THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

♪♪ Good morning shipmates! ♪♪

I kinda overslept. I found the rum room unlocked and, well, you know. :laughing9: I sorta remember singing on deck. I hope I didn't disturb anyone's slumber.

Morning shipmates and peeps! Another busy day on the high seas avoiding squalls and keeping my local dingy sailing smoothly, seeing as how it's snowbird season and all.

Oh yeah, fresh mushrooms. the perfect addition to any dish.

Perfect song while I wait on the Publix Covid signup page to sign up Mrs. PP55 for the vaccine. Got on at 6:00 am sharp and they had 1196(?) doses available in my county. Wasn't able to sign her up today but catching up on the RCT was a great way to pass the time. (1 hour 13 minutes and they were all gone. Next time hopefully.)

She was a little hesitant but with her breathing issues from just the regular flu I really couldn't understand her reluctance. Her regular flu shot last year kept her flu symptoms to about three days instead of 3 weeks or more. It may have helped :dontknow: when I reminded her about smallpox being eradicated and all the other diseases (polio for one) vaccines have managed to control. I'll patiently (Riiiiight!) await until it becomes available to the general public.

Sharing this as a tip for you:

I was trying to get my dad signed up. Over 95,000 in his age group in the county and they only had 1600 vaccines. :BangHead: I couldn't get him signed up. I put him on a list at Meijers (a big chain grocery store here). A couple days later, my daughter got him scheduled at a Kroger (a some what smaller chain store here) in another county. The tip is to check those big grocery stores websites near you. You might get scheduled.

Oh it's going to be a long spring/summer for those that are itching to be out and about in a normal way.

They will never allow things to go back to normal. There will be another plandemic as soon as this one is "gone". It's all about control.

Get out there and enjoy life. Don't allow .gov to scare you with their bogus "science". There are a lot of things that have a greater chance of killing you than the China virus.

By the way, did you see Dr. Falsi's latest command to wear TWO masks? LOL what a joke. He can take his face diapers and stick them up his butt, I'm not wearing one.

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I don't remember ever hearing that one.

As I'm sure I haven't heard many that you have experienced, milady. formal_bow.webp

Just as I didn't hear you dancin' on deck. By the by....would you care to have the undies back I found up there this morning?

(Stop that dancin' up there! :tongue3: )

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No colts yet. Have 4 mares bred up. When it’s real cold I like to keep closer eye. Frozen ears look so funny on a bucking stock.

They will never allow things to go back to normal. There will be another plandemic as soon as this one is "gone". It's all about control.

Get out there and enjoy life. Don't allow .gov to scare you with their bogus "science". There are a lot of things that have a greater chance of killing you than the China virus.

By the way, did you see Dr. Falsi's latest command to wear TWO masks? LOL what a joke. He can take his face diapers and stick them up his butt, I'm not wearing one.

We need something for our records though. When you get sick? Do you want them to do everything to save you? (Might include a mask or two.) Or......should they just shoot you like they do horses? :angel12:

Uh...oh....gonna get it for that one! :eek:

Good morning Msbeepbeep and WD.

We need something for our records though. When you get sick? Do you want them to do everything to save you? (Might include a mask or two.) Or......should they just shoot you like they do horses? :angel12:

I rarely get sick. I can't even remember the last time I caught the flu. But I have always washed my hands and avoided touching my face, long before the China virus. It's just common sense.

By the way, there is medical proof that face diapers don't stop viruses. Look it up. Dr. Falsi knows it too.

All the Canadian airlines have cancelled all sun destination trips till April 30th. All incoming travellers will need to have a test upon arriving at the 4 major airports.
Till one gets the results the person goes to the hotel for 3 days at a cost of $2000 ea. Land travel is coming as well soon as well.
They should of done this a year ago and we probably wouldn't be in situation we are in today.

But still it rubs the one that hate any restrictions and so bad too bad.

(Just wonder how all those that got the new variant in the rest home in Barrie Ontario feel about the door of the barn being closed after he horse got out.)

Just tell that to the face of the families that have lost love ones.

Yes to think otherwise is just plain being a heartless berstard.

Good morn...uh..afternoon all ye aboard the RCT!:hello:

Sure some high waves ...& s-n-o-w...ahhh! Don't say it!
More cometh!
I hear there was a party on the upper who kept throwing the harpoon at me as I tried to get on deck????????

Pepperj, have you heard anything about when the border will be open to Americans? I was wanting to drive up to a few places in Ontario/Quebec over the summer but I am guessing it will probably have to wait.

They said masks were to keep those that have covid from spreading it, how would they even know if they have no symptoms?

A lab here said they had 400 test in last year that were false positives. I'm guessing there were a lot more false tests, both neg & pos unreported. Not the mention fake N95 masks. And if people wear their masks like some wear their pants...its the same as not wearing any at all.

I told my daughter I was going to do one better than that and wear a plastic bag over my head tied at the neck. Nothing in, nothing out! Scored me another one on the "nut" meter, she did laugh.

Sharing this as a tip for you:

I was trying to get my dad signed up. Over 95,000 in his age group in the county and they only had 1600 vaccines. :BangHead: I couldn't get him signed up. I put him on a list at Meijers (a big chain grocery store here). A couple days later, my daughter got him scheduled at a Kroger (a some what smaller chain store here) in another county. The tip is to check those big grocery stores websites near you. You might get scheduled.

Thanks and it sure will be a long road for those interested in doing what they can to be protected. I was glad to try and wait online to see if could get her in. Her job provides our health benefits, so it's a win win for me. :laughing7:

Others may have heard this before, no one has to stop for red lights either but it seems the prudent thing to do. Red lights do save lies in both directions.

This whole, virus & great reset, seems odd.
All the flip flops on the info, lack of truth & transparency is not helping to dissuade that feeling either.

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