THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Well comfort foods are a happening more everyday it seems. The hearty soups, pastas, shaved roast beef on a bun, the baked squash-oh ya the little bake off of squash happened over the last 2 afternoons.
Check out the pre-oven squash.
Gee I think a little of all the above for dinner with a small side bowel of salad.
Getting that hunger on now.
Gee I love my oven, cook all day and the front is still cool to touch. Now that's a piece of quality work right there-thanks to those European engineers.

And what oven would that be ? ? ?

All you need is a long shank fish hook and a loaf of bread.
and little piece of string.

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Since you've got loads of squash and you're craving comfort food here you go.


All you need is a long shank fish hook and a loaf of bread.
and little piece of string.
Sounds like we're fishing for those bottom feeding carp.
25ib test line snap it like thread sometimes-smart buggers would wrap themselves around a stump and then go for broke.

A bit of a parody of the year 2020 for your entertainment.


Off... G' night.

A few months back this car almost broad sided me on the highway going through the hamlet.
I hit the horn and I got the Ol' Hippy flipper-now if it was my doing-I can accept the fickle finger of fate award-not my fault well the left shoulder comes a boiling up.
Oh some peoples children-I tell you.....:laughing7:

Reminds me of a time. When, evidently, the green light was directly attached to the car behind me's,

I mean, I was watching and as soon as the light changed his horn started! I didn't even a nanosecond to move my foot to the gas pedal. I looked in the mirror to see what was the matter. There was Horatio P. Hornblower, red faced, screaming into his windshield whilst flipping the bird!

I usually just ignore and move on. Not this time. (sic bad day).

I opened my door, got out and he started to jump out of his. I went to the hood, opened it (after turning off the engine), smiled back at him sheepishly and gave an exaggerated :dontknow: .

He jumped back in his car, slammed into reverse and tried backing up to get clearance and hit a plain brown wrapper police car.

While he was explaining to the officer, I got back in, started up and went on my way.

That left shoulder can be problematic! ;)


Morning Tnet folks

Morning Rook.

Good morning ARC and Rook. :coffee2:

Morning AARC, Rook, Dave

Morning Anti... Pepper.

Morning Jim and ARC. :thumbsup:

Good morning, rook, Pepperj, ARC and Antiquarian.

Good morning WD. :hello:

Morning WD.

Morning WD, ANTI and pepper

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