Morning shipmates and peeps! Another busy day on the high seas avoiding squalls and keeping my local dingy sailing smoothly, seeing as how it's snowbird season and all.
Oh yeah, fresh mushrooms. the perfect addition to any dish.
Perfect song while I wait on the Publix Covid signup page to sign up Mrs. PP55 for the vaccine. Got on at 6:00 am sharp and they had 1196(?) doses available in my county. Wasn't able to sign her up today but catching up on the RCT was a great way to pass the time. (1 hour 13 minutes and they were all gone. Next time hopefully.)
She was a little hesitant but with her breathing issues from just the regular flu I really couldn't understand her reluctance. Her regular flu shot last year kept her flu symptoms to about three days instead of 3 weeks or more. It may have helped

when I reminded her about smallpox being eradicated and all the other diseases (polio for one) vaccines have managed to control. I'll patiently (Riiiiight!) await until it becomes available to the general public.