the priest map or witch map

When it comes to trail markers, I tend to go with those made by human hands rather than Mother Nature:

But then, what do I know?:dontknow:

Good luck,


Come on Joe, those are all natures Poo Piles! Rock piles can occur
naturally. Just like any other rock. That is, unless you see someone actually piling the rocks. Then it would be natures anyway as we are all a product of nature. Just another way of doing the Mothers dirty work!


Come on Joe, those are all natures Poo Piles! Rock piles can occur
naturally. Just like any other rock. That is, unless you see someone actually piling the rocks. Then it would be natures anyway as we are all a product of nature. Just another way of doing the Mothers dirty work!



Well.....I'm no expert on "Poo Piles", Mother Nature or otherwise, but do you have a picture of such a pile that is as good as this one?:dontknow:

Is it Mother Nature, or some other pile of crap?

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

Okay………….This is a difficult post to make. Because I don’t want to be misunderstood or misquoted. And above all, this isn’t a teaser post for ANY motive. I post this with great trepidation. I know there will be backlash and false motives attributed to anything I say. That’s sad.

I hold very few answers. That’s not my place or roll. There are however letters, boxes of correspondence, draft correspondence and documents, among other things, that I have been privileged to see. They provide background and insight not before known. Some are big picture pieces that open wide new avenues of discovery. Some are just random fragments that don’t yet have a known place in the story.

How it all fits and what final story it may tell is not for this time or place. Some may never be known. Those are not mine for release. Nor should they be. For that I apologize.

What I do want to leave with you is to open your mind to new possibilities. As you say, some of this ground has been plowed before. Of course it has. But it has not been plowed with Travis’ own words, deeds, actions, likes and dislikes playing in the background.

As to an absolute, direct, connection to DeGrazia…….nope. Not saying that. I don’t know. Maybe so, maybe not. However; there are MANY similarities on several levels that would cause even the most skeptic member to take pause for re-consideration.

You guys are good at this. There are parallels here. This is but a window I share with you… Take it or leave it, as you see fit.

Okay………….This is a difficult post to make. Because I don’t want to be misunderstood or misquoted. And above all, this isn’t a teaser post for ANY motive. I post this with great trepidation. I know there will be backlash and false motives attributed to anything I say. That’s sad.

I hold very few answers. That’s not my place or roll. There are however letters, boxes of correspondence, draft correspondence and documents, among other things, that I have been privileged to see. They provide background and insight not before known. Some are big picture pieces that open wide new avenues of discovery. Some are just random fragments that don’t yet have a known place in the story.

How it all fits and what final story it may tell is not for this time or place. Some may never be known. Those are not mine for release. Nor should they be. For that I apologize.

What I do want to leave with you is to open your mind to new possibilities. As you say, some of this ground has been plowed before. Of course it has. But it has not been plowed with Travis’ own words, deeds, actions, likes and dislikes playing in the background.

As to an absolute, direct, connection to DeGrazia…….nope. Not saying that. I don’t know. Maybe so, maybe not. However; there are MANY similarities on several levels that would cause even the most skeptic member to take pause for re-consideration.

You guys are good at this. There are parallels here. This is but a window I share with you… Take it or leave it, as you see fit.


I'm afraid I am unable to see what you are sharing here. Perhaps my mind is just too slow these days. It's in the nature of treasure hunters to have an open mind to new evidence, but past experience's make us cautious at the same time. What am I missing?:dontknow:

Take care,


Good morning Joe,

What I'm saying.....obviously that:

When folks know the parallels between Travis and DeGrazia they might not be so quick to dismiss them. Look to the painting and look to the maps. They share a lot in common and have many pointers to common themes and beliefs that "I think" both men shared.



As with all things related to the legends of the Superstition Mountains, there is an interconnecting web to many of the stories. The Harry LaFrance cave of gold bars is connected to the Stone Maps and Ted DeGrazia is, most likely, also part of the story. As I have mentioned before, I have a DeGrazia book that is inscribed to "The LaFrance's". Probably just a coincidence, but it is interesting for sure. I have discussed this a number of times with someone who was a friend of Ted's and he does not dismiss the theory out of hand.

I have been aware of the parallels for many years now.

I do look forward to seeing the rest of the story. Hope it comes out in my lifetime.

Thanks for the clarification,


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Thanks Joe,

Your inscribed book is a treasure in itself. I'm sure you hold it dear.

There are more (and much more significant) that I'm not at liberty to share. But; just a couple perhaps insignificant parallels that I am able to share.

Degrazia and Travis worked in a "similar location" in Tucson in their younger days. Also, Travis' daughter, Janie, was quite an accomplished artist in the impressionist style. Her work is very nice. Unusually so. Additionally, she played the trumpet quite well.

Janie was just a couple years younger than I. Girls, in those days, didn't usually take up the trumpet. Not a total "ah Ha moment" but odd. Janie didn't have siblings to pass down band instruments, nor cousins, from her time in Oregon. Did she have a trumpet handy, from a friend of the family? Did she already have some lessons or exposure to make it the logical choice????

