THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

-20 below and we're getting ready to start the process of getting ready for the season of sprouting, watering,bug squashing all over again. But still 4 months till the last risk of frost. Still have a bit of breathing room.

Ya we'z knows the bark is harmless. :laughing7:

I met up with NS Andy years ago for a hunt in Ottawa. The next thing I knew my trucks GPS was spirting some very strange sounds. I realized that the signage was in that my deepest fear language.
I was yelling at the dash NO!No! Get me out of here.:laughing7:
I'm not kidding the fear of the not understanding is real.

Non-essential travel ban is still in effect. Though there are many get through it seems for some reason.
The borders are closed and will probably remain closed for the time being.
Tighter restrictions actually are coming into play on both sides and one wonders if it will just be a repeat of last summer once again.
Time will tell-and until the herd immunity is achieved it won't happen.

Now what is your purpose of travel sir? Detecting? Sight seeing? Going to Quebec? Your a brave one-I don't even go there-too scared-no speak the lingo.
Plus that Bill guy lives someplace over there. :laughing7: :hello: Bill. Here's to ya..:occasion14:

If you do make it up to Ontario I'll show you some homestead sites to play on if you dare to dig Canadian dirty relics. :icon_thumright::icon_thumleft:
I was planning on doing a little bit of everything I guess, visit a few historical sites on your side of the lake Erie, do some sightseeing, maybe get an opportunity to practice my limited French, and of course do a little detecting. I would never leave home without a detector. Never know when you'll need it. :laughing7:

That is, If the border ever reopens...

During their prime they were not only talented but a force of nature.

Doubtful if another group will ever touch their combined talent.


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A.D. (Anno Domini, year of the Lord) and B.C. (Before Christ) have long been used by archaeologists in Europe and the Americas; their reference point is the birth of Christ.
C.E. (Current Era) and B.C.E. (Before Current Era) are sometimes used instead of A.D. and B.C. as a way to express a date without specifically referencing Christianity. .

Right.....people going out of their way to effectively *exclude* Christ or anything that refers to Him. (Yes...I take exception...cuz ....after all....HE *is* my walking partner! :angry3: )

Anyway, I get the feeling He might be saying, "Ignore me, eh? Well, here, Covid...variant 1, 2, 3, 4, ya like being ignored?" :icon_scratch:

Good evening fellas. I walked several miles to a spot that I thought had stuff, only to find out that it was a spot where only hunters gathered to eat potted meats and drink Budweiser while shooting off Remington 12 Gauge. I did detect my yard again today, and I believe I found a casing for a Henry .44 Cal. 1860 rifle. I'll have to ask around to ID it for sure, but my Henry bullet found in Virginia fits nicely inside it.

Tomorrow we'll ask permission to go back to the furnace.

A quick internet search with a lousy browser does not find any mention of a shot tower in your area.
They didn't stand well to time , but one would be a hoot to detect lead at...
Your picture and mention of the furnace brought a tower to mind due to height. IF a furnace had a means of holding a generous depth of water below it , lead could have been poured from above when the furnace was down/not running.
But water and a working furnace would not be a good mix...
Yours could have been repurposed for a shot tower after no longer being run , but you'd have evidence for sure if it was.

Gotta be something outstanding there though.
Folks spent enough time there.

Too tired to find, post a goodnight clip.

But my earlier post tonight brought a particular clip to mind. Trouble is, it is anything but "PG". So, I won't post a link. The end of it does tie in to my thought.

For any who wish to see it, just go to YouTube and use their search to find the following string


The one you want is the top one, labeled
Sam Kinison" careful....for those who aren't familiar with Sam Kinison...he is *VERY* rough!

So...silently, into the night I go.....
G'night folks! :sleepy2:

Aye Cap'n! I tend to agree.

BTB....what about the ship's "listing" problems? :dontknow:

? ? ?

Did I miss something ? ? ?

Which I usually do so...

Morning btw.

Good morning Tnet

Morning Rook.

Morning AARC and Rook

Gmorn, Msbeep no noodles? I think that’s one of first things I learnt to make. How about biscuits? Pancakes? Tomato gravy? Toast and hot water? Cheerios?
Have great day all.....

Right.....people going out of their way to effectively *exclude* Christ or anything that refers to Him. (Yes...I take exception...cuz ....after all....HE *is* my walking partner! :angry3: )

Anyway, I get the feeling He might be saying, "Ignore me, eh? Well, here, Covid...variant 1, 2, 3, 4, ya like being ignored?" :icon_scratch:

???You have me confused :icon_scratch:
That ref: Totally includes Christ.:dontknow:

Morning Pepper ... fat.


Wazzzz up folks....not much here. I spent all day yesterday fueling our fleet of boats....4500 galleons of fuel 3000 diesel, and 1500 gas.

Bart do you have a tanker truck? How do you handle that much fuel? Can you run off road fuel? Electric pumps or air or? Do you have to change filters too? I’m still have 1900 ft down on the brain.

Wazzzz up folks....not much here. I spent all day yesterday fueling our fleet of boats....4500 galleons of fuel 3000 diesel, and 1500 gas.

Morning Bart.:hello:

I think there's a need to think about getting a electric boat.:laughing7:

30yrs ago the Mrs's Uncle was the caretaker for a fellow that was the founder of IMAX.
He has restored a small passenger ferry to a battery operated vessel.
The coolest thing the bank was totally hidden and one would never know-it was a lovely vessel that had a few blue ribbons bestowed on it's hull.

We have a big truck come and we try and get all the boats close to the truck.

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