THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Good morning. I’m really enjoying this site.
Its 9 above and I have to go break ice so livestock can get a drink of water. I need a new state in the union to winter. I use to love the the cold and I don’t dislike it now but am ready to just remember when and look at days gone by of it.
Bart , how about letting me follow you around for a couple weeks? I love to cut bait and butcher, cook, put laundry in machine, even babysit if no diapers are involved. My dog can do the dishes, errr-I like to laugh and joke and can have fun doing chores. All the things you do, I can pull my weight. Think of a winter/summer camp customized.

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Welcome aboard Fat.

Welcome Fat to the RTC :hello:

I see by your little intro that we have something in common-Dog doing the dishes-Amazing creature he can go from full on sleep to slurping with his head in the washer. :laughing7:

Oh the heifers-Angus here-we trade a 2 yr old for the hay every year-now we built up so high that the taker/tender of the them is doing a 100 large rounds keeping them.
So we thinned and doing trades for work around the place instead, put one in the freezer, sold off one, and 2 more go in March into the freezers.

Good morning, Bart and RTR.

Good morning and welcome aboard Fat.

And Good morning to those not on yet, Releventchair, Rusty R, Whadi, boatlode, Duckshot, Msbeeps. Uh, um, who else? Oh Noah!

Hey, Toecutter! If you are still lurking about. :hello:

I am off to work. (Dang! Almost wish I was a little sicker :happysmiley:)


Mornin all!

Received in the neighborhood of ten inches of snow. Now it is starting to drizzle ...
Stuff sticks to the shovel. I should have sprayed them with cooking oil when they were dry yesterday....
Ahh well. Worse case , it will all melt eventually...
Fun watching the bulldog in his first winter go in the deep snow.
Yes I shoveled an area outside , but dogs gotta flounder anyways , just because they can.
Well , some of them seem to need to anyways.

Good morning, Bart and RTR.

Good morning and welcome aboard Fat.

And Good morning to those not on yet, Releventchair, Rusty R, Whadi, boatlode, Duckshot, Msbeeps. Uh, um, who else? Oh Noah!

Hey, Toecutter! If you are still lurking about. :hello:

I am off to work. (Dang! Almost wish I was a little sicker :happysmiley:)


Just a tad warning WD-Don't wish too hard-in 48hrs you could be preying to the white throne after a New Year's Eve of :occasion14:

And I'm sure you know where the word sympathy lies in the Webster dictionary. :laughing7:

Morning RC

Gee we just have a little dusting, but things are frozen up solid though.

Haven't even plowed yet-nor put the winters on the truck.

Procrastination is the game.

Geez Louise! I forgot ECS! Sorry buddy :tongue3: Good morning to you!

Morning RC

Gee we just have a little dusting, but things are frozen up solid though.

Haven't even plowed yet-nor put the winters on the truck.

Procrastination is the game.

I did get the plow mounted yesterday. Might make it over to the truck today if I shovel enough.
My claim of ten inches has to be changed to several , l.o.l.. Looked deeper to my morning eyes.

Because of its fattiness, bluefish goes rancid rapidly, so it is generally not found far from its fisheries, but where it is available, it is often inexpensive. It must be refrigerated and consumed soon after purchase; some recipes call for keeping it in vinegar and wine before cooking, in vina d'alhos or en escabeche. By the same token, it is high in omega-3 fatty acids, but also in mercury and PCBs, containing the high level of about 0.4 ppm of mercury on average, comparable to albacore tuna or Spanish mackerel. For that reason, the U.S. FDA recommends that young children and women of childbearing age consume no more than one serving per week (a serving size is about 4 ounces uncooked for an adult, 2 ounces for children ages 4–7 years, 3 ounces for children ages 8–10 years, and 4 ounces for children 11 years and older).
Does that make any sense to you Boatlode?

I was raised on bluefish and I don't have any brain damage (that I'm aware of.)

The only mask I wear is when I'm diving. I refuse to walk around with one of those silly diapers on my face.

If I listened to all the b.s. they try to scare us with I would wrap myself up in bubble wrap and hide under my bed.

Hola MsBeeps et al.

Morning WIF, RC, BL

Morning Boat.

Morning Boat.

Er, ah, Oh, excuse me, Capt. May I suggest that you check your time piece.
It's the afternoon.

I was raised on bluefish and I don't have any brain damage (that I'm aware of.)

The only mask I wear is when I'm diving. I refuse to walk around with one of those silly diapers on my face.

If I listened to all the b.s. they try to scare us with I would wrap myself up in bubble wrap and hide under my bed.

Hola MsBeeps et al.
First you say you have no brain damage. Then, in the next line, you prove that wrong. :tongue3:

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