"...generally it's just looked upon as like, if there is some entity or something like that, most people that associate it with that don't see it the way WE (emphasis mine) would see it from the stories concerning the superstitions. And it's probably an unknown group of individuals that just loosely are affiliated in some way and then generationally it passes along. It makes sense 'cause now if you read all these stories and books, and you look at those little bits and pieces and you try to write them out and you look at it, it does definitely correlate....
Wayne Tuttle - Chasing Legends 255: The Black Legion
Great video....
2 thoughts. Wayne seems to be saying:
a) most people would think the culprits are "an unknown group, loosely affiliated and generational" and that THAT idea MAKES SENSE when you look at the stories. It correlates, as he put it. But I think he is poopooing that idea in favor of,
3) Dutchhunters (the WE emphasized above) don't see it that way....they see the "mystical apache spirits" part as more likely, or at least as a key part of the story. This, in part, is based on his other Black Legion video where the Black Legion is described as having 3 inch wide heads and black fire coming off their arms.
Am I seeing what I want to see or am I understanding what he said? Honest answers only

Starts around the 18 minute mark.