THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

The gulls weekly rate was like 2 nights at the holiday in Xpress. Use to just leave boat in water under bridge than go look for that mud line. Back than 10 fish limit no possession. I butchered every night, managers(Hindu)? Couple would help and than pack and freeze. I buried a dog there.
I’m on mountain time so I would loose two hour 7am launch was 5a for me add the time change 4a, two hours at dock before tourney seemed like an all nighter. I always wanted to go to cedar point but it was always closed. Before gps and navigation I would get out binoculars and look for a roller coaster to get home.

Good mid morn, Happy new new year

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Good morning Rusty, Happy New Year to you & family! How's the driving going?

Fine, save the idiots I'm sharing the roads with. I almost T-boned someone the other day because she didn't look both ways before leaving a parking lot onto the road. It was very close. And SHE had the nerve to give ME the finger.

I already started 2021 by securing some deals on Civil War and WWII stuff.

For the WWII things, I got a K98 ammo pouch that has the soldiers name inside, A 101st Airborne Screaming Eagle patch, a piece of German bomber, and a lot of original photographs from the war.

on the Civil War side, I got this beauty of a relic! This was found in Picketts Charge field, in Gettysburg a few years after the battle. It was painted by either the famous Danner Museum, or an imitator. I will have to consult with a few Danner Museum collectors to see it it came from there. Either way, it's an incredible relic.


Good afternoon Bill, sorry, i had to make phone calls.

Rusty drive defensively, like every other car on the road is driven by an idiot...closer to the truth than ya want to be.
Nice score on the relic! Hope the museum guy has good things to say.

Fat, good afternoon. Happy New Year to you!

The sign out side of Gettysburg SD says “on this spot in 1776, nothing happened”. The Getty bridge is good spot to catch walleyes.
That is cool Rusty.
Nice to say hello beep beep.

Fat, when did you retire from the tournament scene? Or are you still in it?

Good morning rook....I found a cache.....been cleaning it up for the last 3 hunts. Unfortunately it was a modern penny bank or something similar....some of the penny's are fused in stacks of 3 or 4 at a time. Coins are scattered over a 10 foot area ive picked up hundreds of coins so far.....all modern junk clad !! Darn it !!

Sounds like that last of the year clad fest area I had New Years Eve. :icon_thumright:

Fine, save the idiots I'm sharing the roads with. I almost T-boned someone the other day because she didn't look both ways before leaving a parking lot onto the road. It was very close. And SHE had the nerve to give ME the finger.

How dare you!? Being on her road!!:tongue3:

Good afternoon Bill, sorry, i had to make phone calls.

Rusty drive defensively, like every other car on the road is driven by an idiot...closer to the truth than ya want to be.
Nice score on the relic! Hope the museum guy has good things to say.

Its getting tough to not hit someone out there. And next to impossible to keep from getting hit!!!

This is what Ron told me. If you like to derby fish that means you like to fish and you like to gamble, you will never get ahead.
When I first started running around with him we chased coyotes with dogs we put up 400 a couple different years. I knew he was an ag pilot and he needed help with that, ground guy, the pilots job is deadly, the ground guy does everything else. Every pilot thinks they can spray but they can’t; different topic. He also owned semi trucks and live trailers to pull beets and bag potatoes.
He fished for a vacation. To get away. Going to Mobridge anyways, what’s another $1500? Wins it. 20g? or something like, He’s HOOKED now.
I cut my teeth hunting and fishing. Fishing in a boat is a team sport I was all about it I learned his program he trusted my information you can cover twice as much water in two boats pre-fishing it’s the way it is. You can only trust so many people pro fishing I mean why would I want to give you a $20,000 walleye I need that money that’s my money. All pros work together on a percentage basis in my opinion it’s true.

Is that with the new camera?

No it was just with the S20-well technically it's new-the new camera battery was low. :dontknow:
I knew I wanted another battery when I bought it-but they were out of stock.

The semis were first to go, they need drivers to haul loads to get paid. Cherokee6 couldn’t pull a boat, I shot a hole in the cub prop-different subject
4-5 ag tractors, pilots are thick if you own a plane. Like any business, work at it first, buy one and make payments and keep everything going is whole different subject.
He belly flopped the last 180? gal ship. (Small slow) down to the last one now.(smaller and slow).
The whole month gone fishing you still consume the same, payments phone electricity plus credit card from trip 1000 miles away.
Bankroll 150g to win 100, you will never get ahead.
Rodeo cowboys have the same problem winning that buckle.

Fine, save the idiots I'm sharing the roads with. I almost T-boned someone the other day because she didn't look both ways before leaving a parking lot onto the road. It was very close. And SHE had the nerve to give ME the finger.

Happy New Year Rusty

I have a few times in the city just plowed right into the one that pulled out, not avoided-as it couldn't be avoided.

One time the traffic cop asked the simple question: What happened?

The other driver stated that I saw him and hit him.

Cop looked at me and asked what happened?

I saw him pull out-back up-pull out-back up-pull out and I hit him. :dontknow:

Yup 5 Ton X-Military truck vs a Dodge Caravan . Got a nice front end bumper and paint job out of the crash.

He got a unsafe sticker on the windshield, bent frame, blew the passenger tire & rim right off, but I hit him on the drivers side. And the yellow ticket....

I guess there's no right on the who's right or wrong, most accidents could be avoided-but there's times where $hit just happens.

In my experience Canadian drivers are the best they help you pass them. There hwy is wide and busy they will slow down and move over and help. I try to do that here and truck drivers get it, everyone else, not so much.

Drivers suck.

And these damn Canadians :P

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