The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Wayne check your pm. Worked it out. Get your boots shined. It's your turn


It doesn't really matter how the stones are turned, as long as they match the landscape.
They are easier to read with the direction of travel towards the top. I never could do the moon walk, and I don't see any reason to try it now.
The hat in the field has a hole in it, at the same place as the one just above the brim on the stone. It's shallow, and I didn't see anything inside when I climbed up for a look. I guess it's just a detail the guy added to help recognize other things that, otherwise, might be overlooked on the stones themselves.
Maybe a kind of "trick", like the chipped or "broken" ends of the Stone Crosses. One would assume these to be accidental, when in reality they were deliberate and match important features in the landscape.


I keep my boots shined all the time.
Just need a chance to use them again.


Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like we are reading in on a transcribed conversation between two international ham radio operators? Goldilocks, come in. Papa Bear over! The pearl is in the liver! Rodger that. 10 -4!
Honestly, I hope that you both find whatever it is that you think may be waiting for you.

Here is another symbol to consider. This arrow points to the number "5" on the map and also to the word RIO. Placed as I have done, this is a directional marker to the Salt River. The river is just beyond the number "5".


This is good. Perhaps all should post a photo

Mark Twain's ain't got nothing on me! I won first place with this jumbo jumper. Funny thing that stripes are back in fashion. I had hoped that they were gone forever... not very flattering for a kid with a personal floatation device attached to his waist. And that is probably just a candy bar in his front left pocket, because scale wise, it did not translate to adult life. Very exciting/ed.

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hi Mark / Marius, you definitely look youger than 76, congrats :hello2::icon_thumright::notworthy::coffee2:
Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. Looking at my picture - taken in 1948 - one would never realize that it is the same today, only 65 years later, showing that no booze, Broads, smoking, or drugs etc., does help.

Don Jose de La Mancha

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This is good. Perhaps all should post a photo

Back in the good old days ... ca 1958


Sure is nice to see who we have been debating with. I haven't really changed much, the pic on my avatar was taken 17 years ago when my plotts won the world championship hog bay in Sabinal, Texas.

Matt Roberts Al Resesr .webp

Myself on the left , Al Reser of Apache Junction on the right. Photo taken at my ranch northeast of New River, Arizona shortly before Al passed away.

Matthew K. Roberts

Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like we are reading in on a transcribed conversation between two international ham radio operators? Goldilocks, come in. Papa Bear over! The pearl is in the liver! Rodger that. 10 -4!
Honestly, I hope that you both find whatever it is that you think may be waiting for you.

Here is another symbol to consider. This arrow points to the number "5" on the map and also to the word RIO. Placed as I have done, this is a directional marker to the Salt River. The river is just beyond the number "5".


Interesting idea...:flag_green:

Frank has seen the light, and is now officially a STONER. :BangHead:
Just like the rest of us.....

View attachment Treasure Hunter.bmp

It's hard to slow them down when they find something important....

View attachment still lookin3.bmp


Goldilocks did you like Papa Bears gift? I like the GOLD in your name. Hal I believe you may be psychic and have predicted the future.

Goldilocks did you like Papa Bears gift? I like the GOLD in your name. Hal I believe you may be psychic and have predicted the future.

I honestly hope so, as I could use a few friends who can pick up the check once and a while.
Best of luck to both of you!

hey you remember the gold dust twins? in black canyon city?

That name sounds familiar, was that at the rock shop in Rock Springs. People there used to go up in the Bradshaw's prospecting and metal detecting every weekend of the year.
I've got some old photos of Superior I need to send you some time that will bring back some memories for you I'm sure.


That name sounds familiar, was that at the rock shop in Rock Springs. People there used to go up in the Bradshaw's prospecting and metal detecting every weekend of the year.
I've got some old photos of Superior I need to send you some time that will bring back some memories for you I'm sure.


Where did people hang out in superior in groups at.
I would like to do some MDing there.

I am sure they did down by the creek at the old club.
Any fields or open places.

Just to keep in the spirit of things.......

Joe Ribaudo

Looks like you should be holding a tommy gun Joe .
Might come in handy on the other thread .

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