The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Donald, you trusted Joe - cactus jumper - with that? I trusted him with my steak once and look where it got me, snifff:censored:

Oh well, since he is an excellent long time friend, I guess it went to a good cause, in fact I may buy 'him' one when we meet.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Don Jose,

And when exactly will that be?:dontknow: You have been running and hiding from day-one.:icon_scratch: I have not been hard to find, but we don't deliver.:walk:

Take care,


I will try if you tell me what it is that we are seeing in this low res image?

Ok Hal

its alittle fuzzy, But what about this!

horse (2).webp



I thought this would be an easy question for you to answer. Is there some kind of problem with the dates?:dontknow:



Was it during the time the mission was known as Santa Maria, Santa Maria Suamca or Santa Cruz? What was the name of the priest at the time you are referring to? Who was the priest who preached at the end of the cliff?

Thanks in advance,

Joe Ribaudo

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Cactus, I frankly don't understand why anyone would take offence on legitimate questions? I remember you putting me through the mill on Tayopa for months, and frankly, I enjoyed it since I believe that I was able to come up with reasonably correct answers, or looked for the answer.

My attitude on any treasure is that if I can't answer a question, then I had better get back to doing my homework.

Don Jose de La Mancha

For those offended, it has never been about the questions. There is no shame in asking or answering a question, or saying one does not know the answer to a question. What is offensive is the manner in which the questions are asked and the poorly disguised sarcasm and disrespect within.

He is a very articulate and well spoken man and he knows exactly what he is doing and why. Were his tone and disrespect a result of ignorance, it would be pardonable. That it is not, is a sign of very poor character in many minds.

Ok Hal

its alittle fuzzy, But what about this!

View attachment 808670


Before I comment on the images I want to tell you that I have a great deal of respect for the effort it took to obtain your photographs. It takes someone with a set of brass balls to go poking around the SWA alone. So, hats off to you for your effort! And again for presenting your discovery on the TN.

My first question to you would be why are the two horses, the suggested one highlighted in your photo and the one found on the stone so stylistically different? Didn't you insist that the artist sat in front of his subject and copied what was directly in front of him? Not to mention that this example is facing in the opposite direction. Did you obtain any close ups of what you believe are carvings? Are there tool marks or any signs to prove that this giant horse is something more than just natural cracks and shadows? What was the response when you showed JS Woods? Did he agree on the archeological importance of the site?

I think it is a good effort, but as I have said in the past. Stretching, distorting, or altering the images on the stones in any way to fit ones solution would (in my frail mind) invalidated the attempt -IMO.
We are looking for a perfect fit and because the horse does not exist in the field, complete, one could (and have) spend a life time searching for it only to find things that look similar.

This is pareidolla and in the Superstitions it sometimes can get the best of even the most discerning treasure hunters.

My feelings on the second image are about the same, but at least here you seem to understand what the symbol for "mountains" looks like.

Anyway, I think that you deserve credit for your effort.

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I recently had a conversation with an incredible woman who knew Mr. X (the man I believe carved the stones.) towards the end of his life. She described him as being wonderful, kind, and extremely modest. This is in stark contrast to what others have written about the man, who some say had a difficult and overbearing personality. I think that he was a perfectionist. I know that growing up, he had set his mind to working with machines hoping to avoid contact with people, but that is not how his life unfolded. Just the opposite in fact. This woman even interviewed Mr. X and published her work in a regional magazine. After several conversations I told her about my theory and the connection to Mr. X. She did not call me an idiot or cut off contact, so in my mind, it is not out of the question. In fairness, she also did not confirm my idea. How could she?

But she remains a great help and her insight is invaluable.

If this theory that I am suggesting turns out to be correct, people will have a need to learn the name.
Funny thing is that most already know it.

I recently had a conversation with an incredible woman who knew Mr. X (the man I believe carved the stones.) towards the end of his life. She described him as being wonderful, kind, and extremely modest. This is in stark contrast to what others have written about the man, who some say had a difficult and overbearing personality. I think that he was a perfectionist. I know that growing up, he had set his mind to working with machines hoping to avoid contact with people, but that is not how his life unfolded. Just the opposite in fact. This woman even interviewed Mr. X and published her work in a regional magazine. After several conversations I told her about my theory and the connection to Mr. X. She did not call me an idiot or cut off contact, so in my mind, it is not out of the question. In fairness, she also did not confirm my idea. How could she?

But she remains a great help and her insight is invaluable.

If this theory that I am suggesting turns out to be correct, people will have a need to learn the name.
Funny thing is that most already know it.

Was my earlier anagram guess correct?

Before I comment on the images I want to tell you that I have a great deal of respect for the effort it took to obtain your photographs. It takes someone with a set of brass balls to go poking around the SWA alone. So, hats off to you for your effort! And again for presenting your discovery on the TN.

My first question to you would be why are the two horses, the suggested one highlighted in your photo and the one found on the stone so stylistically different? Didn't you insist that the artist sat in front of his subject and copied what was directly in front of him? Not to mention that this example is facing in the opposite direction. Did you obtain any close ups of what you believe are carvings? Are there tool marks or any signs to prove that this giant horse is something more than just natural cracks and shadows? What was the response when you showed JS Woods? Did he agree on the archeological importance of the site?

I think it is a good effort, but as I have said in the past. Stretching, distorting, or altering the images on the stones in any way to fit ones solution would (in my frail mind) invalidated the attempt -IMO.
We are looking for a perfect fit and because the horse does not exist in the field, complete, one could (and have) spend a life time searching for it only to find things that look similar.

