In going over the video once again (might have been my 3rd time), I think there's some truth to what Wayne had stated. I believe if there's a group out there - watching over a particular area, it isn't out of the question as to if its believable. I don't feel that, what ever type of group it is, that they're organized. It does feel as if it's a 'generational' thing - a personal interest of a special area according to them (the group). I would though, lean towards a Native group of some type. I couldn't say which 'Native' group of people it could be, so that gets filed in the "who knows" filing cabinet.
I do understand in history - there's been many secret groups that we've all heard of, but do I feel that any of those said historical groups - being behind anything in the Supes; no I don't. I'm more inclined to believe that what ever group is out there, protecting something is more of a local native group to the area. I have heard stories that include strange people following others into the Supes, and also heard of some crazy sightings back in there (other stories from Wayne) - but to attribute those stories to a certain group that makes a point to scare someone or anyone that gets too close, just seems like a Tall Tale.
As for Wayne and the thought of Dutch hunters believing in the whole "spiritual or mystical", I don't think that's what he was saying. Yes, there are those
Hunters that believe in all that mystical stuff - but most don't buy into it.
That being said - I've had personal experiences in my life - that can't be explained other than, going down the whole Spiritual rabbit hole. I don't put much into many of the conspiracies out there - but I do know, that some do come out as truth.
Wayne is an interesting kind of person. He claims he's a realist and at the same time - does give some credence to the strange stories - as if he entertains the idea that...maybe....just maybe there's truth in the story.
To be is kind of unclear what he is saying in this video. He goes on to talk about production crew additions too. So to help clarify what he means, so that I can figure out what he's saying, I am utilizing a second video he made about the same subject.
When Wayne brings up the subject of Production crew - if you had watched his series on TV (their first season) - there was an episode that, went down the path of Black Legion. Wayne did bring up the subject to the production company - but when the writers got a hold of the idea, they really messed things up. Since filming a TV show or movie - nothing is ever filmed in order. Wayne brought up the fact, that once the production company took over the idea - it just went down hill from there. They did put a fake black hand print on a rock - to ignite the entertainment filter, so the episode would be more interesting. What is funny - on one of those episodes, they WERE followed and spotted a person (or so they thought) up on the ravine, watching them. They used a thermal camera and spotted the figure above them. What was weird is that - the figure wasn't HOT like it should have shown on the camera (body heat). The figure was white, which doesn't make sense. That part of the episode was real - its the whole black hand thing that was created by the production company for entertainment.