the priest map or witch map

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I don't think one needs giant size shadow mountains.

Begin at the forks of the water courses, proceed along trail to north, continue to alpine level, turn right at north trending canyon, pass large heart on left side of canyon, look for ledge at third roll in north facing canyon wall. Dig here. <g>

Sounds simple.........nah, I'm not delusional, but I do believe that's the path.

Morning Dave,

If you heard a rumor about a new fantastic restaurant opening in your town, but you didn't know the address.
Is it better to look up the listed address (read, educate yourself), or just head out the front door and hope your experience will guide you there?

Just yanking your chain. Hope all is well with you.

i just take my woman with me...she's pretty good at navigation...or if its pulled pork i just follow my nose:occasion14:

Must be nice, azd. Me, I'll likely never have all the knowledge I need.

neither will i..and if i do need educating....i dont get it from books or online...remember the old saying..those who who can't..teach...most authors i know cant wipe their own rear...i sure wont trust anything they have to say

neither will i..and if i do need educating....i dont get it from books or online...remember the old saying..those who who can't..teach...most authors i know cant wipe their own rear...i sure wont trust anything they have to say

Dave, I've always been a fan of your input, but that's the second most ....oh, never mind! ;)

yank! yank!

Yeah, I have a hard time suspending reality enough to join, myself.
But there seem to an increasing number of subscribing members. Those massive, immensely heavy, and mountain sized 'signs' are a no-go for me.


I'll post some photo's for you to see. I keep a lot of them in my other computer not at work. I was going to post some last night but my after hours stock trading kept me busy all evening. Most of the photo's are from my back porch. The real angle of viewing is off from my location. I need to take photo's more central in Tucson so you can see the actual legs of the horse as it stands. As it is now it looks like a horse headed chess piece. You can believe or not believe it's your prerogative. I value your opinion, but, I made up my mind long ago. To much evidence in too many mountain ranges to be coincidence. Totally closing ones mind to the possibility just because its to vast for one to grasp I believe is a travesty. But the evidence of these giant symbols have been confirmed all over the world like the Nazca Lines and ground symbols in Peru so why is it so hard to believe in the same thing over here? Just because they used shadows instead of rocks?

I submitted the possibility of this very thing to MES long ago and one of the premier Archeologists on that site confirmed online they could indeed be a reality. The logistics of sculpting the mountain landscape for this type of signage undertaking may not be as troublesome as one might think.

Anyways, Thanks for your beliefs and Merry Christmas Earnie!

hla SDC. with me it is not likely but a fact, sniff


I'll post some photo's for you to see. I keep a lot of them in my other computer not at work. I was going to post some last night but my after hours stock trading kept me busy all evening. Most of the photo's are from my back porch. The real angle of viewing is off from my location. I need to take photo's more central in Tucson so you can see the actual legs of the horse as it stands. As it is now it looks like a horse headed chess piece. You can believe or not believe it's your prerogative. I value your opinion, but, I made up my mind long ago. To much evidence in too many mountain ranges to be coincidence. Totally closing ones mind to the possibility just because its to vast for one to grasp I believe is a travesty. But the evidence of these giant symbols have been confirmed all over the world like the Nazca Lines and ground symbols in Peru so why is it so hard to believe in the same thing over here? Just because they used shadows instead of rocks?

I submitted the possibility of this very thing to MES long ago and one of the premier Archeologists on that site confirmed online they could indeed be a reality. The logistics of sculpting the mountain landscape for this type of signage undertaking may not be as troublesome as one might think.

Anyways, Thanks for your beliefs and Merry Christmas Earnie!

And a Merry Christmas to you also Bill!

Yes, I knew you were one of those who believe in those mountain sized signs Bill.
I can see some of what you guys are talking about, but to me they look to be natural formations.

I know there has been some extraordinary rock work done in huge proportions by people in the ancient past, Myans(?), Incas(?), Egyptians. They seem incredible even by today's standards. And I have no problem with the Nazca lines. Easier made than the huge rock structures, but how were they observed is that question (only from above,

But as far as pre-industrial people completely changing the shapes, and horizonal (is that a word) forms of an entire mountain, I hit the point where it is beyond belief to me.
But I have been very wrong (especially in recent events), so who knows?

