Not to pat myself on the back but I managed to survive the rough and tumble world of railway marketing with a high school education.
Ended up mentoring university and MBA grads at the tail end of my career why? Simple I was like a sponge and absorbed what I learned from the school of hard knocks and what made sense using the univerity grads logic.
None of us have all the answers we're always on a learning curve.
I can hear the excitement in your voice as you’re writing this Bart, it’s definitely infectious… excuse the pun.things are heating up down here.....finds are coming fast and furious......not sure what ican and can't show....I can say this....gold coins are definitely being found and I'm narrowing things down quicker and quicker now. The point is that if you get me within 1-2 square miles from a treasure site.......well let's just say that I will grid and pound the bottom until I find it !! Im within a mile and a half from the gold coins....there are 3 obvious snags to check. That rock was the site of where a Spanish prisoner was held by the calusa. That date is intriguing!!
Thanks for the update on your pips Jim… I mean ‘Jim’s Pips’!Oh the chicks are growing up 11 weeks tomorrow. I put he ill one down this past week . Not my finest moment when I had to do the do, but that's the way it goes when there's animals involved.
The roosters go out everyday and complain , but space is limited to having the young ones run around all day. (eating machines they are)
Now that the days are shorter our egg production is slowing down with Pips, she was doing 5 a week for a many weeks in a row.
It's getting enough time to dedicate to the finishing insulating the ceiling of the barn, and I'll probably spend sometime in there again today.
3M 6000 dust mask required to be in there. Most folks don't notice the fine particulate that the chicks throw up-but I'm like I drank a cup of pure cream after being in there for any amount of time.
Just noticed the waters in the bay are still-skim of ice on it this morning.
Bart, it's December 8 aren't you guys kinda cold wearing shorts?between the numbers for this anchor discovery and my rock thar lays a golden treasure !!
Wow, now this really sounds promising Bart, can’t wait to see what pops up!On top of all this i made a discovery yesterday also....the remnants of an old well/spring/watering hole. It had the classic tabby walled construction of the old conchs. It would have been used by sailors and wreckers that used the Anchorage at Rodriguez key. I had walked by this for many years as it was completely engulfed in vegetation. Hurricane ETA left exposed to find with all vegetation and greens stripped to bare rock.....ill be back with the detector to this one.....Plenty of evidence of use with lots of black glass scattered about.
You’ve definitely got talent there Ethan, this is an amazing looking sketch!Here's a sketch I made today.
I very much enjoyed reading your statement Bill. You made me think about and appreciate the skills I’ve acquired from years of selling and working with many different types of customers.Jim,
Not to pat myself on the back but I managed to survive the rough and tumble world of railway marketing with a high school education.
Ended up mentoring university and MBA grads at the tail end of my career why? Simple I was like a sponge and absorbed what I learned from the school of hard knocks and what made sense using the univerity grads logic.
None of us have all the answers we're always on a learning curve.
I kind of think today things are different Bill-meaning folks want to see the credited certificate of something-before they give anyone credit for anything.
With each passing generation in the work force the requirements get so finely tuned to the point where most are tone deaf to the ones that have life experience.
I have been offered employment 3 times since retirement-each time I just say I'm retired.
One offer was about 2 or 3 yrs after I got out-a longtime customer saw me in the Home Depot and offered me a brokering position exporting container loads of scrap to India.
Oh it was very lucrative, seductive in many ways, the compensation was 5K a week cash.
Oh it was like a cracker saying no to the glass pipe full of rock-common sense prevailed and I declined.
The other was a 8 yrs ago a scrap yard offered me a position of running part of the division-declined.
The last offer was by another company a year or so back to run one of the yards of my choosing-a smiling decline was given.
It is a comforting thought to know though the school of hard knocks is still a wanted commodity out in the world.
This is so true Jim, it's also gratifying to know that your skills and experience are noticed and appreciated by your competitors.
It must be nice to be able to do whatever you want in your retirement and only have one person to be accountable to for your time.
At my age, I never think about retirement, all I think about these days is staying relevant in my industry.