The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Something is changing to the magnetic pole . look at where says

" The magnetic north pole has been creeping northward – by more than 600 miles (1,100 km) – since the early 19th century, when explorers first located it precisely. It is moving faster now, actually, as scientists estimate the pole is migrating northward about 40 miles per year, as opposed to about 10 miles per year in the early 20th century. "

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The maps , in the Superstition surrounding area , match in different dimensions . You must to adapt the Xs in the stone trail maps , to the same dimension with the dots in the horse map . Something like this

View attachment 843627

According to your theory, does this mean that the trail starts at the horse's ear, on the Florence topo?

It's always been changing. True North is constant. That is what lat/long or any other coordinate system is based upon.

Before 100+ years they hadn't GPS . All the survey tools was used in relation with the poles . If they gave us coordinates in relation with the poles , today the target would been miles afar .
For example , when I try to make an overlay in GE , the North in an old map , in GE today is little NW . And for this , the oral and written clues about directions from that era , are not accurate 100% today ( maybe are 90%+ ) .

Before 100+ years they hadn't GPS . All the survey tools was used in relation with the poles . If they gave us coordinates in relation with the poles , today the target would been miles afar .
For example , when I try to make an overlay in GE , the North in an old map , in GE today is little NW . And for this , the oral and written clues about directions from that era , are not accurate 100% today ( maybe are 90%+ ) .

The True North is fixed. The magnetic north pole is constantly changing. You need to educate yourself in basic celestial navigation, and also modern (ca late 1700's) land surveying.

The True North is fixed. The magnetic north pole is constantly changing. You need to educate yourself in basic celestial navigation, and also modern (ca late 1700's) land surveying.

Ok . for some reasons , the author of the stone tablets and many others , didn't gave coordinates . The only accurate directions which some gave , was in relation with a constellation in a specific day .

And , how you find the True North ? In relation to what ?

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As I wrote .

Sorry, but that is evasively non-specific.

The reason I asked is that if you are going by the Florence topo, on which the horse's head appears exactly as it does on the Stone Maps, then that would put a date limit on the creation of the Stone Maps, right?

Sorry, but that is evasively non-specific.

The reason I asked is that if you are going by the Florence topo, on which the horse's head appears exactly as it does on the Stone Maps, then that would put a date limit on the creation of the Stone Maps, right?

Of course . The land was virgin , without homes facilities . You must to look in an oldest topo or to use your imagination . A part of his head and the lower part of the horse , is now in the facilities .
In any topo if it was , the trail starts from his right ear .

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... And , how you find the True North ? In relation to what ?

The North Pole on Earth is where its axis of rotation pokes through the planet's surface (opposite side is the South Pole). The planet wobbles a bit, but the axis itself is fixed relative to the surface. You can determine True North by observing the sun's motion during the day or by locating the North Star at night, which lies within about 1 degree of True North. True North for our solar system is constant in relation to fixed stars which don't ever change positions, at least not in millions of years.

The North Pole on Earth is where its axis of rotation pokes through the planet's surface (opposite side is the South Pole). The planet wobbles a bit, but the axis itself is fixed relative to the surface. You can determine True North by observing the sun's motion during the day or by locating the North Star at night, which lies within about 1 degree of True North. True North for our solar system is constant in relation to fixed stars which don't ever change positions, at least not in millions of years.

In what season ? The sun and the stars , are changing position every season . Before the compas , nobody used the words N , S , E , and W . Don't forget how before 200 years , found the True North pole with a compas . Than , the scientists used this mental True North pole to make a net of coordinates . This mental True North and net , are using and today . After the discovery , and for 150 years the folks used the compas in all types of navigation ( boats , planes ) because they believed how the north in the compas was the True north . When the scientists had understood how the magnetic poles are changing and the compas will become a non accurate tool , they invented the satellite ( the EYE ) . The mental axis and the True North of the World is recognize from satellite .Today all the types of navigation use GPS . Can we think a world without GPS ? We will returned in the pre compas era .
For this the satellite is the most accurate and fastest way for orientation .
The only accurate coordinate for the stone maps end trail in that era , will was a star , in a specific day , in relation with two points on the ground . But , the author preferred to play with the landmarks in a continuous calculations of triangulations .

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Of course . The land was virgin , without homes facilities . You must to look in an oldest topo or to use your imagination . A part of his head and the lower part of the horse , is now in the facilities .
In any topo if it was , the trail starts from his right ear .

