THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

I tried making egg noodles once, couldn't get the dough rolled thin enough. Cooking is not my strong point...that be the rum chug. :laughing7:
Me thinks WD could roll, & slice & maybe dice with the best of 'em!


So true WD has sliced and diced most of the guys on the thread at one time or another....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Everyone is trying to do the zero waste thing these days. So I'm going to bake the potato skins with some olive oil, salt and pepper.

Heh free potato chips and probably healthier than the store bought stuff.


Good evening fellas. I walked several miles to a spot that I thought had stuff, only to find out that it was a spot where only hunters gathered to eat potted meats and drink Budweiser while shooting off Remington 12 Gauge. I did detect my yard again today, and I believe I found a casing for a Henry .44 Cal. 1860 rifle. I'll have to ask around to ID it for sure, but my Henry bullet found in Virginia fits nicely inside it.

Tomorrow we'll ask permission to go back to the furnace.

I rarely get sick. I can't even remember the last time I caught the flu. But I have always washed my hands and avoided touching my face, long before the China virus. It's just common sense.

By the way, there is medical proof that face diapers don't stop viruses. Look it up. Dr. Falsi knows it too.

I've said before so I reiterate. Which makes it easier for the virus to get thru? Mask on, no mask. :dontknow:

To each their own. Easiest way to go is to just not get sick. Simple.....right?

Unfortunately, I'd tell it to stay away, but I don't speak virus-eeze. :tongue3:


Kind of makes you wonder why the medical staff in operating rooms wear masks if they're useless.....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

If I ever have to go under the knife I'll have to remember to tell them not to wear masks.

WHADIFIND ....might that "save" button be the big red one with the "X" on it, right under the word "caution"?:icon_scratch::laughing7:

Yes your ladyship. It is a check box.


Glad you're still getting out and making some finds...wtg!

Going to cook up some pork liver with onions tonight and I'll do some garlic mashed potatoes. We do have some sauteed sweet peppers from the other night we'll have on the side.

Bill... I am sorry... I have watched you post what you are eating for eons now...

And that has to be the worst :P


Arrrrg... better brush your teeth well after than one :P


lol.....I eat lots of stuff from all kinds of cultures and cooking styles and pork liver is one of the tamer items....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Actually I'm rinsing my mouth with some home made stout as we speak. How about some veal tongue for an encore sorry it was just to tempting buddy....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Bill... I am sorry... I have watched you post what you are eating for eons now...

And that has to be the worst :P


Arrrrg... better brush your teeth well after than one :P

Aye Cap'n! I tend to agree.

BTB....what about the ship's "listing" problems? :dontknow:

Here's a Canadian gal competing on Ireland's got talent she's also studying to be a doctor.


A.D. (Anno Domini, year of the Lord) and B.C. (Before Christ) have long been used by archaeologists in Europe and the Americas; their reference point is the birth of Christ.
C.E. (Current Era) and B.C.E. (Before Current Era) are sometimes used instead of A.D. and B.C. as a way to express a date without specifically referencing Christianity. But the dates themselves are exactly comparable to dates expressed as A.D. or B.C. For example, 1280 C.E. is the same year as A.D. 1280, and 228 B.C.E. is the same year as 228 B.C.
B.P. (Before the Present) is the number of years before the present. Because the present changes every year, archaeologists, by convention, use A.D. 1950 as their reference. So, 2000 B.P. is the equivalent of 50 B.C.
ka (kilo annum, thousand years) signifies "thousand calendar years ago," and it is used most often in geological, paleontological, and archaeological reporting to assign a general date to events that occurred a very long time ago. For example, the entry of humans into the New World during the Pleistocene (Ice Age) is thought to have occurred by about 15,000 years ago, or 15 ka (which is equivalent to approximately 13,000 B.C).

So put that in yours pipe and smoke it. Thats all I have to say about that.....

Pepperj, have you heard anything about when the border will be open to Americans? I was wanting to drive up to a few places in Ontario/Quebec over the summer but I am guessing it will probably have to wait.

Non-essential travel ban is still in effect. Though there are many get through it seems for some reason.
The borders are closed and will probably remain closed for the time being.
Tighter restrictions actually are coming into play on both sides and one wonders if it will just be a repeat of last summer once again.
Time will tell-and until the herd immunity is achieved it won't happen.

Now what is your purpose of travel sir? Detecting? Sight seeing? Going to Quebec? Your a brave one-I don't even go there-too scared-no speak the lingo.
Plus that Bill guy lives someplace over there. :laughing7: :hello: Bill. Here's to ya..:occasion14:

If you do make it up to Ontario I'll show you some homestead sites to play on if you dare to dig Canadian dirty relics. :icon_thumright::icon_thumleft:


lol....I haven't bitten anyone at least not recently....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

I actually passed up a chance to hunt with a couple of guys I know this summer this covid is turning this once social animal into a hermit....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

It is giving me more time to concentrate on the coming gardening season and researching more food options.

I just ordered a book on making artisan vinegars to add to my bag of tricks.

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