Morning RC
Mornin Rook.
Morning RC
Mornin all!
Play fair , and don't swear!
When pemmican was a very important part of diets , the fat type mattered. As it will today if making pemmican with best nutritional value.
Grass fed is key to the best.
[From The Lost Ways]
{There is also a major difference in the fatty acid profile of grain fed versus grass fed animals. Grass fed animal fat is between 25% and 50% healthy Omega 3 fatty acids. The grain fed animal’s fat is a mere 2% to 3% Omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids are extremely critical to the development and maintenance of our brain and nerve tissue.}
Here's how epidimologists are dealing with the pandemic.
Good read Bill
It makes sense to certain folks-but not to the ones that should be opening up the closed minds.