THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Pepper....nice work on the cannonball. Congrats. Looks like a pretty good some other goodies too I see !!

Thanks Bart

Just have to clean it up now.

I'm thinking some soldier took a souvenir home after the 1812

Maybe he dug it up after just missing his melon-"I'm taking this one home."

Or it could be a case of "Ok boys it's all over"- "I'm taking this one home"

It was a fun few hours of crawling around.

good morning already 100 here :BangHead::BangHead:

Shewww weee that's hot !! Morning GB !!


Yes finally it's been so parched here it was a great relief. It gives us a break from constantly watering the garden.

Good morning Bill,

It's been a little cooler the past few days here in Central Ontario.
We're in a cottage about 60kms east of Bracebridge.

My daughter and I have Jet-Ski's rented for a few hours this afternoon... I hear that you've been getting some rain in your part of the province?

Good morning everyone... ARC, Bart, Bill, Ethan & rook... where's Jim, probably trying to figure out how his new coffee maker works. :laughing7:

Hi MsBB, my mother-in-law asked me the same question before we left.

I told her, "that I wanted to spend quality time with my family while we were on holidays."

Well, when we both stopped laughing, I told her that I really just needed some downtime to think about nothing for the week. :thumbsup:

Ya know? That's *exactly* what I do when I'm out taking my AT for its walk. Think of *nothing*!

Good luck with your method. But, if I may, I suggest that while you're deciding about *your* future? Make certain that you think of yourself, first! I spent 2 lifetimes making those decisions without doing it, now, well....everybody has grown up, apart, died, and me? Alone, facing the finish line by myself. And nobody or anything to share with........except a bunch of pirates.

Ok, Cap'n....I'm ready. Now where was that MsBeep's plank?
;) :dontknow: :tongue3: :icon_pirat:


Gonna have to give you a new moniker....muddy knees....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:


Yeah some guys are smart enough the shy away from the tall ones with attitude, unfortunately, I'm not one of them my wife is a 6' tall red head with attitude.....maybe I should send her down to visit Rusty and put the fear of God into him.... :laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

I stopped off at the permissions farm stand yesterday to drop off a few thank you gifts.
Being Sunday they don't work, but they had the eye candy working the farm gate market.
I thought of you Rusty, though she was 6' tall. That is intimidating for some guys.:laughing7:

Well arc I got 2 cats....the little one with no tail can be as wild as a bobcat....she likes to speed through the house tearing things up at 5 am. Climbing the door jams, tearing things up, beating up the other cat and generally waking up everyone !! I try to lay there till 6 pretending I'm asleep...but that stubborn little terror will not cease until the food is in the bowl !! Often I get up feed the cat and then take a nap from 6 -7 with the news playing in the background !! And then at 7 it's time for java !! Oh my gosh...its 705....I'm late for my coffee.

Looks like another successful training of an owner by the animal. :tongue3:


Thanks for the chuckles with the maid outfit picture.....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Well had my first morning coffee outing in 4 months. Met a buddy at McDonald's we both wore masks did the 6 foot apart thing to order and collect our stuff. Then every 2nd table was off limits pulled our chairs back to keep our distance at 6 feet. A bit of a pain but given our ages better to be safe than sorry for all we know either one of us could be asymptomatic and don't know it.

Later this a.m. the Mrs. will be dropping me off for my first pub outing in 4 months also. It'll be a pain but I'll be on an open terrace and keeping the proper distance. One of my buddies will drop me off on the way back and we'll both wear masks in the car.

He's asmatic and I have meds for blood pressure so we both have our reasons to be cautious. My wife is concerned, however, I told her we can't live like hermits for the rest of our days.

We need some sense of normalcy back into our lives we just have to take whatever safety precautions are required as this could be the new normal. They may not come up with an effective vaccine as far as anyone knows.

The photos of the cottage tells of the type of rental it might of been.

Been there done that on rentals as well in FL. Show up and start cleaning, at least then one knows the place is safe.
Shower curtains can be down right scary.

We had one rental the the bedroom fan blades looked like a Tilt-A-World ride when we turned it on.
Tried to straighten out the blades and snapped one right off-went out and bought another set of replacement parts, fixed the fan.
The owner was so happy I took care of the fan, he payed me back, and did an amazing job on the upgrading of movie channels/internet/phone packages.:icon_thumright:

My daughter has pics of everything I had to repair, replace & clean on Friday evening when we arrived. I've made notes that I'll send to the owner along with the pics on Friday when we get home. There's also the issue of the TV not working and my spending 2 - 3 hours waiting for the cable company to contact me to get it fixed, but without any luck. The owner even had the nerve to text me at 7am on Sunday morning suggesting that now might be a good time to contact the cable company, as there wouldn't be much of a wait time.

