THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7


***WD starts grocery list: NEED MORE RUM!***

That will be all we really need.

Oh and grab me a sack of salty nuhhhh... errr.... never mind... just the rum will do :P

Thank you. :)

Someone, or more accurately something, keeps shutting down my browser and checking out my search engine history.

If "It" can read this-

:hello: Hey Alphabet, I hope you found what you are looking for and KNOCK IT THE HELL OFF!

Next thing he hears is a "Knock-Knock" on the door......DS replies..."who's there"

Wow....lots of banner activity lately. Calabash's bottle is phenomenal.....I sold all the mallets and onions ive ever I have none....time for me to get another one !!

Bull riding is Mexican sport, nothing against pbr style mexicans do it best for me. More manageable livestock, they lead in and side step into chute like bucking horse practice, Lots of crosses drawn and dead saints thanked. Pageantry, Fandango and fun time.
I would rather watch a Canadian cowboy on an American quarter horse rope and trip those bulls like roping steers.
I've been to many PBR events. Those bulls are huge and unruly. And they have a bad attitude.

You know that green stuff that floats around in the bilge, some one thought it was for painting of the mast
You can come aboard my ship MsBeeps. I keep my mast clean.

Truth be told I'd keep up with this thread a lot more if not for all the greetings. I mean it is like 2/3rds "g'mornings".
Kind of reminds me of the Waltons tv show.

I have learned to wade through all the greetings to get to the "important" stuff. If someone says hello I hit them with a like.


No problem on my guess Alphabet's got you on their watch list and they're tracking your every very afraid....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Im gonna request some of those from my head wife. You must humbly make a request to get what you want !!:laughing7::occasion14:

Wow....lots of banner activity lately. Calabash's bottle is phenomenal.....I sold all the mallets and onions ive ever I have none....time for me to get another one !!

I was just watching the latest episode of Outlander (credit to the prop folks) there was a table of bottles and full of mallets/onion looking glass. Nice I thought.

From digging up 1000 or more bottles and being from a family of diggers-I never saw/had one bottle with a person etching as that one Calabash's find. It's really a cool find and deserves to be up there on the header.

Still see you are a #2 .....I guess it must be hard to admit that they did wrong..... and make it a #3

Story time-

This American Federal agent out of El Paso TX walks into this little bar in a little Mexican village just across the border. He says to the Bartender, "I'm looking for a dangerous bank robber, Jose Manuel. He robbed half a dozen banks in the States and I'm here to get the money back".

The bartender points to a rough looking character in the corner and says- "That's him".

The Fed says to the bartender- "Does he speak English? because I don't speak Spanish".

"No", the bartender replied. "But I speak English and Spanish. If you need to speak with Jose Manuel, I can translate for you".

So the two of them go over to Jose's table. The Fed says to the bartender, Tell him everything I say. Then the Fed draws his pistol, puts it against Manuel's head and says-

"Senior Manuel, I know you. I know what you did and I know all the banks you robbed. If you don't tell me where the money is, if we don't get back every cent that you stole from our banks, I'm going to shoot you in the head right here and right now".

So the bartender translates exactly.

Manuel talks to the bartender in Spanish. The Fed says, "Tell me exactly what he said".

The bartender tells the Fed, "Senior Manuel says 'Look, I don't want any trouble from you. Ihave a wife and kids I live very much. I cannot take care of them if I am dead. I will tell you where the money is'."

So the bartender translates to English for the Fed.

The Fed says to the bartender, "Tell him to tell me where it is, or I will shoot him in the head right now!"

So the bartender translates and tells Manuel in Spanish exactly what the Fed said.

Manuel tells the bartender in Spanish, "If you go to the south edge of town, you will find a stone fence. At the East corner of this fence there is a large oak tree. It is the only tree around. Six feet south of the base of this tree there is a concrete vault buried three feet under ground. In this vault you will find the missing money. Every cent I stole, all $100,255".

Then the bartender pauses....

The fed asks the bartender, "What did he say?"

The bartender tells the Fed- "He says, 'Shoot me now'. "


Im gonna request some of those from my head wife. You must humbly make a request to get what you want !!:laughing7::occasion14:

I'm always grateful if the Mrs makes me a get up meal-dinner is there-well because I can't fit any more on my plate in the day.
But if I did a request in the early-"Would I hear......well go right ahead Dear fill your boots" "Oh BTW could you save a few spoonfuls for me?" :laughing7:

Alright scallywags... A VOTE ! ! !

***Arc wonders if this is an excuse for a Rum toast... then decides this would require more Rum than needed... then takes a swig and continues***


All those in favor of it being "ok" to just like button a greeting without a post... say YEYANUNGJUMPOAH

ER.... Just say "yay".

And all the rest... say "No' P

Ok... if you still want to greet then great.... do it or don't.... it shall not be taken as "they / he /she/ don't like me because they did not greet me"... etc etc etc.

I would agree, but you haven't sent me my gold doubloons yet.......:dontknow:

Morning all! Jeesh...its 7:30 a.m. here......What the heck....what time do you guys get up to start the daily howdy's? Im three pages behind already lol.......

Today is my Friday! :occasion14: I work nine off, get 5 off. (I run gas plants, pumpjacks, gas wells etc)
On Friday, after my son gets out of school, him and I are making the 4 hour drive down south to go ice fishing for the weekend....looks like it will be average winter temps for a change, but no matter. We are well equipped!


Morning Aclipper

It’s going on 9 here.20B086EA-682C-495C-B41A-7D3172B3F859.gif

Crimped all Tuesday! "It" is doing it again...

Captian AARC, I suggest you fire the bow chaser, give the order to break out the cutlasses and rig to repel boarders. I'm going out there to ferret It out and rile them up. Wish me luck, and Steady On!

(Duckshot takes a dingy to shore and goes stomping off into the jungle...)

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