And if wondering... "why don't you go detecting today".
Answer = I am frigging exhausted from another long week / weekend.
Besides,,, even if I wanted to... AND had the "energy" today... I couldn't... sheesh detectors are dead... stuff is buried... etc.
You certainly don't have the mindset to relax detecting. Not when such as mentioned thoughts are in your head.
I was kinda surprised at Florida when there last , years and years ago. At the time there were quiet areas though granted I was leaning toward them at times . Always folks headed down or back for updates . A dog groomer we had and her husband sold out here and bought a spread down there a year or two ago . With horses... Whatever.
They might have liked the change , I'll bet the horses were annoyed.
I might at one time have worked a Dizzy World underground. Or , guiding folks to fish before the park opened.. Or somewhere else.
A trailer and A.C. would have sufficed outside of work. Ahh youth..L.o.l..
Winters bring back the where would be a good place to relocate to.
RustyRelics state is one that is a compromise. Always enjoyed the clime passing through. Farther South gets too warm for my blood.
But hey , if I had the money for a decent spread , I could stay warm here probably...
There is a summer flea market not far away I should sell at. I'm tied up mornings though so it's still not happening.
Sales here get interesting for competition too.
The few I hit are more remote and that helps.
2nd hand stores ect. are not really worth visiting. And I too find it annoying when folks take a pic. then look up an item for value. Some go outside and research.
Thier ambition is good , thier focus as far as specializing in anything vs looking up everything though....
Starting over after getting flatlined sucks. Part of life for some of us though.
Prices are getting nuts on land and real estate here again too.
Looked at an add for a trailer for several hundred dollars in a park. (Can you say alligator?)
Lot rent 450. That's cheap I guess. But what does a trailer owner gain? Pages of rules. No equity in the land. Neighbors up your backside.
A few years ago my offer of two grand an acre for hunting land (it's residential really, though you'd have to see the location , it's quite fine for a home with plenty of elbow room from neighbors) for just over ten acres was accepted without a counter offer. Asking price had been a third higher.
Granted only a couple acres would suit a homesite.
But today , a couple acres down the road they're asking more than twenty for. Not a postage stamp size , but not worth twenty today. (Watch , it'll sell...Eventually).
Houses jumped. New builds can run around 175 grand. And tired houses on tiny lots about the same. For decent stuff. Nothing fancy.
Then there are the alligators and downright turds folks are trying to flip for ridiculous profits.
Small towns , 150 grand can get a decent place. That's going to be from 30-60 minutes from a big /medium city.
If you've noted my liking Coleman lanterns , keep an eye out for decent older ones after researching popularity of models.
Japan fans are paying well on online sales....
What I'd never paid more than twenty bucks for (and 8-14 more common) gets asked 75 plus in half decent shape today.
Last year was slim pickins ,though I dodged auctions.
Did score one deal. Added and replaced a couple things on a newer model and put it aside after a fire up.
Two heat plants await work. One intact. I should make out should I sell. IF they clean up and work as desired. R.U.G. (regular unleaded gas) is my enemy.
Gums stuff up bigtime. And the complete heat plant shows tar like deposits. Meaning the fount needs cleaning.
Mineral spirits and steel b.b.'s are on hand for when I get started on it... A time thing too. (Or determination in priority thing.)
Two stoves await the same. One old Ted Williams or something..
I ever get a place to work outside that's enclosed , my busy will change.