THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

I looked out over the bay this morning and it's frozen right over now. Then a sight for sore eyes was to be had-6 Otters scampering across the frozen bay to the other side.
Now I don't know if they had 4 pups this year or a couple of families, either way it's a great sight to see.

Morning bill and bart


Great to have nature out and about right under your nose. Luckily even though I'm in the city I get my fair share of sightings courtesy of living along the lake. Managed to spot a mink along the shoreline back in the spring, groundhogs, muskrats are commn sights. Also raccoons, skunks and lots of water fowl, Canada geese, mallard ducks and commorants.

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Great to have nature out and about right under your nose. Luckily even though I'm in the city I get my fair share of sitings courtesy of living along the lake. Managed to spot a mink along the shoreline back in the spring, groundhogs, muskrats are commn sights. Also raccoons, skunks and lots of water fowl, Canada geese, mallard ducks and commorants.

Yesterday on the way to the feed store I was going by this farm. Right between the road and the silos was a Doe and her yearling just walking along the field edge totally at ease. It's one thing I truly enjoy about living in the rural is the nature. Last night on the final walk about with Max I could here our resident Bard Owl calling out, at times it sits in the trees across the laneway-a tad too loud in the middle of the night-kind feel like Shhhhh quiet please! But never do as it's a real gift to listen to the calls.

Morning guys/gals .Anyone here ever move boulders with a come- along ? Got my eye onThe two smaller ones here at 7 & 8 o'clock positions 001.webp

I very much enjoyed reading your statement Bill. You made me think about and appreciate the skills I’ve acquired from years of selling and working with many different types of customers.
I will not undersell the value and experience I bring to any company and moving forward, I will not settle for just any low paying job! :hello2:

Reminds me of a time I refused a position. I was told that they were looking for somebody who had a certain piece of paper certifying them in the particular aspect. But, they'd be willing to start me out as a "junior". I had acquired about 30 years experience in that particular aspect at this point.

I told the owner that if this company holds a piece of paper over somebody who can prove their knowledge on the spot. Then, I did not find that company as somewhere I cared to work.

Here's the coup de gras. As I was being interviewed, the head of I.S. came in, apologizing for the interruption but the monthly statement process had a problem and it was an emergency!

He went on to say that the sorting of customer's names had become corrupted since the previous month. Something critical to this process.

I listened to them going over and over the problem. (Completely forgotten about)

When they paused, both pulling at their hair. The owner looked up and apologized, told me he'd call me.

I got up and just before I left I told them to check the "cust name" field dictionary item being used, to see if had become a right justified field instead of left justified. ( right justified: numeric sort, left justified: alphabetic sort A-B-C- etc. Such as...for names. :) )

I got a call after two weeks. To become their new head of I.S. (Barump bump!)

Morning guys/gals .Anyone here ever move boulders with a come- along ? Got my eye onThe two smaller ones here at 7 & 8 o'clock positions

Not sure on how big (as in the photo) but if they're granite you can say 195lbs per sq.ft for weight. Come - along needs an anchor which is bigger large tree or bigger rock. I've used chain/sling/ratchet straps and have had a :icon_thumright::icon_thumleft: and not so luck as it was hard to grab/cinch the rock. If you ratchet up tight, a 4ft bar on the backside helps move it along-leverage.

BTW Good Morning

Good morning! WD, Pepper, ARC, Anti, Bart, Bill, RTR, Whadifind, & Rook, RR, GB, and the rest of our salty crew!

Bart, hope you locate lots of goodies. Ye'ole treasure chest could use a good inventory up grade! being my favorite! :blob7:

WD, glad you had a good family Thanksgiving-Sunday.
Ours was good, not as big a gathering as usual this year, but it was with people we're normally around anyhow.

Anti, I hope your in-laws are recovering ok.

RR, nice artistic ability you have.

Bill could you give me the gist of what the scientist said about covid in the link you posted? Every time I tried to read it the NY post wouldn't let me unless I sign up an acct with them.
If I did that, I would need WHAIDIFIND to fix the havoc that follows.

I was not aware Forest Fenn had died. Guess I spend too much time under my rock.
Note to self: you need to get out more...oh wait, ...can't because of covid. :dontknow:

Mornin all!

A come-along is one of the few things slower than I. ..L.o.l..
But the mechanical force is an advantage. (That of a come-along.)

How to secure a boulder has multiple options.
This article gives some idea of some dynamics.
I did not see mention of using chains , or making a chain net ect.. But didn't poke around the site much either.

Moving Rocks (page 3)

Mornin all!

A come-along is one of the few things slower than I. ..L.o.l..
But the mechanical force is an advantage. (That of a come-along.)

How to secure a boulder has multiple options.
This article gives some idea of some dynamics.
I did not see mention of using chains , or making a chain net ect.. But didn't poke around the site much either.

Moving Rocks (page 3)

Thinking of using these (maybe 4" wide)>>
Its a long walk in so I wanna pack as light as possible.009.webp

Good morning RC!
You are a force all your own, one word from you and boulders be gone!

Good morning Bill,
How's the landscape up there?

Thinking of using these (maybe 4" wide)>>
Its a long walk in so I wanna pack as light as possible.View attachment 1884869

Ahh. I see what you're after.
Thought you wanted the boulders instead...

Leverage? You have fulcrums there. With energy absorbers (your coat or tethers to weights) on any ropes or cables under tension in case they come loose or break , a come-along could move the end of a lever. Don't get bonked in the head if the lever breaks though..

Just dragging them aside is what you're looking at. Yes , you can winch them if you get hooked up to them well enough. And as mentioned by P.J. , have a secure anchor.

I've used cheap or under rated come-alongs.
Bigger and better quality have always won. Chain type vs cable for example .But are hard on a budget for limited use. And...Heavy.

The hazards of building a better mousetrap , and hydraulics , keep me from suggesting undermining them to roll them. IF they ae not deeply rooted even.

Morning Beeps... WIF... RC................... AND... RTR.


Hope all is well with your wife RTR.

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