This is pareidolla and in the Superstitions it sometimes can get the best of even the most discerning treasure hunters.

My feelings on the second image are about the same, but at least here you seem to understand what the symbol for "mountains" looks like.

Anyway, I think that you deserve credit for your effort.


Thanks for the cudo's and you aready answered the horse switch direction. Here's alittle better view of the mountain.

stone view 26.webp

And Mr Woods Is a hardcore (The Stones Are Fake) So I figured every thing I found is fake to
so I can take it. (cause it must be fake too) RIGHT!

I said he carved the Stone's from what he viewed to direct you, But after your there things change alot at the sites.



Thanks for the cudo's and you aready answered the horse switch direction. Here's alittle better view of the mountain.

View attachment 808822

And Mr Woods Is a hardcore (The Stones Are Fake) So I figured every thing I found is fake to
so I can take it. (cause it must be fake too) RIGHT!

I said he carved the Stone's from what he viewed to direct you, But after your there things change alot at the sites.


So here's how you do it, To ever is interested in a good fun hike, You go to the Arch at garden Valley, You use the upside down U from each map in relation to what direction each map is from the Arch. When you find the horse you will find the kiln still burnt black carved in solid rock to hold the heat it takes to melt metal. The Priest is a little tricky cause of natural weathering but still can be found. I wont say how to get there you must use your own thrill of the hunt.

But that it be careful out there and have fun.

I'm on to the next hunt.



For those offended, it has never been about the questions. There is no shame in asking or answering a question, or saying one does not know the answer to a question. What is offensive is the manner in which the questions are asked and the poorly disguised sarcasm and disrespect within.

He is a very articulate and well spoken man and he knows exactly what he is doing and why. Were his tone and disrespect a result of ignorance, it would be pardonable. That it is not, is a sign of very poor character in many minds.


Many thanks for all the kind words.

Perhaps it is simply attempts to spare the victim of those "poorly disguised" barbs from complete destruction of any pride they may have. You, on the other hand, obviously have no qualms in that regard. Unfortunately, for you, I still have enough pride in what I write to sign my name to the bottom of my posts.

Making such attacks on someone from the anonymity of an Internet name, is say the least.

No disguised sarcasm or disrespect in this post. There are many more minds out there who respect me, and my habit of holding the prevaricators feet to the fire.

Joe Ribaudo

Don Jose,

Exactly! Having your "facts" and theories challenged only makes you better. I welcome the questions, especially the ones I don't have an answer for.:icon_study::icon_study:

I don't remember being that hard on you.:dontknow:

Take care,



Believe that answers most people's questions about my , always polite, queries. :laughing7:

Joe Ribaudo

G'morning Barranca escondida, I would never break a lance with you, but you are mistaken, those are giants flailing their many arms in an attempt to frighten us off.:tongue3:
Don Jose de La Mancha

That's a swell cobollo there Hal.
Following his trail, up and over the fist to Canyon Lake for a drink.
There's some grass down by the marina, but no bridge to the other side.
Guess he'll have to swim. If he does, he'll get to see the "Mormon Map".
It's the one with the big "M" under it. But don't spread it around.


I am still waiting for that location.
But you are right. Tortilla Flat is where the horse belongs.

It might be that they are silver mines, five or six of them, that surround the "5" symbol.
"5" representing "silver".
To me, this map is telling us that whatever once was at these locations is now "cached" at the dot on the horses hind leg.
Difficult to say if its hidden in an old mine shaft, a cave, or just buried.

Or that dot could be part of something larger that is read once all the maps are in their correct position and scaled properly. Triangulation might be the final step.
Who knows.

A large amount ( in value ) of gold or silver can be hidden in a small place. It's yet to be proven what the map target is. Could be anything or nothing. Could be a special location. Or the stones could just be art work. Something to pass the time. Or the big one! Perhaps all the above.
For all of you what was the match that lit your fuse. I blame Canadians. Joe I know. A gold bar. Hal and the rest what was it? Come on you all have a story. This will be good just let it out. Just like group therapy. Just what was it that drove you over the edge. Obviously insane does not count. Even the insane have a reason why.

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Many thanks for all the kind words.

Perhaps it is simply attempts to spare the victim of those "poorly disguised" barbs from complete destruction of any pride they may have. You, on the other hand, obviously have no qualms in that regard. Unfortunately, for you, I still have enough pride in what I write to sign my name to the bottom of my posts.

Making such attacks on someone from the anonymity of an Internet name, is say the least.

No disguised sarcasm or disrespect in this post. There are many more minds out there who respect me, and my habit of holding the prevaricators feet to the fire.

Joe Ribaudo

Cowardly you say Heidi?

Single females tend to avoid putting their real names onto public internet posts. Unfortunately there are some people who will go to great lengths to try to track you down in real life and I have no time or desire to deal with that.

I stand by my earlier comments that your command of the english language is excellent while your character is far from.

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Cowardly you say Heidi?

Single females tend to avoid putting their real names onto public internet posts. Unfortunately there are some people who will go to great lengths to try to track you down in real life and I have no time or desire to deal with that.

I stand by my earlier comments that your command of the english language is excellent while your character is far from.


Sorry you find my character lacking. By all means keep sniping at me from anonymity. That shows real character.:dontknow:

Your nonsense means nothing to me.

Joe Ribaudo

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