THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

This is a disgusting act of cruelty Jim and whoever tortured this poor animal should be hung by their family jewels from the tallest King Palm.
The reality of this situation is, the perpetrator of this heinous crime against a defenceless gentle animal will likely never be brought to justice. :sadsmiley:
If caught, its a $50,000 fine to harm a manatee plus jail time by judges discretion.

Morning Msbeepbeep and RC

My sister married an Eskimo. His mom still lives a subsistence lifestyle. That’s how I today have my two eskimos, niece and nephew.
There is still plenty flow ice. They use to get $15g to guide a polar bear hunt. Now it’s $1500. They still do it you can to. They still hunt the same amount but the perception of killing the last bear has ruined the market. They would much rather hunt to harvest instead of having to shoot them when digging threw trash dump or when they try and break in the house. The people that know the least and care the most cause the most problems.

My sister married an Eskimo. His mom still lives a subsistence lifestyle. That’s how I today have my two eskimos, niece and nephew.
There is still plenty flow ice. They use to get $15g to guide a polar bear hunt. Now it’s $1500. They still do it you can to. They still hunt the same amount but the perception of killing the last bear has ruined the market. They would much rather hunt to harvest instead of having to shoot them when digging threw trash dump or when they try and break in the house. The people that know the least and care the most cause the most problems.

A friend stayed in AK. a while.
In an area where some folks got squirrely with lack of sun at times and as he put it , jumped out windows..

Anyways , he didn't like the season when bear were staging awaiting better access to pack ice and hanging around people. And naturally pursuing human created scents and conditions of potential food sources of garbage or whatever.

Eskimo's are humans .And as such can vary in perspectives.
Time and again though respect for wildlife shows up.
Like leaving caribou alone in one area where they calve. As it is thier place to do so and to be left alone for good reason to establish recruits to the herd. And of course for the sake of the herd having "a place" of it's own. A place they "come from".

Within the respect of resources being finite , there remains benefit to hunts for bear. Muskox , Boo , ect..Well within reasonable numbers of course.
Let those who depend on the resource manage it. In a manner that in the process ensures the resources future. Sometimes , that future relates to hunting dollars. By assigning value to existing stock.
Africa has demonstrated such.
Where hunting creates better value to the resource and community by being within habitat capacity and age structure of a herd , exploitation through poaching indiscriminately can be reduced and or thwarted.
Crop depredation vs a villages control of animals is another case.
When legal hunting increases a villages well being better than poaching , where is the greater value?

He kept waiting to encounter one in the dark.

0FA5B7FE-EB9B-4350-8B02-BA3F855A0872.webpWhy do the first peoples only get to hunt? They migrated here just like my family. African elephants are so thick the experts cant give you a population number even with a margin of error, but I may not hunt because they might go extinct.
Why do the first invasive humans get to hunt and not me?

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Good afternoon, Antiquarian, ARC, Bart, Bill, boatlode, Duckshot, ECS, Fat, GB1, ironhorse, Msbeep, Pepperj, Pete’spocket, releventchair, rook, Rusty,RTR, Sd51, and WHADIFIND.

Pant, pant, cough, wheeze.

Did I miss any one?

1.5 hrs left for day 72. Whoo hoo!!

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I’ve got pork chops to fix tonight. Probably in the grill pan with seasoning. Not committed to how I want to cook them, though.

I wonder how Toecutter and geo dog are doing?

Afternoonall, I typed a lot more but in my resign in it missed a lot somehow? but please I did not come here to argue about something We will never agree on. I’m looking for new ways to stimulate my brain. After my as-is-so-far lifetime, I truly believe I have a far more open mind about living and life than the people that haven’t done it but just know better.
We all have the same and do the same things. It is how we react to and handle those different but the same situations that makes us different.

Hey you guys.....Ever hear a song and it 'always' draws you back to a 'space & time'? Like you were there in another life...Well this is mine...guess the "place"...
Clue,its not about a lady with blue eyes .It is a place.

View attachment 1893451Why do the first peoples only get to hunt? They migrated here just like my family. African elephants are so thick the experts cant give you a population number even with a margin of error, but I may not hunt because they might go extinct.
Why do the first invasive humans get to hunt and not me?

Not sure who invaded the Great Rift Valley. May have been folks evolved there in a way more than tromped or sailed in.

I know why I don't hunt elephants... Well , one good reason anyways.$$$$
That and my inability to run.

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I have a double Dutch for on the barn and the trim frame was split where the hinges were. So I put some new hinges on it. longer screws, all good until a few nights ago for the nightly lights out check. The door is overlapping the left door. So today I took them off again, the trim, and half of the inner casing came out as well.
So a I found a of 1 x 3 inch cherry 8ft long, new backer for hinges. Cut out the 2x8 pine casing up 37" and put a replacement in. So now everything opens and closes like a dream, instead of a mule kick to close.

Just had to put the shirt on again-says a lot actually. Just wait until the claims are settled and the payouts are done. The whispering is the taxes will be put onto the lands and then to pay them of there will be a lot of parcels going up for sale.

Not sure why the rich want to take the gentle giants and stuff them for no other reason then to say they did-just don't get it that's all.

I guess the Black Bear poaching for the Gallbladders for a few bucks.
Bear bile contains ursodeoxycholic acid. It is purchased and consumed to treat hemorrhoids, sore throats, sores, bruising, muscle ailments, sprains, epilepsy, reduce fever, improve eyesight, break down gallstones, act as an anti-inflammatory, reduce the effects of overconsumption of alcohol, and to 'clear' the liver.

Now the gall of some hungover hemorrhoid taking the bear's life for that reason. To put it in the freezer is a whole different topic-no problem-best of luck.

The Dam Delicious site has some good recipes. Nice to see another gourmet in our midst!

BBQ Wings from Winn Dixie, deli cole slaw, and honey bourbon baked beans tonight!

Not sure who invaded the Great Rift Valley. May have been folks evolved there in a way more than tromped or sailed in.

I know why I don't hunt elephants... Well , one good reason anyways.$$$$
That and my inability to run.

I never really had a desire to go after "African Big Game", but I have always wanted to go one day to hunt for Impala, Kudu, Nyala, Gemsbok and Wildebeest.

Hello, colored bears are the stinking-most rotten smelling animal I have ever butchered. When they kill a moose and than eat and bury and than come back in ten days to do it again. Summer to fall warm temps make that buried meat cache ripe. If you ever had a freezer go bad you kind of understand, leave it another 30 days for a closer sniff sniff.
I like my pokshops grilled.
Here is my fav bbq sauce starter. You may add to like those dried peppers someone makes and so on.
One jug of 16 oz or something close Russian salad dressing, the kind made from beets not tomatoes
One can whole cranberrys
One package onion soup mix.


Here are some WWII Artifacts that I got in a trade today.

1. 101st Airborne "Screaming Eagle" patch - very nice used condition.

2. WWII Paraglider infantry (D-Day) in very nice used condition.

3. Piece of German bomber. On the back, these words are scratched in: Piece of German Bomber 4/3/45 Belgium. Was a U.S. Vet bring-back.

5. German soldier marked K98 ammo pouch.

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