All that, with more to be revealed, makes for some interesting comparisons.

Thanks Joe,

Your inscribed book is a treasure in itself. I'm sure you hold it dear.

There are more (and much more significant) that I'm not at liberty to share. But; just a couple perhaps insignificant parallels that I am able to share.

Degrazia and Travis worked in a "similar location" in Tucson in their younger days. Also, Travis' daughter, Janie, was quite an accomplished artist in the impressionist style. Her work is very nice. Unusually so. Additionally, she played the trumpet quite well.

Janie was just a couple years younger than I. Girls, in those days, didn't usually take up the trumpet. Not a total "ah Ha moment" but odd. Janie didn't have siblings to pass down band instruments, nor cousins, from her time in Oregon. Did she have a trumpet handy, from a friend of the family? Did she already have some lessons or exposure to make it the logical choice????

All that, with more to be revealed, makes for some interesting comparisons.


It is interesting, but as you write.......[Not a total "ah Ha moment"]. That's also true of the book. I don't "hold it dear", it's just something I have in my collection. I would sell it without a second thought. There are, on the other hand, some of my books that I wouldn't sell.

Many that have been personally inscribed to me, and in one case Carolyn and I, will have to be sold after I'm gone.

Hope all is well with you and that you have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Take care,


lynds ---- you posted ----- aafter I'm gone.

Where ya going ???:coffee2::coffee2:

I ain't going no where and neither is my friend CactusJumper..........

Only the good die young <g>, us ole buzzards will have to be hit in the head with a stick.


And hitting them over the head with a stick would just make them angry.

Apologies for the late responses, just got back from traveling- was in Jerusalem where I retraced with great interest, the steps of Jesus' last journey from the base of Mount of Olives to the Via Dolorosa to the site of Calvary hill, now the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. It was rather interesting detecting the subtle symbols and hidden representations left behind by the countless conquerors of the ancient city, including the Templar Knights (see pic). There was a particular type of symbol I was looking for and was not disappointed.


As we're long past the topics discussed at the time I left, I will keep my responses brief.

My reason for bringing up the land grab bill is because it's relevant to the topic of treasure hunting, as far as those of us that get out there and walk/hike our respective areas of interest. My fear is that this privilege will be greatly curtailed now that the mining/oil corporations will now act unilaterally because they know the incoming administration is in their back pocket and has zero interest in preservation of environment.

That initial bill is calculated to be obnoxious and to stir up quite a bit of resentment. It will probably never pass, but that's not it's intention- it only serves to pave the way for a "lesser offensive" bill or rider/amendment, which is an old political trick. This is a relentless barrage that will not let up over the next four years.

And as for climate change, the debate is over and has been over for many years, and the only reason that there is any pretension of a debate is because of the massive spin the koch industries (their fortunes are built on oil/coal) have engendered through their formidable network of super-PACs. The way we deal with climate change by switching over to renewable energy is the same way we will need to deal with overpopulation, terrorism, wars, and overuse/exploitation of shrinking resources.

So in that regard, it doesn't matter how you spin or doctor it to look otherwise, we are inevitably heading towards a point where we must switch over to renewable energy, and the sooner we do it, the better. Countries like Germany, the UK, Denmark, etc. are way ahead of us. Even China is starting to make massive changes to its infrastructure.

Deducer, and apparently others, are all raked up in a pile about the incoming administrations coming actions. Have no doubt. Change is coming. IMO, as it should. Things on almost all levels are out of hand to the point of being silly, reckless and dangerous to our survival.

Our new President is a man from the corporate world. I see his vision clearly and know it well. Have used it to good effect in my own tenure in that corporate world.

In the corporate world when a company (not unlike our nation) gets bogged down in corporate mire and foolishness. cleaning house is required. This is known as the black hat manager. The black hat manager's tenure is usually of short duration but effective. He/she has to take out the garbage that has accumulated over time. Woe unto those that say.....but we've Always done it this way....they go first. When the ship is back on course then a com by ya type manager can be brought in.

Buckle your seat belt. Cause you ain't seen nothing yet. Should have seen it coming. We tried to tell ya. Just look at that by county map of the election results. Left coast/right coast dwellers that I don't understand even a little bit make up the tiny blue land mass. The ginormous red throughout the heartland says it all. There is a new sheriff in town and he answers to no one but the heartland that put him there. I hope he doesn't forget that. Eric Cantor did and you see what that got him. Yeap......those that were blindsided should have seen it coming. Handwriting was all over the wall.

Lynda, you're usually pretty level-headed and intelligent, but this post is a massive swing and miss. I would strongly encourage you to do your homework on the president-elect. After all, your research acumen is top-notch.

The president-elect is not a businessman, never mind a self-made businessman. He inherited most of his fortune from his father and has squandered most of it by driving one business after another into the ground. There isn't a major business that has filed more chapter 11's than his casino empire. Please have a look at the article Fortune wrote about him.

