Pepper... I dare you to wear your "chicken coop poop gear" to the supermarket.
Double dog dare ya :P
Two rations of Rum ? ? ?
Well the headlamp isn't required, but the man with the "PINK" saucers has gone out and about many times in the world.
No big deal as most probably look at me like I'm a local bum, no problem with that one.
I think those coveralls have seen some pretty good action, went through a decade in the scrap yard, then another dozen after, getting thread bare, but they still keeps the bones warm.
Why do we have to put airs on for folks anyways-here it is like it or not, take me for what I am.
Maybe that's why the farmers let me roam on their lands.
Oh sure one can put on the airs, wear the bling, dress up, polish the truck, for what? So more can talk behind one's back?
It's more fun screwing with their heads doing this way.