THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Good morning ARC.

Morning Anti and anyone else with an eye open waiting for coffee.

Edit: Or rum and coffee. AARC? :thumbsup:

Morning Pete.

Morning AARC, Dave, Pete

Morning Pepper.

One last thing I wanted to share with you all before I sign off. :thumbsup:

This building has recently been approved for construction in Shanghai China, it will be built by a construction company from Saudi Arabia.
The advancements in construction technology never cease to amaze me. :icon_scratch:(post #32161)

Neat, but what's it made of? Wax? :laughing7:

Morning Tnet forum

Morning Rook.

Morning Dave, PP55, AARC and pepper

Neat, but what's it made of? Wax? :laughing7:

Anti is prolly off getting coffee pete... mornings are "slow"... the awakening process varies for each of us daily. heh

Like this morning... I am dragging arse.... stayed up watching a movie... cannot remember the name now but anyway.

COFFEE ! ! !

Morning RTR.

Since my fishing buddies are keeping their distance, we decided to play euchre together, but do it online from home every Thursday night. Turns out the software keeps track of everyone's games played, wins, loses, winning percentage and how many times someone abandons a game before the other team wins. One of our guys found out about these stats, and wasn't happy that it showed he abandons games 7% of the time.

He even contacted the company to see if they would reduce the number...I said, hey it's not like it's your Credit score!
That’s hilarious SD, I guess some folks just don’t want you to know they’re poor losers, even at euchre. :laughing7:

Anti good morning to you also.
I have keyboard fingers this morning...
Maybe I should just start with rum, coffee not cutting it this morning.

Anti the building unique, reminds me of cactus.
Just wanted to say good morning to you MsBB, as I’m usually gone by the time you sign-on. :hello:
I’m sure the vast majority of this building was conceived on a computer program, so I always get a kick out of engineers who design these unique structures.
The designers then throw the blueprints at the construction companies saying, “now build this for us”. :dontknow:

Well me's better get a move on tan do the do, have to drive into city today to get a Cat scan on the lungs to make them happy that I'm still breathing.

Keep those specialists thinking that I should be doing that but I am doing this instead in life.

But I kind of liking the one specialist (head of the research board) that has a way of just saying the truth.
If you don't eat healthy and take the required supplements no there's sense in continuing the care. Blunt right to the point-no BS approach.
Like really if a person is not trying-why do they expect the attending specialists to care either.
I hope the results of your lung scan are clear Jim.
You’ve got far too much work that needs to be done around your place to worry about a little thing like oxygen. :thumbsup:

So my mom has been obsessed with frying stuff in a wok now, meaning she's buying Asian foods and spices off of amazon faster that the FBI can ID capitol protesters. We got a large box of stuff today, and as we were unpacking the box, we were surprised to see this package. Lemme know when you see it.
I’m sorry Ethan, but seeing a frozen bag of vegetables from China makes my stomach turn.
I’m sure this is one of the reasons why Chinese take-out food is so cheap and why chicken balls often contain the occasional beak or claw. :tongue3:

Last week, I bought a 1.75kgs (3.85lbs) bag of ‘Thai Style’, Canada Grade A Frozen Vegetables from our local grocery store. It states on the package, “Contains no artificial, flavours, colours or preservatives”.
The quality of these frozen vegetables is amazing compared to others that I’ve bought. I do all the cooking in our house and I make sure everything I prepare for my wife and daughter is completely gluten and dairy-free, so I try to make fresh vegetables at every meal. Finding locally grown, fresh vegetables, is obviously not possible here in Canada from November – April, so veggies like these are a healthy affordable alternative. :icon_thumright:

Now the law agency is play 10-1 odds on catching the sick person(s) responsible for labelling this poor Manatee.

This is a disgusting act of cruelty Jim and whoever tortured this poor animal should be hung by their family jewels from the tallest King Palm.
The reality of this situation is, the perpetrator of this heinous crime against a defenceless gentle animal will likely never be brought to justice. :sadsmiley:

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Good morning Pete, Jim, Rook and Roger. :coffee2:
Already had one large coffee ARC, caffeine has kicked in so it's all good.

I'm an Administrator on a detecting site here in Canada, so I tend to bounce between sites in the AM. :laughing7:


Hey Bill, that's a Redfish or a Red Drum. Caught it in the intercoastal water in Florida near Pensacola on a fly that looks like a shrimp. I saw it swimming along the bottom, casted the fly near him and watched him open his mouth and eat it. Thirty minutes later, he was in the net. Twenty two pounds.

Immediately saw another Redfish and he ate the fly. This fish weighed 24 pounds. That was a great day on the water. Told the guide we should get lottery tickets!
All Redfish this size legally must be released.

I was fishing close to Fort Pickens. I've often wondered how many cannonballs are in the water by the fort from the battle there during the Civil War?

Morning also to Rook, pepperJ, RTR, Rusty, and WD, Bill f.L., Msbeeps, SD51, WIF, , , , , ,& , when you sign on. (please enter any missing and preferred nickname)
My apologies as I had to light out quickly yesterday and didn't even have time to say "Adios! Muchachos et Senorita's". Forgive me in advance if I may forget to sign off. I have an eclectic attention span most times. Very random lately.

I'm not sure if the nickname I've heard used for larrrrge Red Drum ("Shoulders") is used elsewhere. The nickname as I understand it is because of the width at their "shoulders" when they get to be big bulls. We've caught them up to about 54" in the Sebastian Inlet on golden croakers.

Here's an interesting link to an underwater recording of the male.

Much different compared to what we hear when they are out of the water.

For grins and chuckles here is a link to an underwater recording of a black drum. It has kind of a nice beat going on.

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I'm thinking silver, how about you ? OR,mercury covered gold ? 001.webp003.webp

Well I'm off everyone, hope you all have a good Wednesday! :thumbsup:

No its full of water.

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