The whole .25% interest rates that we have at the moment is going to just put folks into this unrealistic burden of repayment once the rates go up.
Will they go up? Just have a peek at the debt/earning ratio here it's now $1.80/$1.00 earned average.
So now have a peek at the national debt and it's a scary. Imagine if the rates were like they were in the early 80's.
The debt trap-buy-put the amortization over a long period of time. The national average for US auto loan interest rates is 5.27% on 60 month loans. Oh that new car smell.
Homes today even the rural are selling for $100K over the asking-these are the fixer up ones. The assessments are now going to double on homes-which increase the $$$ for the coffers of the for the spending. The mill rate might stay the same but the value of the home has increased to the point where one is saddled with a unrealistic debt to live under a roof.
The assessment of farm lands has doubled in the past couple of years-why-because the Western Ontario farmers are buying the properties in the Eastern region-so double the value.
Yes the debt trap of life-25-30 yrs to own the roof over the head-remortgaging every 1/2/5 yrs spreading it out, paying double for the roof.
I don't get why folks do this-to buy more-and in actual reality they have less because they've put everything up for collateral to buy more.
Buy a home-get a mortgage-oh whooppee the branch makes $150.00 but that's not what they are after. It's the credit card, banking fees, line of credit, the auto loan. the insurance, the cash, the piddly retirement investment plan.
oh the retirement plan, put away for the rainy day-earning a pittance-while paying off the loans. Oh that makes for a great financial plan-for the loaner.
Oh I have had the debt and the lowest on was 5 yrs-no matter what I bought in life and when. If I didn't see it clear in 5-forget about it as it was living out of my means. Sorry bank/credit card companies I'm your worse customer, as I don't like your numbers, but I do like using you.
Banking fees-what a game that play-turn it around on them-have the minimum balance where they reverse the fees every month. It's making more money on that $$$ than any investment today-by just sitting there doing squat.
I can recall being flat broke around 1980 when other folks were living off interests from C.D.'s.
The banks had boards with changeable plastic number and letter squares that were constantly changing , mostly upward on yields...
Now that I'm out of debt (somehow finally) I look at the pittance of interest earned by loaning the bank money , (vs what the bank earns) and scratch my head.
Somehow I used to have the idea of putting interest to work earning interest. (My feeble measure of success with money.)
The amount of interest being received hints that I'd be making a handful of change putting it to work earning interest.
I could acquire a tractor with the right things wrong ( the right thing (s) wrong for my skills to fix) and resell it for a lot more money. In theory anyways...