It's a neat place to while away the hours, EB.
Rugged and damn hot if the sun is high.
I can't say if those numbers you see are there or not, and I don't think I have another shot from anywhere closer, at least of the same side.
But I'll have a look when I have some more time, just in case. I'll also add it to the list, and check it out next time, but am really only looking for what's been carved on the stones and can be found at the right places. Any extras will have to wait until I've matched all of those first.
10-4 SH,
One of my partners is always asking me why can't we go out to heart while the weather is so nice? Then he will say, "I know, we have to wait until July and August when it's so darn hot." He repeats the same phrase every winter and we all start to laugh. "What the hell, we ain't got nothing better to do than cook our butts off and pull cholla spines out of our flesh, right?", he'd reason.
We leave about three AM and arrive prior to dawn. Set up camp and prepare to leave. Guns and ammo ready, combs, pocket mirrors, walkie talkies, plenty of water, camera, GPS, first aid kit, hats, walking sticks, maps, binoculars, compass, survey flagging tape, pliers and a good knife. We already knew where we were going and had a midpoint pre-determined and if we didn't make it we returned to base camp. Never hike in the dark as it always turns out to be painful. Average temps this time of year reach 120-126 degrees and even higher in heavy rock strewn terrain. Drink often, rest often and don't overdo it. One person usually stays in camp to prepare a meal and that is a prime motivator to get on back. We talk, tell stories, have a little drink and then its off to bed and start again the next day. The stories we could tell. Why I have been there so many times me and a Gila monster go by first names. It is very hot, very dangerous and cholla do hurt like hell. We are a well seasoned team, but stuff happens.
Anyway SH, you know what I am talking about. So much more to it than the picture painted above portrays.
My brother Ali had a band out in the desert too.