the priest map or witch map

Great pictures Deducer, thanks for sharing. Looking forward to more, if you would be so kind as to share.

On ducking the political debate.............I'm going to start calling you Hit and Run.

How's that stock market working for ya? Hit 20,000 yet? Oh my gosh! I think there's some optimism in the air. The Fed raised the prime and there wasn't even a hick up. T-Bill rates are up. Some off shore companies might even consider repatriating some of that cash they are hoarding. Boeing said........we think we can cut some fat out of that price. Let us sharpen our pencils and get back to you on that......... My, My how times change and quickly.

sounds like the deplorable's did ok

Chumming the waters hey? ;)


Have you ever noticed just as the sun sets there is one last glimmering burst of sunshine ...followed by the spread of a deepening darkness.
Enjoy the glimmer.

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Just spreading the good news. Lord knows its been in short supply in recent years.

Gold is down...means there's more faith in the dollar. I think Soros is having a Pants Suit bonfire. Invitation only :laughing7:

Here's the real "good news"; Google 'business insider Obama stock market performance'

Make sure to check out Yellen's video explaining the actual reason the Feds raised the interest rate.

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Chumming the waters hey? ;)


Have you ever noticed just as the sun sets there is one last glimmering burst of sunshine ...followed by the spread of a deepening darkness.
Enjoy the glimmer.

you're just a bucket full of sunshine aren't you?,,,spreading good cheer wherever you go:icon_scratch:

I do glimmer on occasion, glow once in a while, even caught my hair on fire a couple of times. ;).

Speaking of sun sets.........cheer up man. Have you considered those safe place coloring books? I hear they are very calming. Why they are even passing them out free of charge (except to the tax payers) to the cadets at the Virginia Military Academy. Remember those cadets? The ones who charged up New Market Heights into the cannon fire. Yeah, coloring books. What a novel concept.

Coloring books are more for those who like to shade reality to fit their own delusions.
I'll pass, thanks.

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[ snip post.........
I'll pass, thanks.[/QUOTE]

Whew! That's encouraging. There's hope for you yet >g

Stock market hit 20,000? Well then we all must be rich now then right? :tongue3: :laughing7:

Cool photos Deducer, thanks for sharing!

:coffee2: :coffee::coffee2:

Great pictures Deducer, thanks for sharing. Looking forward to more, if you would be so kind as to share.

On ducking the political debate.............I'm going to start calling you Hit and Run.

How's that stock market working for ya? Hit 20,000 yet? Oh my gosh! I think there's some optimism in the air. The Fed raised the prime and there wasn't even a hick up. T-Bill rates are up. Some off shore companies might even consider repatriating some of that cash they are hoarding. Boeing said........we think we can cut some fat out of that price. Let us sharpen our pencils and get back to you on that......... My, My how times change and quickly.

I would point out one small niggling detail- the fact that the president-elect has yet to take office is probably why the stock market is doing well at this point. He has yet to massively deregulate the banking industry as he promises to, namely obliterating the Dodd-Frank act, which is just repeating history- just as neutering the Glass-Stegall act in the early 2000's contributed to the big crash of 2007 as it allowed gigantic mergers of "too big to fail" to then recklessly speculate.

Undoubtedly you will generate your own spin on this, which is why I'm not really interested in continuing this. We should probably get back to the one thing we all have in common, the immense interest we have in all things associated with the LDM, the Southwest, and the Stone Maps.

Hmmm Lynda, can I interest you in a slightly used silver mine ?? :laughing7::coffee2::coffee2:


I am intimately familiar with what lead to the real estate crash and the equally stupid Dodd Frank legislation that followed. I can (and may) write a book exposing the truth of what happened.

George Bush and company had little to nothing to do with it. Although they did enjoy the propped up false economy in its hay day. Look to Bill Clinton and Barney Frank for your top sources. This is the frame work that made legalized thievery of the less fortunate a global enterprise. Bill and Barney are just the big names but they are far from alone in making the situation possible.

In the lending industry there is A paper (prime), B paper (average) and C & D paper. I forbid my sales personnel from chasing C & D paper. And we made good money and enjoyed top market shares without it. I told everyone that would listen and forced many to face the unfaceable. To no avail. They were in too deep to turn back.

But that didn't keep my independent agents from working that business. When they failed, I as principal, got literally truck loads of files with C & D paper to work through and make some sort of sense out of. Usually with State insurance commissioners and regulations breathing down my back. Within those files were the HUD-1 settlement statements showing the charges collected and rolled into the loans. The propped up appraisals and justifications. It was probably the most heartbreaking experience of my career.

