THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Morning Guys, a rainy day in the forecast for us in the east.
Just took the pup outside and it's raining like cats and dogs. :laughing7:

Lmao! In my world, that would be grounds for a divorce, that is provided he survived the heart attack it brought on.

Do you have Ziebart in Canada?

Oh I've heard of them up here when living in the big city-but not too much now.

There's places around I guess but that would be an hr drive away-leaving truck-picking truck up.
Oh then having the forever feeling "Oh no I have dirties on my boots/shoes" I can't get in the truck. :laughing7:

It's just a truck-nothing to fret about in life-I'll dump the mat over on the ground and carry on.

Morning Guys, a rainy day in the forecast for us in the east.
Just took the pup outside and it's raining like cats and dogs. :laughing7:

Looks like inside something work today again.
It's one thing about Max-he just groans if he's disturbed before 7am-always been a late raiser even as a pup.:headbang:

Mornin..Ooops , Afternoon all!

This is the day I must go on a long drive to Christmas shop. Oh Joy!

You know why puppies are so cute?
So you don't step on them.....

I hear you RC. When I get up at 5am, she’s so excited to see me that I have to slip-slide my way to the bathroom so as not to squish her like a squirrel on the road. :laughing7:

Ya know....That's a funny thought. It reminds me of a Manchester/Chihuahua I once had. Every now and then I had to remind him he was only as big as my foot!!
Well, she’s no Chihuahua, but I’m doing my best to enjoy her while she’s little… cause they’re only little for a little while. :sadsmiley:

Here’s how she looked before and after her 2hr stay at the ‘Doggie Spa’ yesterday.
She's taken to lying in the dishwasher after I unload it, probably because it's still warm.


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What's your fuel gallons per hour at forty knots?

Safe passage Bart.

Right at 100 gallons an hour.....big carbon footprint !!

Morning Bart.

Bart what size is she ? ? ?

I worked on several boats like her.

Good morning pepper,Arc.....and....??? Who's awake now ??

Right at 100 gallons an hour.....big carbon footprint !!

Kind of sounds like a neighbour at the marina many yrs ago. He raced boats and did a retirement one for himself-he's go for a lunch in Kingston from Toronto-return trip 280nm= $1200.00

55 foot viking sportfish....twin MTU diesels rated at 1950hp each.

55 foot viking sportfish....twin mountain disease rated at 1950hp each.

Hope you don't catch anything serious from those engines.:laughing7:

I love riding around in a boat named "lightin up". Almost everyone thinks it has to do with smoking dosent....boss owned a lighting business making high end fixtures. Still with a pirate background everyone thinks im flaunting the smuggling life. Let em keep thinking.

55 foot viking sportfish....twin MTU diesels rated at 1950hp each.

She reminds be of the 47 Bertram slat juniper dual Cummings 500's I lived on for awhile.

She had a fighting chair... and her stern was littered with war scars from the sail and marlin spears.

I know the 47 is parked right next to us....great fishing boats and one of my sons favorites !!

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