Went out to play yesterday at a permission.
The son told me about a dump and I found it it after about an hour of walk detecting.
Strange kind of location and the outcome after an hour of digging on the one side is "Rocks and glass don't go well with each other."
Found another building site-sq.nails on the ridge above the dump-but nothing else.
Looked over the edge of the rocks on the back side-big dump.
Went down and around and it was a even more modern type dump-popping out big fat Coke tin cans that were in pretty good shape, Valvoline oil can, assorted other tins that were in pretty good shape.
Dug down a foot still screw top bottles but intact so winter throw away.
Ah screw it-I'm going detecting instead this can wait until the mosquito population dies off.
Found a deep cellar hole impression-zippo-nothing just a bit of iron.
Back into the flat area I saw some surface stone in a rectangular shape.
Started digging early rose head nails, then a button, a pewter button, a cuff button, a LC that's off on the far end of the small valley area.
Probably a late fall hit again area as the Jewel weed is 2-3ft in height around the area.
Strange kind of spot-don't get a sense of what it all means.
I'm talking about the crosses that are made of cedar fence rails, somebody has been busy.