THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Oh well... nothing left to do now but seek the horizontal position for a bit.

G night TreasureNet Crew.

Maybe. I've been on the road a lot too, with people who don't know how to drive, the post office, among other things. Some days, I just pick to be a grouch. This is one of them.


Oh, we'll try again tomorrow. :laughing7:


Rates IMO... would be the exact same if no one wore a mask... again IMO.

In fact I attribute more cases TO the masks.

Unfortunately...we aren't dealing with wishes, druthers, nor opinions. We are dealing with a deadly virus that kills. And...its sole purpose in life? Is to propagate. By doing so, it takes over and kills the host while infecting as many more as it can. Not unlike the infection on this planet known as human beings.

Any day now, some space observatory is going to capture a picture of the tip of an injection needle. Way out there someplace is some force trying to find a vaccine to eradicate this human being infection.

We are just a germ in the body of some colossal being. Maybe...just maybe...they finally found what they sought. far as opinions go....the masks do not "keep" one from getting covid. It is only meant to slow down it passing from one to another.

Ever walk past someone who is smoking while you're wearing a mask? If you can smell the smoke, you can breathe in the virus. It is soooo much smaller than a particle of smoke!

So, it is IMLLTHO....that the masks are performing their task. To slow down the spread. Without them at all? We might not have had this conversation. The ones who don't wear or wear incorrectly has caused the resurgence, (which was known would come), only....worst case. all that said....could we PLEASE retire to the rum room? Invite the succubi in???! Please???!

I'd druther think about things I have *some* bit of control over. Like..............taxes. :tongue3:

The only way to be sure you will not get this... IMO... is to wear a serious mask in public... OR... isolate / cut off any and all "contact" with the public.

Complete isolation would be the only sure way.

And the only problem would be... once you came out... your still able to get it. heh

I like the positive attitude you have ! ::)

Complete isolation would work. At least until it becomes truly airborne. Then, you get it only if you have a breathing habit. :dontknow:

There's one thing that this whole virus thing has shown is that folks really don't know how to be alone with themselves or their immediate family members.

I guess a reclusive/hermit really hasn't been effected at all-things are quite normal for them.

New Years Eve is going to be a real solitary/small bubble this year.
Boxing Day we go into another 28day lockdown.
Just hope folks listen and take dare, try to put this to flatten out the curve once again.

Stay safe

Ya know....its a good thing. Just before all this shhhhhtuff hit the fan? I gradumacated from just being alone to being a certified, (or was that certifiable :dontknow: ??? ), full fledged hermit! If it weren't for being made to wear a mask, I wouldn't have even noticed. Used to be that the only ones wearing masks were highwaymen. :angel12:


I don't believe any of us have the ultimate answer on staying safe during this crazy covid era. Best we can do is limit contact with those outside our family unit, masks, distance and hand sanitizing.

Hopefully as the vaccines get rolled out the curve will flatten out at some point going forward. My biggest concern right now is with our front line health care providers who are operating in burnout mode as we speak.

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I wonder if genes are playing into my safety.

My father, (R.I.P.), was born in 1918. The year of the big flu epidemic. He made it to his nineties. Looks like I might have to put up with things just a bit longer. :dontknow:

... Some days, I just pick to be a grouch. This is one of them.
Oh, we'll try again tomorrow. :laughing7:
Maybe "JOHNNY COME LATELY" by Steve Earle with the POGUES will take that "grouch" away with the difference between the WWII generation homecoming and that of the Nam generation.

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Good morning Tnet

Morning Rook.

Good morning AARC, Rook

Morning AARC. PEPPER and RTR

Well that (beyond oak island episode) last night on the Civil War Gold Train was a bummer . They didn't spend much time on it...and their info was All Wrong :(

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