It's not been a problem, EB. And yes, it has all been fun to work with.
But there's no need for GPS co-ords. Wouldn't help much anyways. The GPS co-ords would help me to determine a line/heading that was designed and built into the site and it never changes. A line connecting the co-ords of Cincinnati and Picacho pass probably wouldn't change anything either, since the pass is as close as any 19th century member of the KGC ever got to Ellie Gardner's "Heart Mountain".
Direct sunlight tends to wash the contrast out, just as it does with anything surrounded by similar geology and colour. True to a certain point; you just have to be there when the window opens. The window seems to be open anytime there is enough light to see. At least for me it is. in from 1 hr after sunset, to 1 hr before sunrise, also makes both Priest's impossible to see without artificial lighting. I haven't looked, but I would think both would also be quite visible in direct, or near direct moonlight. I can't see the point in creating such things...whatever their purpose or meaning...only to risk not being able to retrace the trail, or follow the directions, because of bad timing. The design for every site is pretty much the same, for each cache that was hidden would never to be seen again until the time is right. Doesn't look like these guys knew how to do it that way. So for them, the right time might be too late. People intelligent enough to create such complex maps, especially for something of great value to them, and leave so little behind in other ways, wouldn't have limited their chances of recovery to only certain days or solar/lunar positions, IMO. Let's just say they were not coming back, so they had to leave a system which others in their Group could understand, the complexities are simple once you know the answers. They would know how to work with the code ciphers, monument interpretation, etc. That's the trouble with secret groups and their maps. they were so good at keeping secrets, that their fans and followers can't even tell anyone what they are looking for. They weren't planting corn out there. True, however, they were planting the future. What future....or is that also a secret ?
That which I was taught took a number of years to grasp. I do not expect others to understand all the ins and outs at this moment. What I do decide to share is based upon what I have learned over a long period of time. They love to use lines as a method of concealment, they always have and that my friend hasn't changed. You learn the rules and only then will you make progress. I will admit; it's a long, slow process.
Fortunately, I have had no teacher who's knowledge of lines of concealment, code ciphers, and monument interpretation could have been passed on to me.
Had I felt the need to follow such a lengthy process of being taught all these ins and outs, I likely would have grasped myself a copy of Getler and Brewer's "Shadow Of The Sentinal" or "Rebel Gold", since it's all explained and only takes a few hours to read.
Unfortunately, as a result of not having been educated in all things KGC and the Group, and thus having failed to recognize and follow their numerous designs and deceptions, I must have wandered into some other organization's former territory by mistake.
Take care,
Ellie B