Good morning Jim, Bart, Rook and Bill.
I have a feeling we're going the 'curfew route' here in Toronto soon too Bill, almost 3500 new cases were reported yesterday.
If folks had just taken the advice of health and government officials and stayed home at Christmas / New Years', we wouldn't be seeing these kinds of numbers.
Jim will be safe, he can just hide out in the henhouse until all this passes.
Where else Dave, surrounded by females wanting my attention-buddy I have them eating right of my hand.

Yep we tend to handle most of our outside activities during the day so staying in post 8 p.m. is no big deal.
Luckily it's happening during the hibernation period over the next 4 weeks. Like everyone else though it'll be nice to get back to some sign of normal the sooner the better.
Got a phone call from an internet buddy in Lachine who phoned to wish me a happy birthday. He admitted he was conversing with a psychologist on skype.
I kind of figured that this virus situation would push some folks emotionally harder than they can comfortably handle unfortunately.
I really think it's hit the folks that have little in the way of hobby related things to do-or bucket list projects.
Folks that go out everyday to interact with others and are social bees-they're the ones hurting the most as they can't now, and have nothing to fall back on.
Don't get me wrong in thinking I don't miss the hugs from the close friends, but right now they're not given/received.
Other than that it's probably a good time to lock it right down as most are hibernating for the next month or so.