From the National Journal:

Had the celebrity businessman and Republican presidential candidate invested his eventual share of his father’s real-estate company into a mutual fund of S&P 500 stocks in 1974, it would be worth nearly $3 billion today, thanks to the market’s performance over the past four decades. If he’d invested the $200 million that Forbes magazine determined he was worth in 1982 into that index fund, it would have grown to more than $8 billion today.

Even the smaller figure exceeds the lower range of his possible net worth as reported to the Federal Election Commission, while the larger number exceeds by billions recent estimates of Trump’s worth by financial publications. And it would have come without the high-drama, roller-coaster career that has included four corporate bankruptcies.

The president-elect is nothing more than a sociopath who is a pathological liar. If confirmed by the electoral college, his actions will speak for himself.
And that's all I have to say on this matter.

Good morning Deducer,

I envy your trip. I would so like to make a similar one. Would also want to see Egypt and Syria but that's not going to happen anytime soon. I missed out on a planned trip to Egypt some 20 years ago. Still regret not making it. The history destroyed in Aleppo (not to mention the people) is heartbreaking. Just to keep this somewhat on topic.....I see some of that symbolism in the pieces of history we discuss here.

I'm glad you made the trip and returned safely. Post more picture when you have a moment. Would love to see them.

I do have follow up (imagine that!) on the President Elect's career, Koch Brothers, etc. We can duke it out here or start a new thread. What's your pleasure?

I can't believe it, I'm agreeing with Deducer.
Somewhere on River Styx ice is forming!

Good morning Deducer,

I envy your trip. I would so like to make a similar one. Would also want to see Egypt and Syria but that's not going to happen anytime soon. I missed out on a planned trip to Egypt some 20 years ago. Still regret not making it. The history destroyed in Aleppo (not to mention the people) is heartbreaking. Just to keep this somewhat on topic.....I see some of that symbolism in the pieces of history we discuss here.

I'm glad you made the trip and returned safely. Post more picture when you have a moment. Would love to see them.

I do have follow up (imagine that!) on the President Elect's career, Koch Brothers, etc. We can duke it out here or start a new thread. What's your pleasure?

The phenomenal eastern and southern Mediterranean (save Israel) is off the table for interested visitors - a shame. Our national policy of regime change is an unforgivable sin, the karma of which seems to be coming back to roost. Globalism sucks.

Apologies for the late responses, just got back from traveling- was in Jerusalem where I retraced with great interest, the steps of Jesus' last journey from the base of Mount of Olives to the Via Dolorosa to the site of Calvary hill, now the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. It was rather interesting detecting the subtle symbols and hidden representations left behind by the countless conquerors of the ancient city, including the Templar Knights (see pic). There was a particular type of symbol I was looking for and was not disappointed.

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Nice picture, Deducer. We would not be surprised to find Templar cross variations in Jerusalem, so these might not be the symbols you were seeking. Mind sharing with us what else you found?

Good morning Deducer,

I envy your trip. I would so like to make a similar one. Would also want to see Egypt and Syria but that's not going to happen anytime soon. I missed out on a planned trip to Egypt some 20 years ago. Still regret not making it. The history destroyed in Aleppo (not to mention the people) is heartbreaking. Just to keep this somewhat on topic.....I see some of that symbolism in the pieces of history we discuss here.

I'm glad you made the trip and returned safely. Post more picture when you have a moment. Would love to see them.

I do have follow up (imagine that!) on the President Elect's career, Koch Brothers, etc. We can duke it out here or start a new thread. What's your pleasure?

As I mentioned, I've said all I want to say on the subject. I don't think I'll change anyone's mind anyway. However, I may speak out from time to time if things get too one-sided. For the record, I'm neither a Democrat or Republican, nor a liberal or conservative. I stopped buying into that divisive nonsense, long ago.

More pics:

Clockwise from left: Via Dolorosa, the fifth station where Simon the Cyrenian, assisted Jesus with bearing his cross, The Dome of the Rock, the Jewish cemetery at the Mount of Olives, and sunset over the Mediterranean in Tel Aviv.


As I mentioned, I've said all I want to say on the subject. I don't think I'll change anyone's mind anyway. However, I may speak out from time to time if things get too one-sided. For the record, I'm neither a Democrat or Republican, nor a liberal or conservative. I stopped buying into that divisive nonsense, long ago.

"Divide and conquer" results in destruction from the inside. Political atheism allows rational thought.

Great pictures Deducer, thanks for sharing. Looking forward to more, if you would be so kind as to share.

On ducking the political debate.............I'm going to start calling you Hit and Run.

How's that stock market working for ya? Hit 20,000 yet? Oh my gosh! I think there's some optimism in the air. The Fed raised the prime and there wasn't even a hick up. T-Bill rates are up. Some off shore companies might even consider repatriating some of that cash they are hoarding. Boeing said........we think we can cut some fat out of that price. Let us sharpen our pencils and get back to you on that......... My, My how times change and quickly.

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