THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Good morning ARC, Jim and WD. :wave:

So, tomorrow at 11am I have my first Skype job interview since October.

Over the past few weeks, I've had a number of phone interviews with the recruiter who's in Charlotte, NC.
Last Wednesday I had a phone interview with the company VP who's in Kansas City, KS.

Tomorrow I have a Skype interview with the company President who's in Fort Myers, FL.
I've been out of work since July 7... I think it's time to get back to work! :occasion14:


Good morning ARC, Jim and WD. :wave:

So, tomorrow at 11am I have my first Skype job interview since October.

Over the past few weeks, I've had a number of phone interviews with the recruiter who's in Charlotte, NC.
Last Wednesday I had a phone interview with the company VP who's in Kansas City, KS.

Tomorrow I have a Skype interview with the company President who's in Fort Myers, FL.
I've been out of work since July 7... I think it's time to get back to work! :occasion14:

Good luck & make sure you dress for the part from head to toe. Don’t want to see your Skype interview going viral because you were wearing your bunny slippers. Lol

We were catch and release this year, except a couple times when we had family/friends that wanted fish to take home. Our freezers are full. Oh and my tournament fish. Had to keep that one out for weighing, then we gave it away.

Morning WD

We have Bass tournaments regularly in the area waters. I have no idea on the condition of the fish in the system for consumption. Everyone that fishes claim the fish that they catch are excellent-but taste is one thing and the quality of the fish is another.

Years ago there used to be this big 2 day salmon derby every year at the marina, then on the holiday Monday the big charity event happened and the donated salmon feast was the draw. Well one year a couple of the local LEOs walked up and stated that they better stop serving the salmon to the children-and maybe the salmon the following year all together. It wasn't fit to be consumed by young children, or pregnant women. So the event went to burgers/chicken instead. Strangely the charity that received the $$$ from the event was the Cancer Society.

Though I have't studied any reports on the condition of the fish stocks in the HOLMES for many years, it was getting a lot better than it was 25-35yrs ago in a lot of respects.

Best of luck on the fishing in 2021-hope everything is a better norm.

BTW How's the snozzle drips this morning, feeling any better?

Good morning ARC, Jim and WD. :wave:

So, tomorrow at 11am I have my first Skype job interview since October.

Over the past few weeks, I've had a number of phone interviews with the recruiter who's in Charlotte, NC.
Last Wednesday I had a phone interview with the company VP who's in Kansas City, KS.

Tomorrow I have a Skype interview with the company President who's in Fort Myers, FL.
I've been out of work since July 7... I think it's time to get back to work! :occasion14:

Best of luck with the interview and exciting as well.
Getting out of the track pants-putting on the pair of big daddy pants, shirt, tie, boot the puppy out from where she lies.
Been since July-oh my how the time flies.
You'll hit it out of the park, I'm certain you will pal.:icon_thumright::icon_thumleft:

(Better yet put the puppy on your lap-everybody loves a cute sassy puppy.) :laughing7:

Morning AARC. ANTIQUARIAN. pepper. and WD

Morning Rook.

Good morning Rook. :coffee2:

Good morning, pirates and piratess’sssssss.

I have slept a lot, still congested and will skip the gross details about it. I guess I have to find a place to get tested just because this stupid virus afflicts every one different.

Any way, feels like an annoying cold.
I hear your Covid test was negative WD, that’s great news! :hello2:

My wife had her ‘virtual doctor’s appointment’ yesterday morning and she has an eye infection.
The doctor emailed a prescription for antibiotic eye drops to Walmart which I picked up yesterday.
The scary part in all this was, the doctor mentioned that an ‘eye infection’ can be symptomatic of Covid.
Needless to say, I’m keeping my eye on her… get it, ‘keeping my eye on her’. :laughing7:

Note to not drink out of the same rum bottle as WD !! Hope your feeling better sooner than later.
Great advice for all of us here Bart… now pass that Capt. Morgan bottle over will ya. :thumbsup:

Reminds me of the local historian/author/librarian, brilliant writer and above all in the facts regarding the area.
She learnt of my detecting skills and proceeded to tell me about a fellow that detected the local fair grounds-"And kept everything" story. (Threw the guy under the bus)
Then she stated that I could come and detect her two places,1was a church, the other was the school. Then in the next breath she barked " I want everything that you find " and that was her statement.
Well it's on my list of places to detect when I retire and finish with the other permissions (8000 acres) that I have in the meantime.
Jim, I just love it when a detectorist who came before us ruins it for the rest of us.
Thankfully, in my area the hobby hasn’t really caught on in the countryside yet, so most of the sites I detect are ‘virgin sites’.
I always make a point to give some of my better finds to the farmer/landowner that way there’s no hard feelings. :icon_thumleft:

I used to fish there in the 90's....I would sleep in the fort on the cold windy nights. We would anchor and base our fishing operation out of the fort. 8-10 days at the fort and then a week at home, then repeat. Did that from 91-95. We would fish 32 miles of sword fish longline gear. Over the years I found and carried away many treasures. I just found the numbers for 18 wreck sites all 18-19th century. It was the wild west back then and there were no rules.....if it blew and we couldn't fish we would hold 4 day raging parties at the fort. My how times have changed !! Now every movement is planned and monitored by the park rangers. I will try and film a beautiful site complete with bronze cannons and a field of olive jars on the bottom. That may or may not happen as the primary goal is fishing. The weather is very unpredictable this time of year and diving conditions are rarely clear in the winter blows. Ill cross my fingers and prey for one of those 100 ft vis. Winter days !!