The rape and pillage of our most vulnerable was truly a sin. And practiced by hoards of "real estate professionals" at all levels. Scum of the earth. Not just the banks, Banks were the cows tail in the deal and lightweights in the act. Why folks didn't go to jail is a mystery to me. Although it would have exposed the real reasons that set up the practices that legalized out and out thief and left our securities worthless. As wells as wreaked the very fiber of our middle class net worth.

And; to make matters worse......for all the huff and puff of Dodd/Frank and its ginormous regulations that do nothing to provide real safety and do much to set up feel good but useless regulations, the practices are coming back strong. I see it every day gradually raising its ugly head. Those profit margins are just too good to resist.

So......go ahead and tell me all about the financial crisis. I got time.

Where will we all be as the bond interest rates continue to rise? We'll find out soon enough.


I am intimately familiar with what lead to the real estate crash and the equally stupid Dodd Frank legislation that followed. I can (and may) write a book exposing the truth of what happened.

George Bush and company had little to nothing to do with it. Although they did enjoy the propped up false economy in its hay day. Look to Bill Clinton and Barney Frank for your top sources. This is the frame work that made legalized thievery of the less fortunate a global enterprise. Bill and Barney are just the big names but they are far from alone in making the situation possible.

In the lending industry there is A paper (prime), B paper (average) and C & D paper. I forbid my sales personnel from chasing C & D paper. And we made good money and enjoyed top market shares without it. I told everyone that would listen and forced many to face the unfaceable. To no avail. They were in too deep to turn back.

But that didn't keep my independent agents from working that business. When they failed, I as principal, got literally truck loads of files with C & D paper to work through and make some sort of sense out of. Usually with State insurance commissioners and regulations breathing down my back. Within those files were the HUD-1 settlement statements showing the charges collected and rolled into the loans. The propped up appraisals and justifications. It was probably the most heartbreaking experience of my career.

The rape and pillage of our most vulnerable was truly a sin. And practiced by hoards of "real estate professionals" at all levels. Scum of the earth. Not just the banks, Banks were the cows tail in the deal and lightweights in the act. Why folks didn't go to jail is a mystery to me. Although it would have exposed the real reasons that set up the practices that legalized out and out thief and left our securities worthless. As wells as wreaked the very fiber of our middle class net worth.

And; to make matters worse......for all the huff and puff of Dodd/Frank and its ginormous regulations that do nothing to provide real safety and do much to set up feel good but useless regulations, the practices are coming back strong. I see it every day gradually raising its ugly head. Those profit margins are just too good to resist.

So......go ahead and tell me all about the financial crisis. I got time.


There are videos of George Bush warning people about the housing crash that was coming. Most people ignored that warning.

Good post,


Let me see if I got this right Old;

1.) It wasn't you, it was all your thieving friends.

2.) It wasn't their fault, the 'temptation' was just too great.

3.) It was the fault of the (Democratic) store keeper who left the backdoor open. Of course they stole from him, don't blame the thieves!

That about it?

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Answer to your inquiry:

1. Nope, don't think it was my fault, and no, none of these thieves were my friends. To the contrary, I was as much a thorn in their side as apparently I am to some here. But that's a story for another time and place.

2. No. We each have to gauge our opportunities and be guided by our own inner voice. Just because its been "legalized", overlooked, or spun in a more favorable light doesn't make it right and doesn't absolve the temptee from the consequences. Its just unfortunate that so many were devastated by the few.

3. This is more troubling. THIS issue is neither wholly democratic or republican. It runs the full gambit. If (collective) you fail to learn from history you are doomed to repeat it. Don't drink the cool aid willingly. Listen to those that actually lived it and have the battle scars. Take away the pieces that are instructive.

Looking forward to the new 'R' White House, acting in concert with the majority 'R' Congress, to immediately (day-one) enact new legislation that will prohibit a repeat of such "legalized thievery" (your words).

But I won't hold my breath, because "Those profit margins are just too good to resist." (your words)
And our new President has spent his entire lifetime focusing on just that.

Quit whining EP

It's your turn to put up with the political nonsense



Quit whining EP

It's your turn to put up with the political nonsense



to quote Humphrey Bogart " the cards are dealt the other way now and for the last time"

i've never really been a rep. or dem.....i figure they are all crooks...but after seeing these whiney ass crybaby tantrum throwing democrats ..the best word that comes to mind is "disgusting"...after the embarrassing display they put kinda makes a feller feel good that they are upset

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