In other words, the owner lives 300kms west of here and wants me to fix it for her before the next renters arrive on Friday at 3pm.
My response to that... not my monkey's, not my circus! :munky2::laughing7:


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Ya know? That's *exactly* what I do when I'm out taking my AT for its walk. Think of *nothing*!

Good luck with your method. But, if I may, I suggest that while you're deciding about *your* future? Make certain that you think of yourself, first! I spent 2 lifetimes making those decisions without doing it, now, well....everybody has grown up, apart, died, and me? Alone, facing the finish line by myself. And nobody or anything to share with........except a bunch of pirates.

Ok, Cap'n....I'm ready. Now where was that MsBeep's plank?
;) :dontknow: :tongue3: :icon_pirat:

Well I'm not exactly looking for a new career at age 56 WD, but I wouldn't mind trying something a little different for a change. I've been selling construction equipment for German, American & British manufactures for the past 30 years. I'm thinking about looking into working for the Parking Authority in my city. One of my pet peeves are the people who illegally park in handicapped parking spots, people who park at the end of a driveway blocking the sidewalk and those who park blocking fire hydrants. :BangHead:

But the value that I bring to a company are my industry contacts, my knowledge of the construction market and of course my sparkling personality! :laughing7:

I do appreciate your advice though!

Geesh I hate driving I-75! Why oh why are we not flying around like the Jetsons?

Any way, we’re home just in time to go to work.

Antiquarian, I’ll get back with you later about rentals.

Good morning.

Had a productive weekend, and learned that my buddy has Indian burial ground on his property. I won't dig there, but the creek that borders it is fair game. I'm allowed to creek walk any time he said. That's why he's a good friend.

Also, the same dude informed a very nice young waitress at a local diner that he'd bring me in one day to meet her. That's why I wanted to kill him.

At any rate I'm tired and sore. I walked up and down two ridges yesterday hacking brush with a machete. Then after that we baited some stands and mowed a ton of grass with a push mower. On the way home last night we say three monster bucks in a field beside the road.

Savor those crick walks!
Were the bachelor group of bucks getting away from annoying bugs?
Speaking of bachelors.....
Maybe you should act like wimmin are hunt clients? No him/her stuff , just civility and getting along. Nice to meet you. Pulse below full blown adrenaline stage.
(Now watch , you'll be engaged in a week. l.o.l..)


My dad had a dental procedure in town today that took three hours. So what did I do while he was under procedure? Walked two miles down to the Ohio River and walked up and down the banks looking for arrowheads, coming up empty handed. I did however find this really neat 1906 dated brick, the second one I now own.

Savor those crick walks!
Were the bachelor group of bucks getting away from annoying bugs?
Speaking of bachelors.....
Maybe you should act like wimmin are hunt clients? No him/her stuff , just civility and getting along. Nice to meet you. Pulse below full blown adrenaline stage.
(Now watch , you'll be engaged in a week. l.o.l..)

Good morning RR. Go have breakfast and meet that waitress !!:laughing7::icon_thumleft:

The bucks were feeding in a clearng by the road side. There were three that were absolute brutes. I've hunted for years now, and those were the biggest ones I've personally laid eyes on.

Funny how you mention the hunter/client relationship strategy. It doesn't work. I've talked to some girls before, but not a lot. What one must remember is, I'm home-schooled in the middle of freakin' nowhere. Human interaction for me is rare, not to mention female interaction which is doubly rare and terrifying regardless of how I look at it.

I've already made up my mind that I cannot get a girlfriend/wife because of my career path.

1. Railroad conductor. Railroad conductors are gone almost 24/7, and even at night. I cannot put someone through that, or worse, find them with someone else because I'm always gone.

2. Heavy mining / excavator work. Same reasons as stated above.

3. Mine trucking / ore hauling / dump trucks in general. Same reasons as stated above.

It's weird to want something, yet not being able to get it because you're too stubborn to change your life choices.

The bucks were feeding in a clearng by the road side. There were three that were absolute brutes. I've hunted for years now, and those were the biggest ones I've personally laid eyes on.

Funny how you mention the hunter/client relationship strategy. It doesn't work. I've talked to some girls before, but not a lot. What one must remember is, I'm home-schooled in the middle of freakin' nowhere. Human interaction for me is rare, not to mention female interaction which is doubly rare and terrifying regardless of how I look at it.

I've already made up my mind that I cannot get a girlfriend/wife because of my career path.

1. Railroad conductor. Railroad conductors are gone almost 24/7, and even at night. I cannot put someone through that, or worse, find them with someone else because I'm always gone.

2. Heavy mining / excavator work. Same reasons as stated above.

3. Mine trucking / ore hauling / dump trucks in general. Same reasons as stated above.

It's weird to want something, yet not being able to get it because you're too stubborn to change your life choices.

If it something that is really on your heart, then it most likely will happen, but perhaps just not how or when you might expect. :headbang:

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