Ladies and Gentlemen,
Whatever the Peralta Stones lead to (if anything) HOW did someone ever come to the conclusion that they should lead to the LDM? I mean, of the several Peralta \ Gonzales mines in the Superstitions -> how is it that the Peralta Stones would lead to ONLY the LDM?
I submit -> because Waltz lived as a virtual pauper, whatever the LDM contained, it was NOT the “richest mine in the entire world”. In other words; the proof is in the pudding – and Waltz didn’t have it. That’s a matter of historical record. We can banter about Waltz’s tax records showing that he was not absolutely destitute, but my POINT is that he certainly was not ‘well to do’ (especially for someone who owned the richest mine in the world). I’m saying if Waltz had the ‘richest mine’, then show me the money….. but it ain’t there. And that has been something that has perplexed DH’ers from the beginning.
From my understanding, there are two veins in the one tunnel. One is 18” and of above average ore concentration. The other vein is 2” and is where we get the matchbox sample. Bottom line, the LDM is probably one of the poorer mines (in terms of potential output) in the entire Peralta \ Gonzales complex. From the physical descriptions we have, it is certainly one of the smallest. So WHY would the Peralta Stones lead to that particular mine when there are other mines in the Superstitions that are definitely larger and, in all probably, contain more ore (especially in terms of total output)?
To me, IF the P\S are legitimate, then whatever they lead to – it wouldn’t be the LDM.
Just rambling with my 2 cents,
Some Dude