“I would sleep in the fort on the cold windy nights.” This sounds like it would’ve been an amazing at the time Bart.
Of course, you probably appreciate the experience more now that you’re older.
Best of luck if you ever get back there. :thumbsup:

WD I hope your test is neg and the wait time is quicker than my neighbors. She had to park in line behind the 40 cars there ahead of her at 5 am and the test site doesn't open till 7:30-8am depending how fast they get set up.

She now gets to do this again, once a week for the next two weeks. Because some one at work on the first floor tested pos. And she works on the 4 th floor.
This is really great news for WD MsBB. Every morning around 9:30am I head to the Tim Horton’s drive-thru for a medium double double and I look to see how much longer the line is at the Covid testing clinic.
Let’s all hope the new vaccine they’ve come up with helps to knock down this terrible plague. :sadsmiley:

I’m negative. Whoo hoo! But was told to still behave as if I was contagious for it. So I put a mark on my bottle of rum. Supposed to be a walleye, but it looks more like Bart’s spiney oyster.
I’m so happy to hear this WD, it must be a huge relief to you and your family. :occasion14:

Good luck & make sure you dress for the part from head to toe. Don’t want to see your Skype interview going viral because you were wearing your bunny slippers. Lol

Funny WD, my wife said the exact same thing to me. I told my wife, “it’s a Skype interview, I don’t need to wear pants if I don’t want to”. :icon_thumright:

She said, “wrong, you need to dress for this interview just like you’re preparing for any other face-to-face meeting”… but why, I’m some much more comfortable sitting on the computer in my underwear. :laughing7:

Best of luck with the interview and exciting as well.
Getting out of the track pants-putting on the pair of big daddy pants, shirt, tie, boot the puppy out from where she lies.
Been since July-oh my how the time flies.

You'll hit it out of the park, I'm certain you will pal.

(Better yet put the puppy on your lap-everybody loves a cute sassy puppy.)
Thanks very much Jim, I’ve literally been going crazy sitting at home like a lot of people are these days. :BangHead:
Thankfully, I've used detecting as a distraction until a few weeks ago when the cold December weather closed in.
I’ll let you all know how it goes tomorrow. :thumbsup:

Jim, I just love it when a detectorist who came before us ruins it for the rest of us.
Thankfully, in my area the hobby hasn’t really caught on in the countryside yet, so most of the sites I detect are ‘virgin sites’.
I always make a point to give some of my better finds to the farmer/landowner that way there’s no hard feelings. :icon_thumleft:

The guy that the historian threw under the bus happened to be the elderly fellow that you stopped in with me one day that had all the ham radio towers.
I looked quickly at his tractors-and he had another piece of land up the road that I had detected sometime early. (but he had sold it off)
He kind of remembered detecting the fair grounds, said he found a few coins and a lot of trash. (Probably a very truthful statement on the trash) seeing that he had owned a very early Garrett machine (still wonder if it even had discrimination)
Anyways I kind of side on the old fellows word-as I think the historian sees us as the Arkie's view our hobby. "Bloody thieves of history"-gee I should of went to get my education degree-then I could be a legalized grave robber in good standing. :laughing7:

Good morning ARC, Dave, Jim & WD. WD glad you tested negative.

Thanks very much Jim, I’ve literally been going crazy sitting at home like a lot of people are these days. :BangHead:
Thankfully, I've used detecting as a distraction until a few weeks ago when the cold December weather closed in.
I’ll let you all know how it goes tomorrow. :thumbsup:

Your certainly welcome buddy.

Though it's better to be a tad crazy and then all things seem normal even over the this past year.

Problem-what problem? :dontknow:

Morning Bill

You must be kind of liking the milder winter this year for the walks.

Looking ahead on the 14 day forecast it still is a nothing winter so to speak.

It's weird seeing the night time temps mirror the historical daytime temps.

Morning WD

We have Bass tournaments regularly in the area waters. I have no idea on the condition of the fish in the system for consumption. Everyone that fishes claim the fish that they catch are excellent-but taste is one thing and the quality of the fish is another.

Years ago there used to be this big 2 day salmon derby every year at the marina, then on the holiday Monday the big charity event happened and the donated salmon feast was the draw. Well one year a couple of the local LEOs walked up and stated that they better stop serving the salmon to the children-and maybe the salmon the following year all together. It wasn't fit to be consumed by young children, or pregnant women. So the event went to burgers/chicken instead. Strangely the charity that received the $$$ from the event was the Cancer Society.

Though I have't studied any reports on the condition of the fish stocks in the HOLMES for many years, it was getting a lot better than it was 25-35yrs ago in a lot of respects.

Best of luck on the fishing in 2021-hope everything is a better norm.

BTW How's the snozzle drips this morning, feeling any better?

We used to put on fish fry’s for our church . Then one day we came home to an awful smell. The freezer died and all the fish inside it smelled the part. Just as well, those dinners were getting too big.

Feeling better but still have headache and congestion. With the negative results, I am not exempt from going to the office, bummer. Apparently another employee was sent for testing yesterday. He was one who was on the installation last week.

Thank you all. Yes, everyone is relieved.

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