The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Well Hal

That shoots your Tumlinson made the stones down the drain, Ohhh another treasure symbol thats a geographical feature in the field, Are you ready to submit or do you need a picture of the mine too.


I don't believe that Tumlinson made the stones and have argued against that idea, so I am not sure about your post. What I wrote was that I am looking for a connection between Tumlinson and the man that made the stones. Once I find that connection, well if I find that connection, we will have the complete story.

I unfortunately see nothing in your image that is clear enough to base a theory on. What is it that I should be submitting to this morning? Anyway, you are off to the races now and trying to present your case. That is a good start. Please just try to explain it in a way that we can follow along. And a photo of the mine (which mine?) would be great, as long as it is the correct mine... I am told that there are quite a few out there.

I look forward to submission.

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Hal,the stones are real I've seen all the locations but you won't believe me.I understand, my problem is that my life would be in jeprody for proof I will take you to the mountains and show you the markings.another way is we can meet and I will show you all the stone markings I have photos of all the stone markings .I can have you to write the book.
Take CareTom

I believe everyone, including you. But in order to be understood (if that is your goal) than you must lay out your ideas in such a way that we can follow along. That is not an easy task for anyone. Think about presenting at this years rendezvous. I am driving out on two wheels this fall for the event and hope to have the chance to explain my own ideas to those who know and will listen. I am looking forward to meeting you and sgtfda has kindly offered to help get you set up for a stay... something I hope you will consider. Keep going!


Ask Joe he knows { I,m the undisputed CHAMP! ) ( BOOM BABY ) (THE NECTURE) (THE JIUCE) I,m so good its sicking!



Why keep all this news to yourself?

I am beginning to understand you now and wonder how you find the strength to keep returning. Has the entire experience been like this?
God bless you.

By the way, I did find the carved horse on my last trip out. Much larger than I imagined, but it is there. Please keep this confidential.


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Who? YO, I.
What am I if I travel beyond the Salt River?
Everything on the stones is intentional. Even the placement of words.

He also had a sense of humor.

Hal it just occurred to me the horses ass looks like a heart in your photo.
I drove out here from Pa and would never do it again. It's amazing how much of the center of this country is a shithole. In Az riding on 2 wheels is a death sentence. Hell 4 wheels is not safe. 7 lanes of nutballs driving bumper cars. When they get on two lanes they can't figure out how it works.
God help you if you ever get in a car with a Canadian driving! They think their in England and drive on the wrong side of the road.

Hal it just occurred to me the horses ass looks like a heart in your photo.
I drove out here from Pa and would never do it again. It's amazing how much of the center of this country is a shithole. In Az riding on 2 wheels is a death sentence. Hell 4 wheels is not safe. 7 lanes of nutballs driving bumper cars. When they get on two lanes they can't figure out how it works.
God help you if you ever get in a car with a Canadian driving! They think their in England and drive on the wrong side of the road.

and I thought it was just me thinking everyone was out to kill me with a car...
been hit three times on two, make that time was my fault...head on with a suburban up in oakcreek on a R-90S...oops.

SC there was a guy sitting in the middle of the 101 the other day. His bike was hit. His leg was pointing up to his head
I was up Oak Canyon way Sun. That stain is still on the road

Why keep all this news to yourself?

I am beginning to understand you now and wonder how you find the strength to keep returning. Has the entire experience been like this?
God bless you.

By the way, I did find the carved horse on my last trip out. Much larger than I imagined, but it is there. Please keep this confidential.

That's a swell cobollo there Hal.
Following his trail, up and over the fist to Canyon Lake for a drink.
There's some grass down by the marina, but no bridge to the other side.
Guess he'll have to swim. If he does, he'll get to see the "Mormon Map".
It's the one with the big "M" under it. But don't spread it around.


"God help you if you ever get in a car with a Canadian driving! They think their in England and drive on the wrong side of the road."

How would you know Frank ? Which side of the road I was using ?
You had your head down, praying the whole way.


Why keep all this news to yourself?

I am beginning to understand you now and wonder how you find the strength to keep returning. Has the entire experience been like this?
God bless you.

By the way, I did find the carved horse on my last trip out. Much larger than I imagined, but it is there. Please keep this confidential.


I have made the mistake of posting what I believe to be fact. That rubs many people the wrong way, and it brings the lesser among us out from under their rocks. Although it's been said that I try to run folks, who don't believe as I do, off the forums, it's not true at all. I question people's "facts", and that does not set well with people like Matthew Kraig Roberts and WRM. In the past, questioning Mathew has caused him to delete all of his posts on the LDM Forum. On Peter's forum, he also deleted all of the topics he started, along with all anyone.

In the past, I couldn't understand why he would do that. Knowing his true history now, it makes more sense. His posting these days sticks to the history he knows, and we know, is factual. In that respect, some of this B.S. has been worth the trouble.

I am getting close to the end of my string with these forums as well as the LDM legend.

Thanks for the kind words.

Take care,


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I am getting close to the end of my string with these forums as well as the LDM legend..."

well...allow me to apologize for my behavior in the past...
I swear the first words I learned is "you don't know squat" I am a bit sensitive when people call me stupid an a fraud....
no excuse...sorry joe...loud an in public just like I insulted you.

Cactus, I frankly don't understand why anyone would take offence on legitimate questions? I remember you putting me through the mill on Tayopa for months, and frankly, I enjoyed it since I believe that I was able to come up with reasonably correct answers, or looked for the answer.

My attitude on any treasure is that if I can't answer a question, then I had better get back to doing my homework.

Don Jose de La Mancha


As I have said, I give as good as I get. I don't really mind people calling me a burro hole, or ridiculing my Stone Map theory or any of my other comments. I always consider the source. Most of my "facts" have a documented source.

Getting to know you here, has changed my attitude from the Mr. Wonderful I used to be, to a friend of Donald's.

I also apologize for my past, cutting, remarks.

Take care,


HI secret canyon: I would never call you stupid or a fraud, hmm err, weeeeel, shall we say a bit misnformed??:laughing7:

Seriously my friend, I cannot see where asking legitiment qustions is insulting.

Now back to that coffee-:coffee2::coffee2:

Cactus, I frankly don't understand why anyone would take offence on legitimate questions? I remember you putting me through the mill on Tayopa for months, and frankly, I enjoyed it since I believe that I was able to come up with reasonably correct answers, or looked for the answer.

My attitude on any treasure is that if I can't answer a question, then I had better get back to doing my homework.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Don Jose,

Exactly! Having your "facts" and theories challenged only makes you better. I welcome the questions, especially the ones I don't have an answer for.:icon_study::icon_study:

I don't remember being that hard on you.:dontknow:

Take care,



I received the package from you today. After having the local bomb sniffing dog check it out it was opened. :wink::laughing9: I was surprised to find Susan's book inside, especially so, as it had a nice inscription to you inside. That is something I would not, personally, find it easy to part with. As there was no note with it, I am unsure if it's a loan or gift. In either case, it's more than appreciated.:notworthy:

Thank you.

Take care,


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