THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

I found it very fattening! [emoji2957][emoji1787]

Yesterday I bought myself a belated birthday present. I got a smaller coil for the max and a different kind of digging tool and a pouch to hook it to my belt. Now I need a belt. Also got a surprise visit from our best friends and they brought me over a belated birthday cake. Hi made German chocolate. Mmmmm mmmmm! My favorite!

Top of the mornin to yas!!:hello:

Yes that’s kinda what I was trying to say. Not my crave.

I crave rum. [emoji3059][emoji41][emoji7]

But of cawrse muh deah!

'T is to be expected! When one is a rummy....the body craves a source. :tongue3:

All right !! resume is updated, got set up on zip recruiter, applied for a few jobs, time for something else....:skullflag::metaldetector::headbang:


Good morning and good luck with the job search. I'm retired now but heck if I was a youngin like you, as interim option, I'd pretty much do anything where work was in demand.

There's a few guys we know sort of jack of all trades and they make a decent living just doing odd jobs for people.

All right !! resume is updated, got set up on zip recruiter, applied for a few jobs, time for something else....:skullflag::metaldetector::headbang:

Mornin all!

One of those perfect ones weather wise here.
Cool. Slight breeze . Erratic though , there's change in the air.
Bugs are stalled out an inactive after the cool night.

It all goes back to heat and humidity soon.
Should probably bottle up a jar of that to open mid-winter..

good morning all. i finally got me a street/trail bike a 1965/66 honda s90 it is in a box. so I got to build it from the ground up.

good morning all. i finally got me a street/trail bike a 1965/66 honda s90 it is in a box. so I got to build it from the ground up.

Oh , sweet!

Them rubber pads on the sides of the gas tank are so your knees don't hurt from the cold riding it all winter.:laughing7:

If you have a good pair of rain pants , carry them with you.
For rain of course , but they can help cut wind and cold if you get caught in frost or snow.

Double check ignition cover for a good seal. Rain can ruin a fun ride if it leaks. Same with carb intake/air cleaner .
Tuning spokes gets easier after the first time. Out of round rims are not cool. Proper spoke wrench helps alot. "Ting, ting,tink,tonk...Ooops ,better adjust that one.

Excited for you. Be safe though. Like no one can see you danger , so drive accordingly .

"Born to be wiiiild.."

Mornin all!

One of those perfect ones weather wise here.
Cool. Slight breeze . Erratic though , there's change in the air.
Bugs are stalled out an inactive after the cool night.

It all goes back to heat and humidity soon.
Should probably bottle up a jar of that to open mid-winter..

Lol, wouldn’t that be nice.
When my middle son was about 5 or 6, he was farting into a jar, when asked why, he giggled and said he was going to give it to his older brother for Christmas.

We had T-storms last night and some rain and again earlier This morning, but partly cloudy now, bit of a breeze, and clean smelling. :icon_thumleft:

Morning mateys, Aaarrg

Lol, wouldn’t that be nice.
When my middle son was about 5 or 6, he was farting into a jar, when asked why, he giggled and said he was going to give it to his older brother for Christmas.

We had T-storms last night and some rain and again earlier This morning, but partly cloudy now, bit of a breeze, and clean smelling. :icon_thumleft:

Morning mateys, Aaarrg

Gifting a fart.
Boy takes after his mother?:laughing7:

Gifting a fart.
Boy takes after his mother?:laughing7:

I don’t know about that :icon_scratch: :laughing7:

He was so excited about it, I just smiled, said something, but don’t remember what :laughing7::laughing7:

I don’t know about that :icon_scratch: :laughing7:

He was so excited about it, I just smiled, said something, but don’t remember what :laughing7::laughing7:

Should have told him it takes three farts to fill a jar properly.:leprechaun-hat:

We’ve been getting a lot of strawberries this year. Made about 1-1/2 gallons of freezer jam so far, plus a strawberry rhubarb pie (we also have a huge rhubarb plant), a strawberry cheesecake, strawberry ice cream, and yesterday, I finished making concentrated strawberry juice. I used a little bit and made some strawberry lemonade. It was surprisingly good :dontknow:

We still have several weeks of strawberries coming ??? any ideas welcomed :hello2:

Afternoon Idahodutch and GB1

For those that remember the peach tree Flo (one of our chickens) ate right after it sprouted, well it survived that and dang it if she didn’t get it again about 2 weeks later. It now has a barrier around it and 2 trees came up next to the dead nub.
We have been noticing though, that it isn’t a peach tree, we looked it up and the consensus is that it is a double trunk Black Walnut.
I am actually glad, because it was put in a perfect spot for a huge shade tree. It is about 12 - 14” tall right now.
Our pear tree got fire blight, don’t know if it will survive or not. We’ll see I guess.
The peach and apple trees we have are doing good.
Seems like everything is growing faster this year. Started pulling the wala wala onions, and some potatoes. Carrot tops have started flowering, started picking tomatoes last week.
Gardens can sure keep a guy busy.

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