Do you have an explanation for the same horses as on the Stone Map, appearing on the Florence topo map? Or have you not seen that yet?

In what season ? The sun and the stars , are changing position every season . Before the compas , nobody used the words N , S , E , and W . Don't forget how before 200 years , found the True North pole with a compas . Than , the scientists used this mental True North pole to make a net of coordinates . This mental True North and net , are using and today . After the discovery , and for 150 years the folks used the compas in all types of navigation ( boats , planes ) because they believed how the north in the compas was the True north . When the scientists had understood how the magnetic poles are changing and the compas will become a non accurate tool , they invented the satellite ( the EYE ) . The mental axis and the True North of the World is recognize from satellite .Today all the types of navigation use GPS . Can we think a world without GPS ? We will returned in the pre compas era .
For this the satellite is the most accurate and fastest way for orientation .
The only accurate coordinate for the stone maps end trail in that era , will was a star , in a specific day , in relation with two points on the ground . But , the author preferred to play with the landmarks in a continuous calculations of triangulations .

I'm speechless. You are joking here ... right?

At any rate, please proceed unabated with your revisionist science. I'm done interjecting facts here.

Do you have an explanation for the same horses as on the Stone Map, appearing on the Florence topo map? Or have you not seen that yet?

I saw the horse head on Florence topo , and is far to match with the head of the horse in the stone map . Put them together to see the difference . In the place where I matched the horse , the horse match with his body , like in the stone map .
And , no , I am not going from the Florence topo ( now I understand your question ) , as I wrote and posted pictures in my previous posts , the right horse ear is the Hieroglyphic Canyon .

I saw the horse head on Florence topo , and is far to match with the head of the horse in the stone map . Put them together to see the difference . In the place where I matched the horse , the horse match with his body , like in the stone map .
And , no , I am not going from the Florence topo ( now I understand your question ) , as I wrote and posted pictures in my previous posts , the right horse ear is the Hieroglyphic Canyon .

Well, the Florence topo horse head looks like about a 95% match, to me.

Let's see what you are matching with the horse, please.

Well, the Florence topo horse head looks like about a 95% match, to me.

Let's see what you are matching with the horse, please.

Go back two pages in this thread , to the #1311 post . There is a picture with the horse and some explanations .

And If you want explanations about the priest map , go to the " Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns? " thread , at page 57 .

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I'm speechless. You are joking here ... right?

At any rate, please proceed unabated with your revisionist science. I'm done interjecting facts here.

Springfields right, navigators have known about the difference between magnetic north and true north since 1300 they invented the Astralobe to measure the angle of celestial objects and a set of tables with the amount in degrees that would need to be added or taken away from magnetic north calculated for each month then years later for a week then by 1700 they had it down to a day and invented the sextant which could have the declination altered before using it, all that was missing until the 1700s was an accurate timepiece, since then they have been able to calculate to within a few hundred yards where they were anyplace on the globe, GPS has those changes built in to them no calculations needed,


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Thank you Furness

You wrote " then by 1700 they had it down to a day and invented the sextant which could have the declination altered before using it, all that was missing until the 1700s was an accurate timepiece, since then they have been able to calculate to within a few hundred yards where they were anyplace on the globe "

For this I wrote how the coordinates from that era are not 100% accurate .

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Thank you Furness

You wrote " then by 1700 they had it down to a day and invented the sextant which could have the declination altered before using it, all that was missing until the 1700s was an accurate timepiece, since then they have been able to calculate to within a few hundred yards where they were anyplace on the globe "

For this I wrote how the coordinates from that era are not 100% accurate .

That's precisely the point. Determination of survey-grade (close-accurate) longitude was brought to the western US with the telegraph in the late 1800's. By the early 1900's, reliable topographic mapping, using accurate three dimensional coordinate data, was introduced to the public by the USGS.

Your overlay theories imply that the stone maps could not have been produced earlier than the introduction of the first topo maps of the Superstition Mountains. If your theories are correct, then the 'Peralta family theories', 'Spanish theories', 'Jesuit theories', etc. cannot be valid because these groups all predated accurate mapping techniques for the terrain in question. This implies that whoever carved these stones did it in the 20th century and disguised the information to appear as if it came from an earlier period.

I don't know what of value is hidden in these mountains, if anything. However, I suspect that the stone maps and the man-made signs in the hills that seem to correspond to them (stone monuments, intaglios, old mines, etc.) were created to lead searchers astray.

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