The Peralta Stone Maps, Real Maps to Lost Gold Mines or Cruel Hoax?

Do you think the Peralta stone maps are genuine, or fake?

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Id like to see that stone and the story.

Sure, But you tell me the story it depicts.


>>>And I'll tell you what that new stone is telling, if you wish!<<

Okay, I wish. Wait! Let me cover my eyes and get a tarp first. Okay got it. Fire at will.

>>>And I'll tell you what that new stone is telling, if you wish!<<

Okay, I wish. Wait! Let me cover my eyes and get a tarp first. Okay got it. Fire at will.

Ok, Big Cross, Church Mine

Little cross with ll on each side, watched over by St Gardians

Big Heart ❤️ {love you Old} in the trail

Sun sign. 2 = trail 3 Shadow 1 = light, reviews the mine. or a white rock in this case.

It's the map to a recent mine that's been uncovered that's all I know.

Or just ask woody and Frank, there mining it.

And I'll put odds that it's a Silver Mine.

Do to the size of the stone.

Silver Chair

Keep the tarp handy, I'm sure the Vactican Experts will be sending there finding soon.

Thanks for showing it. But i dont know, I was hoping to learn what it is telling. Iam interested in learning.

It's a priest kneeling under a Arch, Cavalry where Jesus was crucified
It's the way they could find there way around, Arches High and low, the pilgrimages back to the place.

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Well shucks. And we were playing so nicely together....back at the basics.

I told you way back at post #2763.....those peaky stone maps were popping up everywhere. Ain't too hard to do. Is it?

Smaller stones, like those recently posted.....not so much.
And family members witnessed Travis carving stones in his mother's yard while visiting, using pieces of paper with drawings on them which he folded and carried in his pocket.
RG has mentioned "blueprints" found in Travis' things. I suspect that the stones he was seen working on were those described as being about the size of a IPad mini, and that the "blueprints" are the pieces of paper the family remembers him using for reference.

From E-mails forwarded to "Azmula" and published in the SMHS newsletter.....

"As for Travis and the "papers" he worked
from, they were just pieces of paper (more than
one) with drawings on them, to your Grandma. He
folded them up between uses and carried them in
his pocket, taking them out to make the etching on
the stones. In and of themselves they didn't appear
to have much value, other than the source of the
pictures he copied onto the stones. The stones
themselves were never hidden, whether or not he
was working on them."


We're any design's on the papers published.

Thanks. Most interested in these.



We're any design's on the papers published.

Thanks. Most interested in these.


I don't recall...yes or no.
A "barn map" was mentioned and discussed in one of the deleted threads, but I don't have any drawing or photo on file labeled as such.
But that was about the same time when all this talk about five small white stone "maps" began.

Sounds like a product of his environment, a Barn a Cow perhapes maybe a chicken, One deep fried and a Hog, maybe the neighbor girl. Perhaps

Pretty big jump to Jesuit symbolism

Did Travis ever mention he was born again.


Didn't ever say nothing to me about it.

DSC_7048 (2).webp
Part of the Quartz Vein in Rogers mining district.
This is a natural deposit not carved, it has been worked at some point in the past. It is unknown who worked the ore here as this site is not part of registered claims. The vein is the same one I have been documenting in the area leading to the Large Quartz Heart on the top of White Hill. For the observant you may be able to make out a horse's head of the left side of photo (right shoulder of the man's image being as its facing you).

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I"m guessing their were buildings between Hewitt RD and Queen Creek, according to what I have researched some Missions were just small outposts 1 or 2 rooms at the most. Hewitt Rd must have been a very old trail at the beginning, and Queen creek a running river. If I ever get the chance that is a area I would explore.

From all the LDM clues , which were mixed with other from different places , I distinguished two clues which are for the treasure site . And these two , were told by Diaz . I am wondering from where/whom got those clues Diaz , if he hasn't found the Treasure cave/mine .

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I've always know it was a fake. It's has no story to tale. The others do.
Even my Stone tells a short story. And it's even smaller.

Good job Joe


I don't mind telling the story of the stone, as it was told to me. The person who showed it to me, told me his dad carved it to illustrate how easy it would be to carve a map into stone. It does not depict any specific place or mine. As I recall, he offered to give it to me, and I thought he should keep it. My memory is failing fast, so it may be that I accepted it and put it away somewhere. I do still have Jim Hatt's Latin Heart.

Good luck,


Don't want to make Joe look like a fool just yet.:laughing7:

All in due time, I have a gag order on myself.


If anyone believes this stone:
came from Garman, or that it was created for any purpose other than what I have written here......they have no clue about it. If you can make me a fool on this, please don't hesitate to do so. No matter how things make me look, I am only interested in seeing the truth being told.

For many years now, some people on this site and others have had a great desire to make me look like a fool. It's a waste of time, IMHO, as I freely admit to looking foolish now and again. In this case, I believe I have the facts on my side. Anyone who wants to create a story out of that stone, good luck.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

Joe your stone appears to be Minnesota Pipestone (Catlinite). It is very easy to carve and was used as trade goods by Native Americans.

Howdy Tim,

It's starting to look like a golf course, maybe there are nine out there.:dontknow:


DING......Close enough Homar, and ya win da prize

Them stones were Travis' blueprints for an eighteen hole-par 47 mini golf course.
They oughta build one next to the museum.

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