Thanks for the kind words, All the best,

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And a Merry Christmas to you also Bill!

Yes, I knew you were one of those who believe in those mountain sized signs Bill.
I can see some of what you guys are talking about, but to me they look to be natural formations.

I know there has been some extraordinary rock work done in huge proportions by people in the ancient past, Myans(?), Incas(?), Egyptians. They seem incredible even by today's standards. And I have no problem with the Nazca lines. Easier made than the huge rock structures, but how were they observed is that question (only from above,

But as far as pre-industrial people completely changing the shapes, and horizonal (is that a word) forms of an entire mountain, I hit the point where it is beyond belief to me.
But I have been very wrong (especially in recent events), so who knows?

Thanks for the kind words, All the best,

Here's some examples from my archives. Mind you these symbols give direction to a fresh water spring in the Catalina Mountains up Pima Canyon into a protected King's Royal campsite. The Goose, Fish and other various symbols are only pointing to that canyon entrance which I've hiked myself. Water, food, and protection was that important to them at the time. One of the photo's shows a horse trail into the Supers which also leads to water. That's the one with the two arrows and the horse with folding legs and a small head because it was taken at the wrong angle. If your not on the proper trails or at the right angles they have other symbols that come into play basically giving the same instructions to the same places. This so you can still find these places even if you wonder of the trail because of Indian Attacks or being lost. It's pretty simple really.


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You really ought to educate yourself on the history of Spanish mining in the New Word, vis-a-vis the laws and customs that the mining contractors worked under during the colonial period, especially on and beyond the northern frontier. I provided a number of links to documents and contemporary reports in a previous TNet thread a year or two ago. I don't have the link to that thread - you'll have to find it on your own if you're interested in the truth. You are doing readers a disservice by continuing to assert that the "King's men" travelled all over the southwest "retrieving" his fifth share. That's not the way he collected it.

While you're at it, try to understand who organized, equipped, paid for, and executed the mining expeditions - paying special attention to the logistics required. You will then realize that the mining contractors had much richer and easier pickings in central and northern Mexico, with no particular reason to venture perhaps a thousand miles beyond any semblance of civilization. There were a handful of genuine "Spanish" operations in North America, yes, but those that were successful certainly did not leave their bullion behind. Why would they? And can you really expect people to believe the King would allow for his share to be left in the wilderness, requiring a dangerous and expensive expedition to retrieve it?

There is treasure to be found in the Southwest, yes, but it didn't belong to the King of Spain.

Don't forget El Cobre. Santa Rita. Worked probably much longer than contemprary history indicates (by "much", I mean 10's to ~100 years, not 1,000's...)

Agree on a lot of the logistics and tax points. But for a rich mine, trail distance might be excused.

Thanks for the pics Bill. I see the shapes clearly that you mentioned. Some better after you included the outlines.
If they are truly human-created 'signs' you have certainly made a tremendous discovery.

However, ...I ain't buying it. ;)
All natural to my eye. (Even the one with Pokey the Pony kissing Bart Simpson.)
Don't these shapes all continue to change throughout the day, as the angle of the sun changes?

But don't ever let my opinion keep you from believing, you are not alone in this theory.
And as I said before, it wouldn't be the first time I have been wrong.

All the Best,

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Don't forget El Cobre. Santa Rita. Worked probably much longer than contemprary history indicates (by "much", I mean 10's to ~100 years, not 1,000's...)

Agree on a lot of the logistics and tax points. But for a rich mine, trail distance might be excused.

Yes, Santa Rita del Cobre is a prime example of what I referred earlier to as a "genuine 'Spanish' operation in North America." It was originally an uber native copper harvesting ground with lots of easy gold pickings with it. As you know, it's my opinion that some of the early Santa Rita ore was removed to the Caballos and was the source of the Noss assays that he tried to use to scam his Victorio Peak suckers - 80% copper, with a few ounces of gold per ingot, as I recall. Even with the richness of Santa Rita, the Spanish had a helluva difficult time working it due to logistics and bad Apache trouble - abandoning operations for years at a time.

