THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Morning Rook, ARC

Gmorn, AARC, I have a cannon story for you. I found the “slug” one day and than found the “cannon” that shot it the next. It’s in a trust for a little while yet, owner/builder passed and I’m making an effort to add to my inventory.
I can’t figure out how to make my pics show, top up and on another device. Right beside me though.
the slug is 11 pounds or around that. The barrel was a WW2 navy ship cannon. It was scrapped out in Casper Wyo ( imagine sailing around the world, than trucked to Casper to cut up? and r.i.p. Bob bought it and than assembled it. He cut the barrel down so that it looked right and than poured slugs in the cut off piece.

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Morning Pepper ... Fat.

Morning pepper and fat

Good morning ARC, Rook, Jim and Fat. :wave:

Morning Anti.


Good morning, AntiQ, ARC, Fat, PepperJ, and Rook.

Not much powder, I can’t recall now but fill the hollowed out and wax paper but I’ll read all notes if N when.
I was arrow hunting and the bluff line runs NW to SE and this spot sticks out to the south quite a ways. I get there and the one side looks like “Omaha beach” I mean blowd up. Not lightening, earthquake? ThN I found slug? Rifled slug? No wonder they could hit anything?(I’m dreaming) I’m North of river but to the south and west is chimney rock on the Oregon Trail the cavalry shot the top of it off once upon a time, I thought I found a target practice spot it not too far from a historic Calverly camp.
The next day I’m headed to ft Laramie to research, I happen to see land owner at grocery store and tell him all about, he say oh yea, the local welding shop guy used to have cannon and sure enough still did, I bugged about getting to fire myself but it never happened, yet.

Fine, save the idiots I'm sharing the roads with. I almost T-boned someone the other day because she didn't look both ways before leaving a parking lot onto the road. It was very close. And SHE had the nerve to give ME the finger.

Happy New Year, Rusty! I got flipped off yesterday, too. :tongue3:

Morning WD.

Morning Fat
Now that's a man's toy-:headbang:

Morning Dave
Hope you got that shovelling done yesterday

Morning WD

I hope the head banging is gone this morning totally and your washing is all done, nothing worse than those sniffles that are wiped repeatedly up and down the sleeve, then dries kind of crispy.
Just saying get more tissue stocked up now-for incase Mr WD caught it-there's nothing worse that a man-cold.

Good morning WD. :hello:

Alright whats going on here.I can't upload pix. here .Anyone else having this problem ?

Bankroll 150g to win 100, you will never get ahead.
Inflation has set in. The saying now is," How do you win a $1,000,000.00 fishing? Start with $2,000,000.00."

Morning RTR.

Alright whats going on here.I can't upload pix. here .Anyone else having this problem ?

Just remember to be "easy" on pic uploads.

And definitely do not quote someone's post that has pictures ... WITH the pictures anyway.

IF you want to quote a post... remove the pictures by deleting the "attach" parameters.

SO...this RCT wont end up like the last RCT.

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