Morning also to Rook, pepperJ, RTR, Rusty, and WD, Bill f.L., Msbeeps, SD51, WIF, , , , , ,& , when you sign on. (please enter any missing and preferred nickname)
My apologies as I had to light out quickly yesterday and didn't even have time to say "Adios! Muchachos et Senorita's". Forgive me in advance if I may forget to sign off. I have an eclectic attention span most times. Very random lately.
I'm not sure if the nickname I've heard used for larrrrge Red Drum ("Shoulders") is used elsewhere. The nickname as I understand it is because of the width at their "shoulders" when they get to be big bulls. We've caught them up to about 54" in the Sebastian Inlet on golden croakers.
Here's an interesting link to an underwater recording of the male.
Much different compared to what we hear when they are out of the water.
For grins and chuckles here is a link to an underwater recording of a black drum. It has kind of a nice beat going on.