Ever have one of those days when things just don't go as planned.
I could not level gravel if my life depended on it, got better as the day went on.
Had to take a couple more scraggly trees out of the trail this morning.
So I was bucking it up and got the bar pinched when I was cutting off the root ball & stump, it happens.
So I fetched the tractor got the saw out, put the saw on the trail after taking the crown off.
I figured I'd better move the tractor and drove over my 1 day old saw.
I don't beat myself up too bad for my errors, but geez it wasn't that old.
So my tractor mechanic calls, asks if I'm around as he needs something.
I ask him if he has a D handle off a 170 laying around.
Yup got a handle and he'll have the saw ready in the morning.
He fine tuned the other two saws while he was there.
Excavator gone, just another 7 loads today as there was so much levelling and fine tuning the trails.
Have a great sled hill behind the shop now, should be a blast for some come winter and I get groomed down.
The mrs asks me what I was going to do with the water running down the hill?

Didn't give it much thought.
Best thing I heard today is the contractor has to go away till next Wed.
I'm going to go play tomorrow for awhile. (I've earned it)