And, yes, there is plenty of undocumented circumstantial evidence that the region was exploited way before the textbook 1800 date - possibly centuries. I've covered these potentialities in depth elsewhere. Generally, unless the Spanish had prior information concerning a worthwhile lode target, they had no reason to just go a'prospectin' so far from known rich pickings in Mexico. As I said, there are a few cases where they did, but many of them were placer deposits, which are far easier to work.

Arizona, California, Colorado and elsewhere in New Mexico likely had other pre-Anglo mining ventures here and there. Most were Mexican, not Spanish, but regardless, it's hard to imagine why any of them would have left the hard-earned fruits of their labors behind when they returned south. Makes for good treasure tales, eh?

Old Spanish fort, Santa Rita del Cobre

santa rita miner.webp
Spanish artifacts from sealed tunnel, Santa Rita del Cobre

Bill, like sdc, I find it hard to Corelate the shadows with actual signs made by the spanish. To be useable those shadows need to be seen within a 15 minute time factor within a certain day of the year. This is not practical when with far less work they could use other systems that would be far more precise..

However I admit that I like youir thinking, out of the box confines as they say, keep it up, afterall, I am not privy to some spaniard's (Jesuit's ) thjinking,some may have just used your system. :coffee2::coffee2: early in the morning,

Thanks for the pics Bill. I see the shapes clearly that you mentioned. Some better after you included the outlines.
If they are truly human-created 'signs' you have certainly made a tremendous discovery.

However, ...I ain't buying it. ;)
All natural to my eye. (Even the one with Pokey the Pony kissing Bart Simpson.)
Don't these shapes all continue to change throughout the day, as the angle of the sun changes?

But don't ever let my opinion keep you from believing, you are not alone in this theory.
And as I said before, it wouldn't be the first time I have been wrong.

All the Best,

One word. Metamorphosis

Depending on the time day they serve up different symbols for various trails that take different routes for slower or faster ingress. Each of these shadows are from the same mountain range at different times. They stretch along the entire range from the southern end. Another important but less talked about fact. The entire range produces absolutely no shadows at other times from the angles viewing. A Free mason Trestle board? The timely shadows are void during some of the most sunny parts of the day. That is even harder to believe! I've been alone is this mountain sized symbol theory until just recently because of my own previous postings on MES and other sites like this one. I have many examples of mountain range signs in Arizona. That's why I posted it early for my own theory on MES in case it's one day proven to be true at least I would have the jump on discovering it.

It's not for sale though if you want to buy it.

I purchased it long ago.

Thanks and best of luck,


Bill, like sdc, I find it hard to Corelate the shadows with actual signs made by the spanish. To be useable those shadows need to be seen within a 15 minute time factor within a certain day of the year. This is not practical when with far less work they could use other systems that would be far more precise..

However I admit that I like youir thinking, out of the box confines as they say, keep it up, afterall, I am not privy to some spaniard's (Jesuit's ) thjinking,some may have just used your system. :coffee2::coffee2: early in the morning,

I here you! The thing that convinces me it's Spanish is right out of Chuck Kenworthy's book. In his book he says that the Royals (Kings) had a very important symbol they used in the field. That symbol is the Royal Poodle or Spaniel. I've seen this on the Catalina range in a huge symbol complete with chopped tail!

I've also come across them in large rock formations or carvings. The photo's I posted are right next to a Royal Poodle in shadow on the range. You can't see it as it's just to the right, but, I can get in my Archives and show it to you with an outline for viewing. A symbol of Royalty only in the Spanish realm of influence. No where else can it be found!
Thx, Best,



I'm not feeling it, You would be much gooder off to look for carved and place stone figures like this on not to far from you. I know of others even closer to you.


What would direct you to the place from which you could see this path ?
And how would you recognize it as such when you got to that point on the mountain cliff ?
Could heavy loads of valuables be transported via this route, along with the tools and manpower necessary for the work involved ?

Ok Wayne . I don't know if is good to reveal this info in this time frame , but exist something that would direct you to the place . Is a landmark in a DeGrazia treasure painting . This landmark is painted bigger than in the reality ( like many other important landmarks in another maps ) and could be recognized from an opposite angle that is in the painting .
At the right of this landmark , on the mountainside , begins that path .

Sign.webp Sign 2.webp

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