How far north? lol
I live in Central Alberta, West of Red Deer. I live one hour outside of the Rocky Mountains. This winter here has been non-existent so far. It is currently 20 here as well. The average January temps up here are usually around 0 to 1 degree daily (not including the windchill). Currently we have about a foot of snow (had more, but lots of melting this year). Saying that, we should have about 3 feet of snow by now.....
I ice-fish all the time, saying that, the lakes here are averaging 16 inches to 18 inches thick of ice cover, (should be around 20 inches or more by now), makes me very leery driving on them.
I will say though, in the mountains, there is a sh$t-tonne of snow. Down low there is 4 to 8 feet, up high, up to 13 feet of snow. A lot of my friends are there every weekend sledding (using $20,000 ski-doos). Its cheaper to go ice fishing
p.s. I typed the temps in Farenheit for you