down to the local market and buy time-not going to happen-but we can make time-if we really try-not going to happen.
Ah we are going to do this or that this season-then the next one rolls around-then the next one rolls around after that it seems.....

I wish I had more time, I'd store the Deus in the water tight enclosure in the Delta 15.5' kayak and paddle the waterways of the system detecting the far out places. Oh well snap! Back to the reality of this mornings chores!

Thinking about "making it in Florida" ? ? ?

Word up...

MAke it where you are... and make A LOT of it... THEN come to Florida with very.... VERY... deep pockets of money.

Then you can "sit back and sip drinks with paper umbrellas". heh

IF you are thinking of trying to make it here... you will make it all right... "make it" the key word here... would be your best case...

And moving back second...

And the third... you didn't... and that trailer park is 1200 a month as well... Heh

Let's go pepper....I got a kyak !!

We can send our wives and kids square nails and pop tops to pay the bills with !!:laughing7:

Wanna live cheap in Florida ? ? ?

Buy a big boat... And anchor it offshore.... NOT at a marina... for that will eat ya up too.

And get used to your blood rollin. heh


Food costs are crazy here... Everything is expensive...

18 pack good eggs.. over 5 bucks...

Laof of bread.. good bread... 5 bucks.

Milk gallon... 4 bucks.

Gas... nearing 3.

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And do you wanna know what the biggest cost here is ? ? ?


Put you seat belt on for that one.

HOME... mandatory for many and everyone who is carrying note.

Car... oh man they base this according to zip code... which IF your area is like mine... with large amounts of claims... yes I know this is total BS... your artes will be stupid as well.

Your gonna pay... if you have new car ? ? heh... you better have at least 10 year old car... and PERFECT driving record... and you no way for you with "good"... not "great" insurance getting outta 140 a month.

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You wanna know what I been "hunting for".. ? ?

A new frigging keyboard !

:/ arrgrg

I do feel much better...

And I am taking today off :P

OR new fingers...

See... I have no keys with visible letters... the keys are worn... and the "r's" don't "register" well... so that is why many times when I tyoe "YOUR... its "you"... with a later edit if I catch it. heh

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