Thanks Joe,
Your inscribed book is a treasure in itself. I'm sure you hold it dear.
There are more (and much more significant) that I'm not at liberty to share. But; just a couple perhaps insignificant parallels that I am able to share.
Degrazia and Travis worked in a "similar location" in Tucson in their younger days. Also, Travis' daughter, Janie, was quite an accomplished artist in the impressionist style. Her work is very nice. Unusually so. Additionally, she played the trumpet quite well.
Janie was just a couple years younger than I. Girls, in those days, didn't usually take up the trumpet. Not a total "ah Ha moment" but odd. Janie didn't have siblings to pass down band instruments, nor cousins, from her time in Oregon. Did she have a trumpet handy, from a friend of the family? Did she already have some lessons or exposure to make it the logical choice

All that, with more to be revealed, makes for some interesting comparisons.